"just looking?"

Ye Guhong was a little surprised.

"You don't want technology? You don't want anything? You just want to go up and have a look?"

"Yes, we don't want anything, we just go up and take a look!"

The representative from the big household country nodded immediately, and then emphasized again: "You can tell me how much it costs, as long as you can go up and take a look."

"This..." Ye Guhong didn't know what to say for the first time.

These big business owners don’t want to buy technology, they just want to check it out.

How much is appropriate?

He couldn't help turning his head and looked at each other with Tang Wensheng and Han Zhaoyu. Seeing the two of them looking at the same confusion, he immediately said to the representative of Oto Country: "Well, you guys wait a moment, we will find someone from the Aerospace Academy." Let a professional estimate it.”

"Okay." Of course, the representatives of the big-household countries couldn't have any opinions.

Then, Ye Guhong directly called Song Changming and asked him to join the video conference and discuss it.

"Lao Song, the representatives of these big companies said that they want their people to enter the space station for observation. If they just want to observe, how much does it cost to transport people to the space station alone?"

Ye Guhong asked directly.

Although he has decision-making power on many major matters, when it comes to professional matters, especially accounting matters, he still doesn't know the specific amounts.

Song Changming immediately said clearly: "In terms of price, the current cost of landing on the space station is only a few hundred million."

"It's less than one billion even if you count the trip back and forth."

"One billion?" Ye Guhong's eyes flashed.

"Yes, up to a billion."

Song Changming nodded, and then said with a smile: "But if you want to sell them the opportunity to enter the space station for observation, you definitely can't sell it at the cost price. These big investors are too rich, and I guess it won't be a problem to sell it to them for several times the price."

Ye Guhong nodded in agreement. Selling the opportunity to big investors to enter the space station is definitely impossible at cost price. What is the difference between that and doing charity?

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do charity.

But transporting personnel into the space station also involves some unknown risks.

For example, if something goes wrong midway, if they enter the space station and cause chaos, etc.

These risks are very high, so only by collecting money can both parties feel at ease.

If it were really free, these big players might even think that the country has some bad thoughts towards their people.

Then when he thought about how these big households were squandering money just now, Ye Guhong thought for a while, reconnected to the video screen with the representatives of the big households, and stretched out three fingers.

He wants to say it’s still three billion!

And it’s still a knife!

The cost of a round trip is only one billion Shang-Xia coins. Ask them to ask for three billion dollars, which is already dozens of times higher.

And three billion dollars is almost the cost of maintaining the space station for about a year.

In Ye Guhong's view, this price is already very low. If the other party agrees, the maintenance fee for the space station next year will be paid directly.

However, something unexpected and even shocking happened to him, Song Changming and others...

After seeing the three fingers extended by Ye Guhong, representatives from several large-scale countries did not even wait for Ye Guhong to speak. They just nodded slightly to each other and said:

"Thirty billion, right? It's also a very reasonable price. Dear Shang Xia, you are really generous and willing to provide us with such an opportunity. We express our heartfelt thanks!"

As he said that, several representatives also performed the central area etiquette to Ye Guhong and the others.

"..." Ye Guhong and Song Changming were all stunned for a moment.

Really confused!

How much do these big dogs want to pay?

Thirty billion?

Ye Guhong's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but said: "Well, how much did you say? Thirty billion?"

"Of course, 30 billion dollars to go into space once is a very reasonable price." The representative of the big company smiled slightly.

"..." Ye Guhong and the others were stunned again!

I was stunned!

I was stunned by the handiwork of these big dogs!

Thirty billion!

And it’s still a knife!

A total of thirty billion dollars! !

Ye Guhong and Song Changming couldn't help but look at each other in confusion.

You know, 30 billion dollars is enough for domestic aerospace research and development expenses for four to five years!

But these big dog owners...

I gave it to you without blinking an eye!

I just want my people to go to space and take a look at the scenery, but I don’t hesitate to spend 30 billion dollars! !

What the hell...

Is that human being? !

At this moment, Ye Guhong and others truly realized what the gap between rich and poor is!

They feel that three billion is already too much!

But it's a good thing for the big dogs, they ask for 30 billion!

Who can withstand this?

Even though Ye Guhong and the others were in high positions and handled a lot of various funds, they were still shocked by the generosity of these big dogs at this moment.

This way of spending money cannot be described as lavish, it is simply... indescribable.

It's really indescribable.

Just now I asked for ten mechas and already spent 30 billion knives. Now I actually took out another 30 billion knives to go into space.

In less than ten minutes, 60 billion knives were spent!

It's amazing!

Even though Ye Guhong and the others had known for a long time that these wealthy people were rich, at this time, they still felt that they had underestimated how wealthy these wealthy individuals were.

It's simply inhumane!

If you want to spend 30 billion dollars to buy a mecha, it's still reasonable.

After all, mechas are of great use. They can be said to be a deterrent armed force. If they buy them back, it is not an exaggeration to say that they can walk sideways in the central area.

But spending $30 billion just to take a look at space is a bit... excessive.

It’s really too much!

To put it bluntly, it means they want to take a trip to the space station.

Spending NT$30 billion on a trip and saying the price is very reasonable is exaggerated no matter how you think about it!

"Well, are you sure you can accept this price?"

After coming back to his senses, Ye Guhong tapped the table gently and suppressed the shock in his heart to confirm.

"Of course, you are right and so are we!"

The representatives of the big companies nodded one after another, and then looked at Ye Guhong and others with strange expressions on their faces. They seemed to be afraid that the country would not be satisfied with the price, so they immediately said:

"If you think there is a problem with this price, we can discuss it again until you are satisfied."

These words immediately made Ye Guhong and others twitch their mouths slightly.

To discuss again means to add more money.

Add until satisfied.


"Ahem, there's no need to negotiate anymore, just this price. Is there any problem with signing the contract directly?"

Ye Guhong waved his hand quickly.

This is enough. If I ask for more, my conscience will feel a little uncomfortable!

"No problem, we can sign the contract immediately."

Seeing Ye Guhong agree, the representatives of the big companies were even more excited than Ye Guhong and the others were making tens of billions of dollars.

I can't wait to sign the contract immediately.

As if they were afraid that the country would regret it, they didn't even ask when they would take them to the space station.

This performance made Ye Guhong and the others a little confused, but before they could think about it, they heard the representatives of the big family suddenly speak again.

"Dear Shang Xia, we would like to add an additional 60 billion dollars. I hope that when you land on the moon next time, you will also take us to the moon to have a look. Can you?"


Ye Guhong's heart skipped a beat again, and he raised his head and looked at these representatives of large households in disbelief.

Come again? ?

Thank you to the book friend 20240124231827342 for the reward. I have spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you!

I wish all brothers and sisters prosperity and prosperity. I bow to you all and thank you for your support!

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