A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 188 The real purpose, killing two birds with one stone

After listening to Lin Yang's words, Ye Guhong and others thought about it a little, and they all understood the truth behind it.

"Classmate Lin, you are still thinking long-term and thoughtfully." Chu Tiankuo gave Lin Yang a thumbs up.

Ye Guhong's eyes also flickered slightly: "Now they are busy upgrading their own technology. When they realize that they don't have enough resources, they will indeed attack those big countries that have resources but no strength."

As he said that, he looked at Lin Yang and showed a smile:

"Now by selling the Blade of Dawn to those big-house countries, we can get their stored resources, and when they turn around and face the demands of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, the Blade of Dawn can be used as the foundation to save them from war."

"In this way, they will be grateful to us. This can be described as killing two birds with one stone!"

"This plan is really high!"

His admiration for Lin Yang was also revealed in his words.

He is obviously not very old, but his planning methods are eye-catching.

"Ye Laomiao praises it. This can only be said to be mutual benefit and everyone gets what they need." Lin Yang waved his hand.

"Haha, classmate Lin is so humble. This plan is really good." Ye Guhong laughed loudly.

Not only can the mecha be exchanged for resources in the hands of the big country, but it can also make the big country look back and be grateful.

Although there is no need for such gratitude, it does not hurt to let these wealthy and wealthy countries spontaneously feel that they owe the country a favor.

Lin Yang smiled and then said: "Not only the big countries can spread the news, but also ordinary small countries, as long as they provide resources and are willing to provide resources, the Dawn Blade mecha can be sold to them."

"Although those small countries are not strong overall, they all have hundreds of years of history. They must have a lot of good things in their hands. This time, I will try my best to loot them all."

"Rather than letting Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan snatch it back, we might as well get it ourselves and use it!"

At this point, Lin Yang paused for a moment, showed an inexplicable smile, and said slowly: "When Bumei and the others reacted and wanted to grab resources, they found that all the small countries that were easily accessible before were already there. With the Dawn Blade here, they will probably have a headache.”

These words immediately made the hearts of Ye Guhong and others jump, and they all looked at Lin Yang with wide eyes.

"Good guy, it turns out that your ultimate goal, Mr. Lin, is this. One of them is to get resources. The most important thing is to confuse the situation!"

"Haha, almost."

Lin Yang smiled slightly.

"Not pretty, they have done a lot of things over the years, covertly and openly. Now if the small country has an armed force that gives them a headache, they will definitely not be able to rest at ease. The small country will definitely want to take revenge, so let them mess with each other. Let’s do it, let’s take the opportunity to develop something ourselves!”

"Good guy, really good guy!"

At this time, Ye Guhong and others were completely stunned.

Everyone was shocked by Lin Yang's plan.

After working on it for a long time, I was actually playing such a big game of chess!

"No wonder you specifically demonstrated the combat capabilities of the Dawn Blade. I said before that we should keep such a powerful weapon secretly as our trump card. Now it seems that you have a plan."

Chu Tiankuo patted his forehead and said with great joy: "It seems that my position as the dean of the Armed Forces Department should be given to you! You are really a natural fit for fighting!"

"Your plan is simply terrifying. Compared with you, I feel that I am still too conservative. I only want to keep it for myself, instead of thinking about using the Blade of Dawn to launch a big wave."

Chu Tiankuo stared at Lin Yang. At this moment, he really felt that Lin Yang was like the reincarnation of the God of Death.

This move is too cruel!

Lin Yang chuckled and did not answer, but turned to look at Zhao Zizhen.

He had a premonition that Zhao Zizhen would react to something Chu Tiankuo said just now.

Sure enough, Zhao Zizhen glared at Chu Tiankuo almost as a reflex: "What do you mean by being born suitable for fighting? Classmate Lin is a natural scientific research talent!! Don't try to trick Classmate Lin!"

Lin Yang couldn't help but laugh.

Zhao Zi was so afraid that he would be snatched away by another hospital that he almost reacted instinctively.

Chu Tiankuo rolled his eyes at Zhao Zizhen angrily: "I just said it so casually, why are you so excited? Is there something wrong with you?"

"...You are the only one who is sick." Zhao Zizhen was speechless and replied dully.

"Okay, you two should say less. Since Mr. Lin already has a clear plan and goal, then just follow what Mr. Lin said. But I still have a question."

Ye Guhong rubbed his eyebrows, stopped Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo from continuing to argue, and turned to look at Lin Yang:

"Classmate Lin, you just said that the most direct countermeasure is to leave a backdoor in the mecha system, so that the mecha cannot attack us. Will this backdoor be cracked?"

Having said that, he seemed to feel something was wrong, and quickly added: "Of course, I am not doubting your technical strength, Mr. Lin, but this matter is very important, so I have to be cautious, and I ask for your forgiveness."

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome, Mr. Ye. You can rest assured that the backdoor of the mecha system is not mine. Even if I give them a hundred years, they will never be able to crack it, and they won't even be able to discover what I left behind." Down the back door!”

He changed the combat system in the mecha from the system mall, and then improved it himself. Not to mention those small countries, even the most powerful team of elite masters from Blue Star could not even think of cracking it.

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words. Then I will go and talk to the representatives of the big household country now. Let's stop here for this meeting."

Ye Guhong breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at Lin Yang, then ended the video conference, and immediately went to negotiate terms with the big investors.

Even he was frightened by Lin Yang's plan. At the same time, he also let Ye Guhong know that this must be discussed.

Only by making the West anxious can the country develop stably.

And the negotiation went smoothly.

It can be said that the big country has no reason to refuse!

They are not qualified to go to Tiangong Base to exchange technology and resources. The resources in their hands are just fat in the eyes of powerful countries.

They themselves know this very well.

Therefore, when Ye Guhong put forward the conditions, the big country agreed without even thinking about it!

Exchanging resources for armed forces is extremely cost-effective for a large country!

Then the two parties sign the contract again.

Then, when the new transaction cooperation was revealed, it once again shocked the entire network.

At the same time, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's joint office building.

The people in their two countries finally reacted to the cooperation between the country and the big country.

The resources stored in the hands of the big country for nearly a hundred years are about to change hands!

"damn it!"

"These damn Shangxia guys, how dare they take advantage of those resources!"

"The resources of those big-household countries should be ours!"

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