In the past, when he asked the system if there were any aliens near Blue Star, the system didn't tell him.

This time he actually took the initiative to reveal key information.

Since there are no other alien civilizations in nearby galaxies, you can rest assured.

At least it can develop steadily for a while.

"System, I want to replace the device you just mentioned that can block cosmic signals."

Then, Lin Yang started to make preparations.

First of all, we must block all signals emitted to the universe.

Prevent countries such as the United States from continuously transmitting signals into the universe.

"Good host, I have redeemed it for you."

"By the way, this signal-blocking device won't affect the original communications within the planet, right?"

Before installing the cosmic signal shielding device, Lin Yang suddenly asked again.

"Host, please rest assured that the cosmic signal jammer will not affect other normal communications within the planet, including satellite communications."

"That's good." Lin Yang felt relieved, and then asked again: "If the cosmic signal is shielded, it won't be noticed by other countries, right?"

"It won't be detected. Their technology has not yet reached the level of being able to detect the cosmic signal jammer. After installing the jammer, it will automatically intercept and block the cosmic signals they emit without them noticing."


Lin Yang sighed in admiration and directly activated the cosmic signal jammer.

Following him, you can see on the cosmic signal jammer that countries such as Bumiputera are still continuously transmitting cosmic signals to the outside world.

"They are so evil that they are transmitting cosmic signals around the clock. Are they not afraid of provoking evil aliens?"

Looking at the data intercepted on the signal jammer, Lin Yang shook his head.

He can now roughly guess the thoughts and purposes of Bian Bumei and Kodaka-chan's crazy launch of cosmic signals.

He probably thought that since there could be an alien like him on the moon, he might be able to attract more aliens, so that he would not be the only alien to dominate.

I have to say that there is nothing wrong with their idea of ​​​​two countries, but it is a pity that they met him. If he is not beautiful, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

Then Lin Yang continued to observe for a while, and then stopped paying attention. Let Bumei and the others go crazy to send out cosmic signals.

When they finally learn that all signals have been blocked by them, they will probably be pissed to death.

"Congratulations to the host. Because you installed a cosmic signal jammer on a low-level technological civilization planet, the planet may have lost contact in the universe. You have achieved a new achievement: exquisite egoism. You have received ten achievement points as a reward."

Lin Yang: "..."

The sudden prompt from the system left him speechless.

It's a good thing to get new achievement rewards, but this "exquisite egoism" makes him a little uncomfortable.

Please, he didn’t just occupy Blue Star for himself!

What the hell is such a title...

"System, I think your evaluation criteria are a bit unreasonable."

"I'm sorry, host, for bringing you a bad experience. This system will record it."

"..." Lin Yang sighed.

Based on his understanding of the system, the system's answer means that it already knows it, but it will not change it.

He was too lazy to say any more to the system and turned to leave the laboratory.

But as soon as he opened the door to the laboratory, he suddenly heard another system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the Academician's Dream (I) series of tasks. This task is included in the directional anticipation tasks. Your number of directional anticipation tasks has been completed so far is three! Other rewards are being distributed, please host to check later."

"At the same time, you have activated the Academician's Dream (II) series of tasks to collect extinct animals on the current planet for the Ecological Institute, and help the Ecological Institute complete research on extinct animals."

Lin Yang paused: "Have Dean Yuan and the others successfully cultivated the improved seeds in nature?"

This academician's dream mission is to help the academicians of the Academy of Ecology successfully restore the seeds of extinct plants to grow in today's ecological environment.

For those seeds, he had previously asked the robots at the Tiangong Base to help improve the genes, and now it is a matter of course that they will succeed.

However, the newly activated second mission surprised him a little.

He actually wanted to help with some extinct animals.

This is more difficult because there are no baby animals in the Tiangong base.

If you want to get the extinct animals on Blue Star, you will most likely only have a chance to go to planets similar to Blue Star.

However, it seems that no blue star-like planet has been discovered yet.

To find a similar planet in the vast universe, it is not necessarily difficult to say that it is difficult. After all, the universe is too vast and has infinite possibilities.

But to say that it is not difficult, let alone Blue Star’s current technological strength, even with the current strength of Tiangong Base, it is still a bit difficult.

Having to search hundreds or even thousands of light years away at every turn is indeed not something that can be done casually.

However, he has the Apocalypse spaceship. As long as the energy is sufficient, it doesn't mean he can't try it.

"System, if this second academician's dream mission is completed, what will be the reward?"

Of course, the prerequisite for trying is that the rewards are rich enough.

When the first task was activated last time, the system directly stated that completing the task would be included in the directional expectation task, and a large amount of national treasure value rewards would be obtained.

But the second task now activated does not say what the specific reward will be.

If the rewards are still similar, it’s not worth trying specifically.

"Answer the host, if you complete the dream mission of the second academician, you will receive a special mysterious award. The content of the award is currently confidential and cannot be clearly informed to you at the moment."

"In addition to the special mysterious prize, this task will also be included in the directional expectation task. At the same time, every time you collect an animal that is extinct or has never appeared on Blue Star, you can get a reward of over one million national treasures, with no upper limit. .”

"...I'll go, so generous?" Lin Yang was a little stunned by the sentence behind the system.

Every time you collect an extinct animal, you can get a reward of at least one million national treasures.

There are probably more than hundreds of extinct animal species on Blue Star!

If we find a blue star-like planet that is still in the barbaric era, wouldn't it be a direct national treasure worth freedom?

Not to mention that even if they are not extinct, as long as they are animals from alien planets that have not appeared on Blue Star, they can also receive rewards.

That would be even simpler, you don’t even need to find a blue star-like planet.

As long as you retrieve some special planets with special animals on them, you can directly obtain a large amount of national treasure value.

In this way, can’t we just exchange those super good things that cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions in the National Treasure Mall if we want to? !

Lin Yang took a deep breath.

This temptation is a bit big!

Thank you to Brother Zhou Jinlu for the reward. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you great wealth and all the best. I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support reading, I wish you all a fortune, and bow to you all!

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