A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 194 The highest honor is awarded to everyone!

Lin Yang felt a little numb.

Suddenly, he didn't really want to search for any ancient animals.

It doesn’t matter whether the national treasure is worth it or not!

That damn fat guy He Ming had already prepared two memorial tablets for him.

If we really get ancient animals for the Ecological Institute, and the entire Ecological Institute also prepares memorial tablets for ourselves...

The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine it!

My scalp goes numb just thinking about it!

I'm afraid that if I don't die, I will be tortured to death.

"Classmate Lin, why did your face suddenly become unsightly? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Yuan Zhihe looked at Lin Yang's sudden change in expression and asked with concern. Zhao Zizhen immediately stopped and looked over nervously.

"No, I just suddenly thought of something. I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

Lin Yang took a deep breath and shook his head vigorously to expel the strange scene from his mind.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay!" Yuan Zhihe and Zhao Zizhen breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Lin Yang is now more precious than a national treasure. Let alone being sick, even if he has a headache and a fever, they will be heartbroken.

When he arrived at Zhao Zizhen's office, Yuan Zhihe printed out the report and handed it to Lin Yang for signature.

While Lin Yang was signing, Zhao Zizhen suddenly said: "Classmate Lin, once this report is typed, your medal of honor and merit will definitely be awarded. How about this medal be awarded directly to your home?"

"Ah?" Lin Yang paused slightly as he signed and looked up at Zhao Zizhen. For a moment, he didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Hey, classmate Lin, you have done so much for the country, and you have won the highest honors every time. We have actually prepared those medals of honor a long time ago, but you have been hiding your identity before, and we can't find anyone to award them to you. "

Zhao Zizhen smiled and explained:

"Although you returned to China a while ago, you haven't planned to fully reveal your identity, so there has never been a suitable time. Why not take advantage of this opportunity this time and give you the Medal of Honor directly."

"Uh... then just give it to me directly. Why did you get it directly to my home?" Lin Yang frowned slightly, "Sending the medal directly to my home doesn't mean it is equivalent to announcing my identity?"

"Hey, classmate Lin, the national Medal of Honor is the highest honor. We have always felt that it is a pity that we cannot crown you in public."

Zhao Zizhen suddenly sighed and said slowly: "Other medals can not be awarded to your home for the time being, so as not to make it public, but the Ecological Institute's Medal of Honor will be sent directly to your home. This will not reveal your identity."

Seeing that Lin Yang wanted to speak, Zhao Zizhen's words became much faster: "Classmate Lin, didn't you use the excuse of helping a research institute solve a big problem as a reason for you to be competed by major universities to deal with your family and friends? , they followed your instructions when they went to your house to rob someone."

"It is very appropriate to award this medal to your home now. After all, only by receiving such an honor can it become more reasonable for the presidents of major universities to personally go to your home to snatch your admission."

"...But, what I said before was that I helped solve a big problem in physics, and this medal of honor is for ecology..." Lin Yang blinked.

"Uh... yes, yes?" Zhao Zizhen was stunned, and then almost immediately came back to his senses: "Improved seed genes and physics can also be involved, they are all high-tech and sophisticated work!"

Lin Yang: "..."

Is this okay?

He looked at Zhao Zizhen with strange eyes.

Is this really what a president of a major science academy can say?

Are you serious? !

Zhao Zizhen felt a little guilty when Lin Yang saw him. He looked up at the ceiling and said quietly:

"You haven't formally entered the school since you came to the imperial capital. If this Ecological Medal of Honor is awarded publicly, you can use this medal to cut off everyone's curiosity about your being scrambled to enter the school. Your family will also be worried about it. So proud!"

"And they will definitely feel more reassured that you are going to college in the Imperial City, and they will no longer worry that you will be dropped out of school because you can't catch up on the courses."

"..." Lin Yang's eyes became even weirder.

How did Zhao Zizhen know that his mother was worried about this kind of thing?

"You...did you leave monitoring equipment in my house?" Lin Yang said in an incomprehensible tone.


These words directly made Zhao Zizhen feel excited, and then he explained crazily:

"Classmate Lin, don't think too much, it's nothing! How could we leave monitoring equipment in your home?!"

"Then how do you know that my mother said she was worried that I wouldn't be able to catch up on my classes and would be dropped out of school?" Lin Yang also said in a faint tone.


Zhao Zizhen hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said:

"I'll be honest. On the day when the principals came to snatch you, your mother, Ms. Zhang, went to them and asked them about this before they left. She said that your grades in school were average, but you were suddenly snatched up by major universities. If you come to the imperial capital to go to university, what if you can't keep up with the courses..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zizhen took a look at Lin Yang's expression and found that Lin Yang's expression did not change much, so he continued:

"Although all the principals promised at that time that they would never drop you from school, it is obvious that Ms. Zhang will still have this worry."

"So I thought, just saying that there is no basis for it, why not use this medal of honor to completely reassure her. With this medal, no matter what, she will not worry about you being kicked out of school..."

"..." Lin Yang was speechless.

There was silence for two and a half minutes.

Lin Yang then spoke again: "Well, my mother is indeed capable of doing such a thing, so just send the medal directly to my home for my mother to see."

Naturally, he could see that Zhao Zizhen wanted so hard to get the Medal of Honor into his home, not only to dispel his mother's worries, but also because he wanted to deepen his sense of belonging and honor. .

But he didn't say anything more.

Because what Zhao Zizhen said does make some sense.

This medal of honor can make mom and dad proud of themselves and give them complete peace of mind.

In order to prevent them from being scrambled for something unclear, and making them worry every day that they will be dropped out of school because they cannot catch up on the courses...

Hearing this, Zhao Zizhen breathed a sigh of relief, and then emphasized again:

"Classmate Lin, please don't misunderstand me. It is absolutely impossible for us to do such a thing as leaving a monitoring device in your home!"

"I know..." Lin Yang smiled mysteriously.

Of course he knew that his home was not being monitored, after all, he let the system monitor it.

The reason why I said that just now was to deliberately scare Zhao Zizhen into telling the truth.

Zhao Zizhen didn't notice the subtle changes in Lin Yang's expression. Seeing that Lin Yang accepted his explanation and suggestions, he was completely relieved and then said:

"Then let me tell them now and prepare to award the Medal of Honor to your home!"

"Okay!" Lin Yang nodded.

"Do you want to say hello to your family first? Or let the person who delivers the medal go directly!"

The next second, Zhao Zi really seemed to have remembered something and asked again.

Lin Yang smiled slightly: "I won't notify you. Since it's a surprise, let's make it a little sudden."

He could almost imagine how surprised his mother would be when she suddenly saw that she had won the nation's highest honor medal.

"Haha, okay, let them just send the Medal of Honor over there!"

Zhao Zizhen couldn't help but smile, and then looked at the time: "But at this point, Ms. Zhang should still be working at the unit, so she can send the medal directly to the unit. Is that okay?"

"Okay." Lin Yang nodded.

You have to give a surprise anyway, so just do it in one step.

My mother has always been envious of those colleagues in the workplace whose children are good at studying.

Those colleagues also knew that his academic performance was not very good, so they sometimes deliberately used his grades to irritate his mother.

This time, let them turn around and envy their mother!

It’s the last day of this month...please vote...

I wish you all the best in the new January!

If you have the votes, please vote for the national treasure!

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