At the same time, Zhang Fang's unit welcomed several uninvited guests.

They were all wearing official uniforms, exuding indescribable righteousness and momentum.

The leader was a middle-aged man in formal attire.

Although there is always a faint smile on the man's face, he has the aura of always occupying a high position, which makes the smile on his face look quite majestic.

Under the astonished gaze of the receptionist at the unit, the man smiled at her and said, "Hello, we are looking for Ms. Zhang Fang. Could you please inform her?"

The little girl at the front desk suddenly said subconsciously: "Do you have anything to do with Sister Zhang?"

There was a bit of nervousness in his words.

The man kept his smile and said again: "Don't be nervous, we are not bad people. Can you inform us or take us to find Ms. Zhang?"

"Ah?" The little girl at the front desk was stunned for a moment, then took a look at the clothes of several people, nodded and said: "Please wait a moment, I will inform you."

"Ok, thanks."

"'re welcome!"

After the girl at the front desk finished speaking, she trotted directly into Zhang Fang's office.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, he shouted to Zhang Fang: "Sister Zhang, someone is looking for you, please come out quickly."

"Find me?"

Zhang Fang was getting ready to have dinner after get off work. When she saw the little girl at the front desk looking so panicked, she couldn't help but wonder: "Who is looking for me?"

"I don't know. They didn't say anything, but they were all wearing uniforms and looked very majestic. They said they had something to do with you. They looked like official people. Then I felt a little scared when I saw the aura."

The girl at the front desk took a few deep breaths and patted her chest. Then she didn't know what she was thinking and said out of nowhere: "Sister Zhang, do you want to see me? If not, I will tell them that you didn't come to work today." .”

"You little girl, have you watched too many TV series? Are you still trying to cover me up?"

Zhang Fang couldn't help but laugh, and stood up directly and said: "Since someone from the official came to visit, there must be something serious. I haven't broken any laws, so why don't you see me?"

"But, Sister Zhang, they all look serious and scary." The little girl at the front desk patted her chest again.

"How scary is it?" Zhang Fang asked as he walked.

"I can't say it's scary, but it feels much more serious than what I saw on TV." The little girl tilted her head and said softly.

"Girl, you really have watched too many TV series. Please watch less in the future. Did they say anything about me?" Zhang Fang asked again.

"I didn't say anything. I saw that they were all so serious in their uniforms, so I didn't dare to ask any more questions." The little girl stuck out her tongue.

"Official person? Serious? Didn't say anything happened? Could it be that something happened to Yangyang?" Zhang Fang repeated, and his pace quickened a bit.

She was upright and not afraid of slanted shadows. She was not worried at all when the official came to her suddenly.

But when she thought of Lin Yang, Zhang Fang became a little nervous.

My children know it themselves.

A few days ago, Lin Yang was inexplicably snatched away by the principals of major universities in the imperial capital, and she felt that it was abnormal.

Now the official people suddenly came to the door. Zhang Fang was afraid that something had happened to his son, so he trotted all the way to the hall.

Behind her, in addition to the little girl at the front desk, there were also some other colleagues in the office.

Units like theirs rarely have much dealings with official people unless something goes wrong.

So after hearing what the little girl at the front desk said just now, they all followed over to watch the fun.

They were even whispering and speculating about what Zhang Fang had committed, so that officials could find him in the work unit.

Seeing Zhang Fang arrived in the hall and started talking to the officials, everyone couldn't help but pricked up their ears and started eavesdropping.

Zhang Fang also noticed this, but now she was thinking about her precious son. She ignored it and asked directly to the middle-aged man: "Hello, I am Zhang Fang. I heard that you are looking for me. Are you my Yang?" What happened to Yang?"

"Hello, Ms. Zhang, we are indeed here for classmate Lin Yang." The man said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Fang's heart suddenly sank.


Her son was robbed inexplicably, and she had been feeling a little uneasy, and now something really happened!

"My Yangyang...what happened?"

Then Zhang Fang took a deep breath, suppressed her worry and asked.

At the same time, the group of colleagues who were eavesdropping couldn't help but whisper louder.

"Are you here for that boy Lin Yang?"

"Hey, at that time, that kid was inexplicably robbed by the principal of the university in the imperial capital. I thought there was something fishy. Now it seems that he may have been a fraud and someone came to visit him!"

"Lao Wang, what are you talking about? We are all working together. Isn't it a bit too much for you to say this?"

"Tch, who of you doesn't know about that little guy Lin Yang's usual academic performance? He has always been a loser. Why was he personally robbed by the principal of Imperial High School? He must have used cheating!"

"That's right, someone must have found out now. Haha, let me see how Zhang Fang will show off in the future!"

"Sister Tan, Sister Zhang didn't show off much, and they didn't even mention it in the work."

"Isn't it just showing off if I haven't mentioned it? Looking at the smile on her face every day these days, doesn't she just want to tell everyone that her precious son was snatched away by the Imperial College? Isn't this showing off obvious enough? Doesn’t it count as showing off if you have to say it?”

The person who was called Sister Tan was a somewhat fat middle-aged woman. At this moment, there was a sharp and mean smile on her face, and she even shouted deliberately with a bit of pride.

As if afraid that Zhang Fang wouldn't hear.

Zhang Fang naturally heard it, but now she was in no mood to pay attention. Instead, she stared at the middle-aged man nervously.

The middle-aged man also heard these words, frowned slightly, glanced this way, then suddenly cleared his throat, raised his voice a bit, smiled at Zhang Fang and said:

"Ms. Zhang, you don't have to worry. Nothing happened to classmate Lin Yang. We are here to deliver to you the medal of honor and merit that classmate Lin Yang has received!"

Following his words, an assistant beside him wearing white gloves and carrying a black suitcase suddenly opened the suitcase in his hand, revealing a golden medal of honor.

The middle-aged man held the medal in his hands and said solemnly: "Ms. Zhang Fang, I am honored to tell you that this is the highest national honorary medal received by Lin Yang. Currently, there is only one such medal in the country. Less than five!”

"Huh? Medal of Honor?"

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, and then seeing the middle-aged man holding the golden medal of honor in front of her, Zhang Fang was stunned.

Also stunned were the colleagues who were discussing just now.

Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

The official people came not because Lin Yang had committed fraud or committed a crime, but because they came to present medals? ?

Moreover, it is also the country’s highest medal of honor? !

"You, are you right? This is Yang Yang's medal of honor?"

Zhang Fang was a little confused.

Thanks to book friend 20240201122728308, send flowers e Tingyu/Yue Ye Yiyi and book friend 20240131390, three brothers and sisters for their rewards, which made the brothers and sisters spend a lot of money. I wish them a fortune, and bow to them!

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