She was so confused!

The official people came not because her precious son had committed something, but because they came to give her the medal of honor and merit that her son had received!

This made Zhang Fang unable to react for a while.

A second ago, I was worried whether my son had committed something wrong.

The next second he became the person who won the country's highest honor.

This huge contrast made Zhang Fang's heart almost skip a beat.

Medal of Honor!

And it is also the highest national level medal of honor!

There are less than five medals of honor in the country!

What kind of concept is this? Zhang Fang couldn't quite understand it for a while.

But the middle-aged man's next words made Zhang Fang instantly understand the preciousness of this medal of honor and merit.

"Ms. Zhang Fang, this honor and meritorious service that classmate Lin Yang has received has only been achieved by three people in history, and classmate Lin is the fourth person!"

This sentence directly made Zhang Fang's heart tremble, and then he came back to his senses completely and said in disbelief: "This, is this really the meritorious service achieved by my family Yangyang? Did you send it by mistake?"

"Haha, Ms. Zhang, are you kidding? There are only four such medals of honor, including this one. How could we send the wrong one?"

The middle-aged man laughed loudly and handed the Medal of Honor in his hand to Zhang Fang again: "Ms. Zhang, please accept the medal!"


Zhang Fang seemed a little excited. After repeated confirmation from the middle-aged man, he wiped his hands on his clothes several times, then stretched out his hands to carefully hold the medal of honor and looked at it carefully.

On the medal, in addition to the normal carving patterns, there is also the golden word Lin Yang!

It wasn't until she saw her precious son's name on it that Zhang Fang finally believed that her precious son was really going to be successful!

"Ms. Zhang, it is our honor to deliver this Medal of Honor to you. It is our honor. We will not disturb you. Goodbye!"

The middle-aged man saluted Zhang Fang directly.

Zhang Fang was immediately in a hurry to return the gift, and at the same time subconsciously said: "Such a medal was obtained by Yang Yang, how come it was sent to me?"

"Because Classmate Lin said that he would like you to witness this honor as soon as possible!" the middle-aged man replied with a smile.

"This brat..." Zhang Fang's eyes suddenly became a little wet because of these words.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly again, lowered his voice a little and said:

"Of course, there is another reason. The main reason is that Mr. Lin is worried that it is not safe to keep this medal of honor in the school. Because this medal is made of pure gold, he thinks it is safer to keep it at home."

This sentence made Zhang Fang's newly aroused emotion instantly dissipate. She stared at the medal and asked in surprise: "Is this made of pure gold?"

"Yes, solid gold!"

"Such a big piece, is it all gold?" Zhang Fang's eyes lit up.

This medal is about the size of an adult's palm, and is very thick and heavy.

Just now she thought it was gold-plated, but she didn't expect it to be pure gold!

"It's all gold! Pure gold with no moisture at all!"

The middle-aged man replied in the affirmative, and then bowed again: "Then Ms. Zhang, we will leave first!"

"Thank you, thank you, I'm really sorry for troubling you!" Zhang Fang thanked her repeatedly.

"You're welcome, it's our honor to be able to forward this medal to you!"

The middle-aged man emphasized again and then led the team away.

After they left, the atmosphere in the unit was inexplicably less depressing.

The little girl at the front desk and several colleagues who were usually close to Zhang Fang came over almost impatiently, staring at the medal of honor.

The middle-aged man deliberately raised his voice just now, and they all heard it clearly. This is the country's highest medal of honor!

Currently, including Lin Yang, only four people have obtained it!

The honor this represents is the highest!

Under normal circumstances, a person who can obtain such an honor is definitely an existence that these people will never come into contact with in their lifetime.

And they only have the opportunity to take a look at such a medal of honor in the news.

But now, this medal, which represents the country's highest honor, is right in front of them.

This kind of shock and impact is extremely huge.

The jealousy and envy in the eyes of some colleagues is about to turn into reality. They wish this medal of honor was theirs!

Zhang Fang suddenly turned her head, looked at the fat woman Sister Tan, deliberately shook the medal in her hand, and said lightly:

"Hey, this brat Yangyang is good at everything. He just doesn't know how to keep a low profile. Winning the highest honor at the national level is not a big deal. He just needs to know about it. He still has to be sent to the unit. , you don’t care about the feelings of others at all, it’s so immature!”

Her words didn't seem to be directed at anyone, but she seemed to be naming them one by one.

In an instant, the faces of the fat woman Sister Tan and several colleagues who had just speculated about Lin Yang's fraud turned into the color of pig liver.

Especially the fat woman, Sister Tan, opened her mouth, wanting to say something else to be proud of.

But when she thought that this was the country's highest honor, she was really embarrassed to say this.

Zhang Fang, on the other hand, was like a general who had won a battle. He held the Medal of Honor and asked several close colleagues to touch it one by one, making them feel happy.

This made the remaining people jealous again.

Several people also wanted to come up and touch it. After all, if they missed this time, they were afraid that they would never have the opportunity to touch the country's highest honor again.

But Zhang Fang bypassed them without giving them a chance.

At the back, even the leaders in the unit who had left work early came hurriedly after hearing the news, and touched the medal of honor again and again as if they were offering sacrifices to their ancestors.

At this point, no one in Zhang Fang's unit dared to talk about Lin Yang's sudden rush by major universities.

Look at the honors this person has received, being competed for by colleges and universities, it’s perfectly normal!

After everyone had finished watching, Zhang Fang took the medal and asked for leave directly to go home.

The old leader in the unit was still a little reluctant, but he immediately approved Zhang Fang's leave and said it was a paid leave!

This made Zhang Fang so happy again that she called Lin Yang directly.

At the same time, here in the imperial capital.

Lin Yang actually saw his mother's behavior throughout the whole process.

Such a major event as the awarding of the highest medal of honor must be recorded.

The recorded footage was also broadcast to him in real time.

Seeing his mother completely elated in the unit, Lin Yang also smiled knowingly.

Although this arrangement is a bit cliché and even a bit bloody.

But it’s worth it to see the smile on my mom’s face.

Over the years, my mother has often been criticized by colleagues in the workplace because of his poor academic performance. This time, she completely vented her anger.

Didi didi.

Immediately afterwards, he received a call from his mother.

Before he could speak, Zhang Fang's seemingly reproachful but actually surprised voice came from the phone:

"Yangyang, you brat, how come you won such a big event as the country's highest honor and didn't even say hello to me in advance? I was not mentally prepared at all. You scared me just now. I thought you had done something wrong. Woolen cloth!"

"Haha, how about it, Mom, is this surprise big enough?" Lin Yang chuckled.

"Big! The big ones are all gone!! The leader just said that only four people in total have received this Medal of Honor, including you! You brat, how come you do big things without saying a word!"

Zhang Fang's voice is still trembling slightly.

"Is this a big deal?" Lin Yang couldn't help but smile, "There are bigger things and bigger surprises waiting for you later!"

"Ah? What could be bigger than this?" Zhang Fang was confused again.

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