In the live broadcast room, the scene changes.

It's no longer the interior of the room, but in front of a lake.

A mecha was suspended directly above the lake.

In terms of size, this mecha is not that big.

But the pressure it brings is not small at all.

Just the suspended posture makes people unable to take their eyes off it.

Human beings have had infinite yearning and desire for flying since ancient times.

Research on various flying devices has never been interrupted.

But throughout ancient times, there is still no flying device that allows people to fly freely in the blue sky.

Airplanes and the like can only be said to be passenger vehicles and cannot allow people to fly freely.

So anything that can enter flight mode is very eye-catching.

Even mechas, as a science fiction concept, do not have the function of free flight in their usual designs.

Because its overall shape and huge body are not enough to support its free flight.

To be precise, it is not suitable for free flying at high altitudes.

It can be seen from Sakura's mecha that even if the propulsion engine is forcibly increased to fly into a high altitude, it cannot fly freely and can only rely on free fall to return to the ground.

In the final analysis, the mecha was originally designed for strong ground combat capabilities.

The huge body is extremely destructive and can be filled with various super weapons.

As for the air battlefield, it is left to fighter jets.

After all, the body of the mecha is too big. To fly freely, not to mention the extremely high technical difficulty, the cost of flying alone is a huge problem.

You can't fill the mecha's body with fuel, right?

In that case, most of the combat ability will be lost, which is not worth the loss.

If you want to have strong ground combat capabilities, you must not be able to take into account other aspects.

There are gains and losses.

However, now, this mecha is suspended above the lake, and everyone who sees it is shocked.

This was because the mecha, which was suspended above the lake, did not make too much noise, and its body was extremely stable.

This is somewhat beyond the understanding of the existing scientific system.

As we all know, the bigger something is, the more it consumes to keep it flying. It is even more difficult to keep it suspended.

But this mecha was floating quietly above the lake.

This picture looks really impactful.

"There are no wings or propellers like a helicopter. This thing just stays in the air. How on earth does it do that?"

"I didn't see any propulsion device from the outside of the mecha. It didn't even make any noise. It can actually fly in the air. This technology is a bit too powerful!"

Everyone was shocked by this suspended mecha.

Not only ordinary netizens were shocked, but relevant experts were even more horrified!

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Ordinary netizens only know that it is difficult to make a mecha fly. As for how difficult it is, they can't tell clearly.

But when the relevant experts looked at this suspended mecha, the shock in their hearts was simply indescribable.

They couldn't figure out how this mecha solved the power problem.

Giving a mecha the ability to fly and levitate is a huge test for the power system.

In addition to power, there are also material issues.

To maintain such a flying and suspended state, there must be strong power support, and super strong power will inevitably lead to overheating of the material, which in turn triggers another problem, that is, heat dissipation.

But this mecha doesn't have any heat dissipation device at all.

Let alone the heat dissipation device, you can't even see the power device.

Everything about this mecha is beyond the knowledge of experts.

It can be said that the advanced ones are scary!

However, just when everyone was shocked that this mecha could fly, Sakura's people directly expressed different opinions.

"Hmph, it's all fancy. It's done like this. It's lost the essence of the mecha. It's focused on flight. This mecha is useless. It will definitely no longer have strong combat capabilities. It's just a useless thing."

"That's right, mechas don't need any flying ability in the first place. What they need is absolute suppression in land combat. To force such a huge thing to fly is putting the cart before the horse!"

"This is sensationalism!"

Sakura's people didn't even try to cover up, and went directly to the live broadcast room to make various questioning remarks.

Such obviously questioning behavior actually made the administrator of the live broadcast room a little embarrassed.

If these guys are pretending to be trolls who deliberately set the pace like they did before, then they can just block them without saying a word.

But now this group of Sakura people came directly to express doubts. If they were banned, it would appear that they could not tolerate the voices of doubt.

This makes it easier for people to get the handle.

After all, this is an official live broadcast room, so you still need to have the generosity you should have.

"Made, these little Baga are really capable of looking for trouble. This is not their mecha. Whether it has combat capability or not is none of their business!"

"That's right, our own mecha can be made into whatever we want. Not to mention that it hasn't really started to be displayed yet. Even if it really has no combat capability, just for the ability to fly, it's enough for us to look at it and it's pleasing to the eye. ”

"Yes, in terms of combat capabilities, the basic mecha has been demonstrated just now. This flying mecha may be specially designed to meet the needs of individual flight."

"Damn Xiao Baga, I advise you to stop looking for trouble. Your own pile of scrap metal is of no use, and now you are jealous of us. It's really funny."

Of course, domestic netizens were not polite and responded one after another.

However, Sakura's people have always held the idea that mecha flying is putting the cart before the horse, and they have been nagging and emphasizing it repeatedly.

It annoys people so much.

But just when Sakura's guy was deliberately looking for trouble.

The next moment, I suddenly saw the suspended mecha start to move.

At the same time, a synthesized mechanical sound sounded.

"Hello to all netizens who are watching the live broadcast, I am the intelligent assistant system. Now I will explain to you our first high-end mecha."

"This mecha is codenamed: Blade of Dawn."

"The Blade of Dawn has powerful flight combat capabilities. It is different from mechas in the traditional sense. This is a future-level combat mecha developed by my creator."

"Its body size is smaller than that of traditional mechas, but it will be more flexible. Its body material is tempered with future-level technology and can withstand ultra-high heat and extremely low cold. It can survive in any extreme Fight normally under the environment.”

"Flying is just the most common and basic function of the Blade of Dawn."

"Next, Dawn Blade will start showing off air combat and land combat respectively."

"The first thing to be demonstrated is the Dawn Blade's anti-air combat capability."

"Dawn Blade, please show your aerial combat capabilities."

After the synthesized mechanical voice finished speaking, a softer and more pleasant mechanical voice came from the mecha.

"Dawn Blade received, air strike, start now."


As the sound rang out, the entire mecha body of Dawn Blade instantly rose into the sky.

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