"Congratulations to the host. Because you built a super mecha and crushed Sakura's technological products of the same series, causing a huge blow to it. You have been super worshiped by the people of your country. You have received a reward of 500 reputation points."

"Due to the special bond of hatred between the host's country and the historical background of Sakura Country, the host's reputation value has been increased tenfold, and the reputation value gained this time has been increased to 5,000 points."

"Since the host has the title of being respected by thousands of people, you will receive an additional 500 reputation points. Your current reputation value is: 53,150 points."

"Congratulations to the host. Because you have developed a super mecha that far exceeds the current technological power of the planet and sold it to other countries, it has caused changes in the situation of some countries on the current planet and will soon trigger some corresponding chain reactions."

"Your move will change the current situation of all countries, which has caused the current planet's superpowers to resent you. You have received a special limited-time title: Creator of Chaos."

"Chaos Creator: The current situation on the planet has become unpredictable due to your actions. During the existence of this title, you will receive some random rewards."

"Congratulations to the host. Since you have had a huge impact on part of the current situation on the planet, which may bring some extreme dangers, you have activated a special series of missions: Planet Guardian."

"Planet Protection (Phase 1): Due to some of your actions, there may be a crisis of invasion by unknown extraterrestrial civilizations. When the invasion comes, please protect your home planet."

"After completing the mission, you will receive a permanent special title: Guardian of the Planet, as well as a huge mission reward. If you fail to protect your home planet after the invasion of an unknown civilization, you may become an interstellar exile."

"Please note, host, that you need to develop technological power as soon as possible to deal with the invasion of unknown civilization that may come in the future."

"Congratulations to the host. The mecha you built has led the global armed forces into a new mecha era. You have received a reward of 100,000 national treasures and a little achievement point."


This time the system prompt was a bit long, and the content of the prompt made Lin Yang a little confused.

"System, wait a minute, what did you say? There may be an unknown civilization that will invade my planet??"

Lin Yang felt a little numb. He had heard the previous reward prompts many times and had no interest in them anymore.

But the following few prompts instantly cheered him up.

"Yes, host, but it's just a possibility, not a certainty. This system is just reminding the host that maybe you need to take some precautions now."

"Haha, System, be honest, do you know something inside?" Lin Yang didn't believe what the dog system said at all.

This dog system will never say such invisible things for no reason.

Since it was prompted, there must be a reason.

Could it be that Blue Star has now been discovered by a more advanced technological civilization and is preparing to invade?

"Sorry, host, regarding the possibility of invasion by unknown civilization, this system cannot give you a definite reply. Your planet is about to enter a first-level civilization. If there is a cosmic signal emitted, it may be spied on by advanced civilizations and trigger crisis."

"Oh...you mean that it hasn't been discovered by advanced civilization yet?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

"This system is uncertain."

"...Your uncle!" Lin Yang was speechless, and then asked a different question: "You just said that if you emit cosmic signals, you may be spied on, so if you don't emit signals, the risk of exposure will be greatly reduced?"

"Yes, host, you can understand that."

"Then I will go and launch the cosmic signal when I have enough time to eat. I definitely won't launch it!" Lin Yang said angrily.

"But host, just because you don't transmit does not mean that others do not transmit. According to the monitoring of this system, similar cosmic signals have been emitted on your planet."

However, the system's words immediately chilled Lin Yang's heart.

"Hey, someone sent a cosmic signal?"

Lin Yang was shocked!

He knew it!

This dog system will never suddenly say something like there may be an invasion of alien civilization for no reason!

The truth is that someone has already launched a cosmic signal that may be detected by alien civilization!

No wonder this dog system suddenly reminded him to develop technological power quickly to prevent alien invasion!

"You've detected the cosmic signal. You should intercept it. Even if you can't intercept it on your own initiative, just tell me and I'll intercept it!"

Lin Yang was really speechless.

This dog system is simply an afterthought!

"Host, the cosmic signal is emitted only in an instant. It is difficult to intercept it, unless there is a signal shielding device. Even if this system tells you at the moment it is detected, there is no way to intercept it in time."

"..." Lin Yang took a deep breath. Now that the matter was over, he was too lazy to say anything else to the system and directly asked the key question:

"Who launched the cosmic signal? To launch a cosmic signal, you must have the corresponding equipment. It must not have been launched privately, right? Was it launched by some Western country?"

If you want to transmit cosmic signals, just equipping those super signal transmitting devices is a huge expense, and it is impossible for ordinary people to have that strength.

Because some things are not sold to individuals at all!

It can even be said that there are not many countries that can transmit cosmic signals!

He didn't even wait for the system to answer before he already had a suspect.

"Isn't it beautiful or is it Sakura?"

His mecha crushed Sakura's hope of relying on the mecha to rise again. Sakura may be sending out cosmic signals with the idea of ​​joining the aliens.

But Bu Mei, they have been squeezed so hard by their status as alien commanders, and now their way to get resources from small countries has been cut off. It is also very likely that they will rise up and find other aliens to break the current situation. idea.

The system was very straightforward this time and said generously: "The cosmic signal was emitted from the direction of Bubii and Kodaka-chan's joint office building. They continuously emitted multiple high-intensity cosmic signals of different frequencies. These signals are likely to Detected by advanced extraterrestrial technological civilization.”

"It's indeed them!"

Lin Yang sighed. He was not surprised at all by the answer. Then he asked:

"System, is there any way to interfere with the cosmic signals that have been emitted, or hide the coordinates of the Blue Star so that advanced technological civilizations cannot follow those cosmic signals to find this place?"

"Sorry host, the cosmic signals that have been emitted cannot be interfered for the time being. As for hiding the coordinates, it is also difficult to do. Those cosmic signals are like beacons in the darkness for advanced alien civilizations. If they are really detected by some powerful advanced civilizations At this point, they can instantly lock the Blue Star’s position.”

"This..." Lin Yang felt complicated.

"Host, you don't have to worry too much. It's still unknown whether those cosmic signals can be detected by alien civilizations. You can improve your current technological strength as soon as possible. As long as you have enough power, any alien civilization will not be afraid!"

The system was given a rare moment of comfort.

"What you said is very light..." Lin Yang curled his lips.

If it were possible to invade the high-tech civilization here across distant interstellar regions, then the power it possesses would probably not be something that the current Blue Star or Tiangong bases can compete with.

"Host, it's useless to think too much. This system will monitor the relevant situation at any time, and there are no signs of other civilizations near your planet, so you don't have to worry too much. You still have a lot of time, and you can develop with peace of mind."

The system once again rarely revealed a very useful information.

This sentence made Lin Yang's eyes light up!

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