A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 186 Is this still a mecha? This is a harvester!

At the same time, a pair of steel wings suddenly appeared behind the Blade of Dawn.

The mecha, which was still in a suspended state just now, rushed directly to a thousand meters in the air in just one second.

Such an exaggerated speed caused the pupils of those watching to shrink.

The next moment, Dawn Blade's mecha arm spread out and fired a cannonball.

But this cannonball is different from ordinary cannonballs.

What appeared after the launch was not an ordinary cannonball, but a dazzling blue light mixed with the flicker of electric light.

Then, the dazzling blue light shot straight into the sky!

Everyone watching this unusual scene was in a daze, wondering how the fired shells could be blue light.

But then, someone exclaimed.

"Holy shit, is this an ion cannon? A conceptual ion cannon?"

When someone recognized that the blue light attack was suspected to be an ion cannon, everyone's scalp went numb instantly.

Although this attack did not target a specific target, the moment the ion cannonball appeared, no one dared to doubt the power of this cannonball!

The Dawn Blade continued to fly and hover in the air at various angles, showing its powerful free flight ability, and finally landed steadily back on the lake.

The steel wings also shrank, but the amazing thing was that after shrinking, it was completely invisible that there was a pair of wings behind it.

"The Dawn Blade's anti-air combat capabilities have been demonstrated. Please give instructions."

The sound came from inside the mecha again.

The synthesized voice of the intelligent assistant system also sounded: "What you just saw is a partial display of the Dawn Blade's anti-air combat capabilities."

"Dawn Blade, please continue to show your land combat capabilities."

"Okay, Dawn Blade received it."

The mecha started up again and fell from above the lake to the ground.

The steel wings unfolded again, but this time they were no longer wings, but turned into the shape of a cannon barrel. Two cannonballs were fired one after another and fell into the ground in the distance, directly creating two mushroom clouds.

In addition to the ion cannon device just now, a steel blade with a cold light appeared on the arm of the mecha.

As the arm waved, the sharp blade directly cut off a nearby tree that was big enough for two people to surround themselves.

The big tree fell down, and smoke filled the air instantly, blocking people's sight.

At this moment, the mecha's eyes lit up, emitting two streams of red light, like a beacon in the dark night.

Immediately, the red light shot out, directly turning the trunk of the fallen tree into flying ash.

Seeing this scene, a gasp came from the live broadcast room.

"Holy shit, is this a laser?"

"Hoo ah, the lasers are out?"

Everyone was stunned.

Although the aerial combat demonstration just now was not much, it was enough to show the flexibility of this mecha in the air.

Especially the flying speed, it’s terrifyingly fast!

Air combat is all about speed and the power of weapons.

The speed is already incredible, not to mention the ion cannon shells, which are still in concept.

The outrageous speed, ultra-high flexibility, and ion cannonballs in the concept make this anti-air strike capability invincible.

The mecha's eyes can now also fire lasers.

The sharp blade on the arm seemed to be used for close combat, and its sharpness was staggering.

Just showing it here is enough to show how powerful the Dawn Blade is.

So comprehensive!

There are varying degrees of thermal weapons on the body, as well as sharp blades specially prepared for close combat.

The combat ability is really too comprehensive.

And this is not the end yet.

The next moment, the Blade of Dawn made a light jump and sank directly into the lake.

Then it soared into the sky again.

There was not a single drop of water on the mecha's body.

"The Blade of Dawn can not only fight in the air and on land, but also has the ability to fight underwater. Its material is completely waterproof and anti-corrosion."

The mechanical sound of the assistant system sounded again at the right time to explain to everyone.

While everyone was shocked, the assistant system said again:

"In addition, the Blade of Dawn also has the capability of stealth combat. Its built-in system can block Blue Star's most advanced radar and infrared detection. It also supports optical stealth, and can also add stealth paint, within a few dozen meters. Outside, it’s almost invisible to the human eye.”

"At the same time, there is a more advanced autonomous combat system in the Dawn Blade. It can conduct a series of operations without a driver until its own power is exhausted or its ammunition is exhausted."

"Of course, Dawn Blade also supports fighting together with the driver to better cope with the ever-changing battle situation."

"Dawn Blade's autonomous combat system also supports combat capability writing."

"Parties can write their own fighting and other combat skills into Dawn Blade's autonomous combat system. It will automatically learn and conduct preset combat in unmanned mode."

"The Dawn Blade's autonomous combat capability currently has a battery life of twelve hours and can be upgraded in the future."

The words of the assistant system were like thunder on the ground, making everyone dizzy.

You can fight independently!

Support unmanned combat!

You can also learn various combat fighting techniques!

You can also fight invisibly!

The battery life is up to twelve hours!

This is simply ridiculously strong!

"Mom, is this still a mecha? This is simply a human life harvester!"

"The all-round combat capabilities of the sea, land and air, as well as the super thermal weapons that are still in concept. If nothing else, let's talk about that ion cannon. I am afraid that even the most powerful fighters and ordinary aircraft carriers cannot withstand it. Bar!"

"When an ion cannon shell is fired, whatever it is will be destroyed. There shouldn't be anything on Blue Star that can completely block the power of the ion cannon, right?"

"This is a bit too strong, and can even be said to be unbelievable. After all, it also has a long battery life and an unmanned combat mode. You only need to command this thing from home to enter the battlefield without worrying about the loss of personnel. Easily harvest the battle."

"It's against the heavens, it's really against the heavens!"

Everyone was shocked, even frightened, by the powerful combat ability of the Blade of Dawn.

Even Sakura, who was questioning just now, is now silent.

Because the unmanned combat mode is really a bit outrageous.

With a battery life of up to twelve hours, with the abnormal speed that the Blade of Dawn showed just now, it can almost be said that it can fly to any country and fight without casualties.

Who can easily afford this price?

They didn't dare to question easily anymore.

After all, if they anger the country and accidentally send a Dawn Blade over, they won't be able to deal with it!


Global silence!

No one in the Western countries dared to say that the impact brought by the Blade of Dawn was too great.

Although the aerospace carrier is also very powerful and more suitable for large-scale operations, it has not yet been built.

But the Blade of Dawn is different. This thing can kill at any time.

The impact of seeing it with your own eyes and hearing it are completely different.

Just imagining the scene of Dawn Blade going about its killing spree is terrifying.

At present, it can be said that there is basically nothing in the entire Blue Star that can rival this thing!

Some countries immediately started to tremble!

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