

This temptation is not a little big, but very big.

He had been busy for so many months, and the total national treasure value he had obtained was less than two million.

Now you only need to find a new animal to get at least over one million national treasure rewards!

In the vast universe, there must be a large number of special alien animals.

This mission is simply sending him a national treasure!

Blue star-like planets are hard to find, but planets with unique alien lifeforms, aren’t there a lot of them?

"System, are you serious? It doesn't matter if it's not an extinct animal from Blue Star?"

Lin Yang was really moved.

"Yes, host, as long as it is a unique alien animal, depending on the value of the animal, the reward will be at least one million national treasures."

The system answered in the affirmative.


Lin Yang blinked.

He didn't understand why the reward for just finding a new animal was so big.

But that's not important. What's important is that he seems to understand why there are those gadgets in the National Treasure Mall that easily cost hundreds of millions.

It's unrealistic to think that you have to do ordinary tasks in exchange for those things.

You have to rely on making such a windfall.

"System, you can search for nearby planets. Are there any animals that meet the requirements?"

"Answer the host, only when you enter the planet can this system detect whether there are animals that meet the requirements on the current planet."

"Uh...can't you just target a planet with qualified animals?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Sorry host, we can't do it at the moment."

"Okay, that means I have to land on every planet." Lin Yang muttered.

"Yes, host."

"Approximately how far can the Apocalypse spacecraft travel with the remaining energy?"

"Answer the host, there is not much energy left on the Apocalypse spacecraft. This system does not recommend that you enter other planets to explore before replenishing energy. This may cause you to be unable to return."

"Okay, it seems we have to give priority to getting some energy." Lin Yang had a plan in mind.

The next priority is to get energy immediately!

As for the development of science and technology, let’s take a back seat!

With the second Academician's Dream series of tasks, I am slowly developing something.

Directly use energy to search for new animals, and then directly exchange them for high-tech civilization products in the system mall!

Isn’t this faster than developing slowly?

Although the steps may be a bit too big.

But who makes it beautiful? They have emitted cosmic signals.

There is no telling when an unknown alien civilization will arrive.

First, fully protect Blue Star, and then slowly lay a solid foundation.

Just do it!

He went directly to Zhao Zizhen, planning to ask them to put aside the work plan at hand and work on energy first!

Controlled nuclear fusion technology has been used for so many days, but energy has not yet been developed.

too slow!

But before he could walk out of the laboratory building, he ran into Zhao Zizhen and Yuan Zhihe.

"Classmate Lin, thank you so much. With your help, we have successfully cultivated those plant seeds in nature. Now they are growing very well. It is estimated that they can be used nationwide in three to five years." , by then our country’s air quality will probably double.”

As soon as he saw him, Yuan Zhihe came over with a smile, his tone filled with unprecedented excitement.

Being able to complete this step of research in his lifetime, for Yuan Zhihe, has basically reached the level where he can rest in peace.

"Huh? The air quality across the country can double? Is that such an exaggeration?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

He had previously thought that Yuan Zhihe and others were so eager to study the seeds of extinction because they simply wanted to conduct academic research.

I didn't expect it to have such a big effect.

"Hehe, it's not an exaggeration, it's not an exaggeration. Those extinct plant seeds and the special seeds given to us for free by aliens from Tiangong Base. Although their genes have been improved to be more in line with our current ecological environment, their original genes are very Powerful and very effective in purifying the air!”

Yuan Zhihe laughed.

"As long as they are planted on a large scale, it is not difficult to purify the air across the country. And this is only a preliminary estimate. It may even be possible that in five or ten years, the air quality will increase several times!"

"This..." Lin Yang was a little dumbfounded.

The air quality has doubled several times. Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

Zhao Zizhen on the side was even more stunned. He stared at Yuan Zhihe and said in disbelief: "Old man Yuan, are you kidding me? Can those plant seeds really have such a big effect after being added to the ecological environment?"

"Why would I be joking about such a thing? Do you really think we are just eating enough and having nothing to do, and are using our funds to study the seeds of extinction?"

Yuan Zhihe glared at Zhao Zizhen: "I have already said that you research science and technology to contribute to the country, and our research on biology is also of great use!"

"Ahem, I didn't say that." Zhao Zizhen smiled awkwardly.

"Tch, I didn't say that, but I still thought like this before!" Yuan Zhihe curled his lips.

Zhao Zizhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You old man, why are you so vindictive? Why don't I apologize to you for my previous wrong thoughts? If it can really achieve the effect you said, it will be ten thousand times better than an air purifier."

"More than 10,000 times! The two are not the same at all!"

Yuan Zhihe was very proud.

"Air purifiers can only be used in a small area, and they can only improve the air quality in a specific environment. The improvement effect is also a matter of opinion."

"But once the ecological environment is spread and enters a good cycle, it will be beneficial to the entire nature. People's bodies will be healthier. Breathing polluted air for a long time and completely healthy air are two different things!"

Zhao Zizhen's face became more serious: "Why don't you report such an important matter as soon as possible? If it can be done, this will be a great thing that will last forever!"

"Of course I have to tell Mr. Lin about such an important matter as soon as possible. He helped improve these plant seeds. Our ecology institute does not dare to take the majority of the credit for this."

Yuan Zhihe looked at Lin Yang seriously and said with a smile: "Even if I have to make a report, I will definitely make a report with Mr. Lin. The first and foremost credit must go to Mr. Lin. To put it bluntly, we are just helping to raise the seeds. That’s all.”

"So you came here immediately to report to classmate Lin?" Zhao Zizhen was stunned.

"Yes." Yuan Zhihe nodded and said eagerly to Lin Yang: "Classmate Lin, I have already drafted the content of the report. Take a look at it. If there is no problem, I will issue a formal report. You sign your name and wait for the report. If you go up there, I will at least award you a national medal of honor for meritorious service!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang was a little confused.

When he sent seeds and improved genes before, he never thought that they would have such great benefits!

This came a bit too suddenly...

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