People who are not pretty and Kodaka-chan were immediately furious.

During this period, they faced the oppression and exploitation by the alien commander at Tiangong Base. The reason why they could continue to endure it was because they knew that those small countries still had a lot of resources in their hands.

The small country does not have the strength to exchange supplies with the Tiangong base. In the minds of the official leaders of Bumei and Kotaka-chan, those resources belong to them.

It’s something they can take and ask for at any time!

In the eyes of the two countries, the small country is just a warehouse to store resources for them.

But now, the country is using the Dawn Blade mecha to exchange resources from small countries, which makes them completely angry.

From the perspective of the two countries, China is taking something from their back garden!

"Damn Shang Xia, they even sell powerful mechas like Dawn Blade!"

The person in charge who is not pretty is extremely popular.

When they saw Dawn Blade displaying its combat capabilities just now, to be honest, neither they nor Kotaka-chan's people paid much attention to it.

Because they subconsciously feel that a killer weapon of this level is definitely impossible to sell in China.

Displaying combat capabilities is nothing more than a declaration of force, letting people know how powerful they are.

This kind of killer weapon can be used as a trump card in any country.

This is the case even in their two countries.

Therefore, although they were shocked by how powerful the Blade of Dawn was, the country was developing too fast during this period, and they were somewhat used to it.

At most, it's just a bit sour and jealous.

But I never expected that Blade of Dawn would be sold in China!

Once such a super combat weapon is sold, its meaning will immediately change!

Because the powerful combat capability displayed by the Blade of Dawn can completely determine the outcome of a small to medium-sized war!

In some ordinary small countries, a Blade of Dawn is enough for them to dominate the surrounding area!

Even Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan would feel uncomfortable facing the Blade of Dawn.

Once this thing launches a self-destructive attack with the belief that there will be no return, even the two countries will have to pay a huge price to stop it!

This is no joke!

After the combat capabilities of Dawn Blade were demonstrated in the live broadcast room just now, relevant expert teams from the two countries immediately analyzed it.

If the Dawn Blade carries out a self-destruction attack, there is a high probability that it can only rely on continuous missile bombardment to barely stop the Dawn Blade until it loses its combat capability or ends its endurance.

And in the process, they may pay an extremely heavy price.

Because the Blade of Dawn is too flexible and too fast, if you are really determined to carry out a mutual destruction attack, just two ion cannons fired at a big city will be a disaster!

They simply cannot afford this price!

In the past, they could exploit small countries at will or find reasons to attack small countries and take whatever they wanted. That was because small countries did not have any power that they were afraid of.

But if all small countries have the Blade of Dawn, even if it doesn't take many, just one is enough to make them use it as a weapon!

"Damn Shang Xia, he's so calculating!"

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan was also so angry that veins popped out on his forehead.

There are now rumors about the sale of the Blade of Dawn in the country. Not only the big players and small countries in the Central District are buying it like crazy, but even the small countries that are not that rich have placed orders one after another!

Those small countries have to place orders!

After all, if other small countries around them have the Blade of Dawn, but they don't, then you can imagine what will happen with your toes.

Therefore, all small countries with some money or resources are ordering Dawn Blade mechas from China!

Some small countries are voluntary and proactive, such as the big dog owners in the Central District.

But some people are completely forced by the situation and have to buy it!

As the Dawn Blade mecha was ordered, the country also gained a lot of resources!

It can be said that all the savings of those small countries were spent.

And in order to prevent Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang from attacking those small countries during the domestic production of Blade of Dawn.

This order directly adopts the prepayment model. As long as there is intention to order, the country will send a special plane to the corresponding small country to transport the resources back first.

Extremely efficient!

There was no time for Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan to react.

So, when Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan reacted, they were so angry that they exploded.

The resources of those small countries have been taken away by the country in advance. Even if they want to vent their anger, they have no place to vent their anger!

They currently don't have the guts to cause trouble at home.

There is no use in venting one's anger on small countries.

The resources of the small country have been taken away from the country. If they go to vent their anger now, not only will they not get the resources, but they will also worry about the small country using the Blade of Dawn to retaliate with death!

It can be said that Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan have fallen into an unprecedented difficult situation this time!

Originally, they planned to use the resources of small countries to complete their plan to exploit resources on alien planets.

Now, the plan has failed!

They exchanged all their country's resources for technology with Tiangong Base, but now they have no resources to support them in building mining spaceships!

This kind of frustration makes people who are not beautiful and Kodaka-chan feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I always feel that we might have been tricked by that alien commander!"

A faint light flashed in the eyes of the person in charge of Kodaka-chan, and he suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?" The person in charge of Not Pretty frowned.

"The alien commander was biased towards Shang Xia from the very beginning. He might have secretly joined forces with Shang Xia to deliberately deprive us of our resources. After he had deprived us of almost all of our resources, he used this mecha to kill us. The path has led to the fact that now we can neither advance nor retreat!"

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan spoke quietly, with a kind of uncontrollable anger.

"Otherwise, how could they, Shang Xia, have so much materials to build mechas, space carriers, and now also build space elevators? Now I am very suspicious that the alien commander secretly gave Shang Xia resources !”

The person in charge of Not Beautiful was stunned for a moment, and then became very angry: "Then what should we do now? We can't just swallow this breath!"

A glint flashed in the eyes of the person in charge of Kodaka-chan: "If there is one alien, there must be more aliens!"

"Do you want to..." Bu Meilian was suddenly shocked.

"What happened now is what they forced us to do!" the person in charge of Kotaka-chan said coldly, "We can't just sit back and wait for death!"

The person in charge of Not Pretty lowered his head slightly, was silent for a moment, then raised his head again, with a stern look in his eyes: "Okay, start Plan Y!"

At the same time, everyone here in China is in a good mood.

This time relying on the Blade of Dawn, not only did they gain extraordinary international reputation, but also a large amount of resources and money.

You don’t have to worry about any resources in the short term!

Lin Yang himself also received a sudden prompt from the system.

The system prompt this time made Lin Yang a little...

Thank you to Brother Huangfu Yeyun for the 588 coins reward. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you great wealth and prosperity. I bow to you!

I wish all readers, brothers and sisters get rich, and I bow to you all!

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