A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 197 Prioritize the construction of space carrier!

Listening to his son's words, Zhang Fang found it hard to imagine that anything could be greater than winning the country's highest honor!

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes." Lin Yang gave up.

"You brat, are you keeping this secret from me?"

Zhang Fang laughed and scolded, but did not continue to ask further questions, and then said that she was completely relieved now.

Then he told Lin Yang to continue working hard, study hard and contribute to the country.

After chatting for a few words, he hung up the phone eagerly on the grounds that he would not waste his time.

Lin Yang couldn't help but smile.

Mom hung up the phone in a hurry, definitely too busy to show off to her little sisters.

Later, Lin Yang told Zhao Zizhen the real purpose of his visit: "Dean Zhao, I would like to ask you to stop the work at hand and concentrate your efforts on energy first, okay?"

Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a moment, and Yuan Zhihe next to him was also surprised: "Concentrate all your efforts on energy first? Are you not going to build a space elevator?"

"No, there is no conflict between the two. What I mean is that the main force should be placed on energy first. I urgently need energy." Lin Yang shook his head and said truthfully.

The rewards for the second mission in the Academician's Dream series are so generous that it's impossible not to do it.

So now we need to get enough energy to charge the Apocalypse spacecraft, and then search for special animals from alien planets to obtain mission rewards.

But the Apocalypse spacecraft was too advanced. Lin Yang calculated that unless he concentrated all his efforts on energy first, it might take a year or two to replenish the energy of the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Although the robots in the Tiangong base are also very advanced, the problem is that there are not many available resources on the moon. Although they have exchanged resources with several major countries on the Blue Star, especially many of them have been cheated by Bumei, but among them Most of the supplies were given to the domestic construction of the space carrier fleet.

Even if you don't give it, if all the materials exchanged are converted into energy, it will be a drop in the bucket.

Lin Yang now has the feeling that a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

There are millions of robots in the Tiangong Base, but there are just not enough resources for them. Otherwise, the robot formations in the Tiangong Palace Base will be able to mine materials on other planets.

Once the robot fleet has the ability to mine materials from other planets, it can enter a virtuous cycle.

But the difficulty lies in the beginning.

Without resources, the robot team would not be able to build the spacecraft and large number of tools they need to mine materials on other planets.

In addition, there is not enough energy as power, even if there is a spaceship, it cannot support the robot team to shuttle back and forth between the planets.

This situation of lacking everything left Lin Yang speechless.

However, compared with the lack of massive resources, now that there is controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is relatively simple to develop energy first.

When enough energy is obtained to charge the Apocalypse spacecraft, even if we do not go to other planets to search for special animals first, we can still have the Apocalypse spacecraft transport robot teams to other planets to mine materials.

As long as we get through the current difficulty of having very little, there will be a steady stream of materials and energy in the future.

Although there is still a little energy left on the Apocalypse spacecraft, it is not enough to transport the robot team to other planets to mine resources.

The distance between Blue Star and the moon is very close, and traveling back and forth does not consume much energy, but the distances between other planets are very far.

Mining materials cannot be done by just a few robots.

If the remaining energy on the Apocalypse spacecraft is used to transport two waves of robots to other planets, there will be no enough energy to return to the moon.

Things were even worse then.

So except for sending him back from the moon last time and sending plant seeds again, the Apocalypse spacecraft has been parked at the lunar base waiting to replenish energy.

Sometimes Lin Yang wonders if the system is intentional.

Then the remaining energy on an advanced spacecraft is just enough to cross the blue star and the moon.

With just a little more energy, he could use the Apocalypse spacecraft to carry a team of robots to mine resources on other planets.

"In urgent need of energy?" Zhao Zizhen and Yuan Zhihe looked at each other.

Lin Yang was able to talk about the urgent need and also specifically emphasized that all efforts should be focused on energy first. In the eyes of the two of them, the matter was very serious.

Lin Yang had never made any request before, but now he not only made it, but it was such a big request.

It is enough to see that energy is absolutely important to Lin Yang.

Although he didn’t know why Lin Yang was suddenly in urgent need of energy and hoped to focus all his efforts on energy first, Zhao Zizhen didn’t ask any more questions and just nodded and said:

"Since it is Student Lin's need, I will make a report right away and start adjusting strategic policies to provide Student Lin with the energy he needs as soon as possible."

"Okay." Lin Yang nodded.

Although concentrating all efforts on energy for the time being will affect other aspects of construction, it is worth it in the long run.

Otherwise, he would not have made this request directly.

Lin Yang himself knew very well that as long as he spoke, his needs would be given priority.

If we must concentrate all efforts on energy, other aspects will inevitably be affected and delayed.

Soon, Zhao Zizhen typed up the report, and then said to Lin Yang: "Classmate Lin, it's done, but you mentioned it suddenly. Now even if we stop all other construction, even the construction of the space carrier, we will go all out to lay it." The nuclear fusion energy project will take about two months."

"Two months? That's enough." Lin Yang didn't need energy immediately.

Two months is not a long time.

Immediately, he asked casually: "How is the construction of the space carrier now?"

"all the best!"

Zhao Zizhen showed a smile.

"Ever since we exchanged the required supplies with the aliens at the Tiangong base, everything is going smoothly now. If we don't stop, it is estimated that the first space carrier will be completed in half a month at most!"

"Ah? The progress is so fast?"

Zhao Zi's real answer made Lin Yang stunned for a moment.

If he remembered correctly, Zhao Zizhen said at the beginning that it would take three months at the earliest to build the first space carrier, but less than a third of the time had passed.

Seeing Lin Yang's astonished expression, Zhao Zizhen laughed and said with emotion: "It's rare that I can surprise even you, Classmate Lin."

After sighing, Zhao Zizhen continued to explain: "Because we have enough resources, there is room for trial and error in all aspects, so our engineers are also very motivated and have full firepower in all aspects. They can almost shorten the original time." Nearly half the time.”


Lin Yang accepted this explanation.

It seems that the nickname of the infrastructure-crazy country is not just given casually.

This mobility is simply amazing.

Then, Lin Yang thought for a while and said: "Since the space carrier can be built in half a month, let's give priority to building the space carrier. Put away the energy first and concentrate all our efforts on the construction. On the space carrier."


Zhao Zizhen was immediately stunned.

"Classmate Lin, don't you need energy urgently? Why don't you do it now?"

Just now, we had to prioritize all efforts to develop energy, and now we have to go all out to build an aerospace carrier?

He was a little confused by Lin Yang.

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