A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 184 Let’s see what’s going on. We’re not trying to blow up the galaxy.

Ye Guhong felt that he was a little confused.

It’s really enlightening!

What do these big dog owners say?

Are you going to add another 60 billion dollars just to take them to the moon?

Is this serious?

Tang Wensheng, Song Changming and others on the side were also stunned by this sentence.

It's not enough to go to the space station, but also to the moon? ?

Spend $60 billion to go to the moon?

"Are you sure about this?"

Ye Guhong didn't know what to say.

Although the cost of going to the moon is much more than that of going to the space station, he was offered 60 billion knives and he didn’t even have the intention to bargain!

Because, this gives...

There are just too many!

Representatives of several large companies nodded immediately: "Yes, we also want to land on the moon. Now, strictly speaking, you, Shang Xia, are the only ones who have landed on the moon under the witness of the whole world. We want to be the second to land on the moon."

"Do you want fame??" Ye Guhong was very shocked!

Spend $60 billion just to be famous for landing on the moon?

"Yes, it is an honor to be one of the first countries to land on the moon." Representatives from large companies also nodded seriously.

"You guys..." Ye Guhong felt a little numb.

He really wanted to say that these big dog owners were full of food, right?

Spending so much money just to get a reputation?

"Dear Shang Xia, is it okay?"

The representatives of the big households all looked like they were trying to please the baby, looking at Ye Guhong with big innocent eyes, and at the same time added:

"If possible, we are also willing to provide you with some petroleum energy for free."

"Although you have mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, it seems that it will still take some time before it can be truly applied. It is still needed at this stage, and besides being an energy fuel, oil also has other uses."

"For example, petroleum can still be used for refining lubricants and asphalt, as well as some chemicals and plastic products."

The representatives of these large households appeared to be sincere.

Ye Guhong felt a little embarrassed.

This was money and free oil, so he was a little embarrassed to refuse.

Then, he glanced at Song Changming and asked Song Changming with his eyes whether he could agree to this. The latter nodded slightly at him.

Ye Guhong then turned to look at the representatives from several big-domiciled countries and said with a smile: "If you are so sincere in cooperating, then we will naturally be happy to help our friends, so let's add another contract."

"Great, dear Shang Xia, you are indeed very generous. I hope our friendship will last forever!"

After receiving Ye Guhong's approval, the representatives of the big household country became happy again.

Looking at Ye Guhong and others like this, they were a little confused.

More than 100 billion knives were spent at once. Except for the ten mechas that were useful, the remaining 90 billion knives could be said to be used for travel. How could we be happy?

Seeing the representatives of these big families dancing happily, Ye Guhong could only sigh with emotion, the thinking of rich people is really unpredictable!

Then let people draft the contract.

They will sign the contract directly after the representatives of the big customers get off the plane and arrive.

After signing the contract, at the request of the representatives of the major countries and in accordance with international etiquette, the two parties took a photo together, which was then sent to the official accounts by the commercial departments of both parties to commemorate this cooperation.

When the group photo and the general content of this collaboration were posted online, the entire Internet exploded.

"Damn it, even if you spent 30 billion dollars to buy a mecha, you actually spent an additional 90 billion dollars to travel to our space station and the moon?"

"No, why should they go to our space station? How is this possible?!"

"Upstairs, have your brains been eaten away? They spent 90 billion this time, or 90 billion dollars. Go to the space station and see what happened?"

"That's right, let alone going to the space station to see it, even building them an extra prayer room in the space station is fine!"

"Nothing wrong. Although people don't understand technology, they respect technology. We spent hundreds of billions of dollars on our place today. We just want to go to space and see it. We're not going to blow up the Milky Way. Why don't people see it?"

"I don't want technology, rockets, or spaceships. I just want to send a few people up there to have a look. Why doesn't it work? Look at it as hard as you can. You can look at it however you want!"

"It's just that the wealthy brothers from Oto country just want to take us on a ride to the space station and the moon, and they don't want to take the car away."

"Hey, for this price, you can even take the car away!"

"Ahem, you can't get the car, that's another price, you have to pay extra!"


Netizens all started a heated discussion, and they were all shocked by the big country's move.

"Well, have you noticed the smiles on the faces of the representatives from the big-domiciled countries when they took a group photo? They felt like they were getting a bargain."

Some sharp-eyed netizens quickly discovered some small details in the photo.

"Haha, I also discovered it, and it's not just them, our big guys also have the smiles of getting a big deal!"

"This scene feels a bit familiar. Both parties feel that they have taken a big advantage in the transaction..."

"We did take advantage, but what do they want? Is it really just to take a look at the scenery of the universe?"

"Who knows, anyway, this kind of thing is beneficial to us. The more the merrier, the big dogs are really well-deserved, they are so rich!"


In the different management bureau, after the contract was signed, the representatives from the big country directly called the money.

Full payment!

Look at the 120 billion knives that came into the account all at once!

Ye Guhong and Tang Wensheng were both stunned again.

This generosity is simply outrageous.

The mechas had not been delivered, and the date for going to the space station and the moon had not been determined, so the big buyers just transferred the full amount.

This pleasure made Ye Guhong always feel that these big dogs had some other ulterior motives.

However, no matter how much he and Tang Wensheng speculated, they were still unable to accurately grasp the purpose of these big players in the Central District.

As everyone knows, these big dogs do have other purposes for giving away money so simply.

And this purpose has only one purpose, and that is to make good friends with the country!

Yes, the purpose of the big players is so simple!

Now the domestic strength and development in all aspects are far ahead.

It has also mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, and will soon lose its dependence on oil.

At that time, the foundation for their survival will be shaken.

In addition, in terms of armed forces, the country has now developed such advanced mechas and is about to build an aerospace carrier. These have made big players feel that China will definitely be the strongest player in Blue Star in the future.

Moreover, there are still aliens on the moon, and the entire Blue Star may enter the interstellar age in the near future.

By then, there is a high probability that the small country will have no chance to turn around at all, so they are actually looking for someone to hold on to in the future, so they will make this move of giving away money almost for free to please the country.

They just want to grasp the domestic market in advance so that they will not be eliminated when entering the interstellar era.

It's just that this kind of thinking is definitely impossible to confess directly now.

That's why people feel that what they are doing now is incredible.

In the Academy of Sciences, Lin Yang was also a little surprised when he saw the news that suddenly became a hot topic.

It's really shocking that those big dogs are so rich, but it's not completely unacceptable. After all, they have monopolized the oil in the Central District for so many years.

However, spending so much money just for a trip is a bit outrageous.

He also felt that the big dog owners in the Central District must have other reasons for doing this.

Otherwise, even if they have more money than they can use up, they won't squander it so casually.

However, he also couldn't imagine the reason why these big dog owners did this.

Then he took the initiative to communicate with Ye Guhong and others, and found that they could not understand the thoughts and purposes of these big guys. Lin Yang simply gave up and started preparing to display another high-end mecha.

These big dog owners have nothing but money and insufficient armed forces. Even if they have other purposes, they can't cause any trouble.

Of course, if he were to know what those big players really think now, he would definitely praise that these big dogs are still very discerning and would start clinging to the domestic market now.

Afterwards, the live broadcast continued.

The hot searches are also changed accordingly.

Because, the other mecha that started to be displayed in the live broadcast room was really...

It's the end of the month, please donate some tickets, woo woo woo woo...

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