If it were a request from other aspects, Ye Guhong would never even hesitate.

But the space carrier needs to go to other countries for a tour.

This is no small matter!

Any perceived provocation is minor.

This move is very likely to cause the other party to directly shoot down the air carrier.

Although, those countries may not have that strength and courage.

Even if they really drove the space carrier over, they might not really dare to say anything.

After all, strength is king, not to mention just letting the space carrier wander around and not doing anything.

It doesn't matter if you really have to do something.

But now that there are aliens on the moon, if there is chaos inside first, big problems will easily occur. This is what Ye Guhong is really worried about.

After a moment of silence, Ye Guhong urgently summoned Chu Tiankuo to start an encrypted meeting and explained Lin Yang's request.

If this is to be done in the end, the Ministry of Armed Forces must first be prepared to deal with all consequences.

When Chu Tiankuo heard this, a burning light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice to Ye Guhong: "I understand your concerns, but I have something to say."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Guhong looked at him.

Chu Tiankuo smiled slightly and uttered six words: "When fighting outside, you must first make peace at home!"

"In order to deal with the outside world, we must first settle down inside?" Ye Guhong was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Yes!" Chu Tiankuo nodded, "Of course your worries are not unreasonable. If there is internal chaos, it is very likely that the alien will take advantage of it."

"However, it seems that the alien has not yet regained the ability to invade us. Before that, it is necessary to show our power to Western countries."

"Letting the space carrier go around in a circle will allow Western countries to directly feel the pressure and power of the space carrier. If at some point in the future, it is necessary to establish a unified anti-alien alliance, it will save a lot of trouble. In a short time, whoever disobeys must consider the consequences of facing the suppression of our mothership!"

Ye Guhong's eyes suddenly flashed: "What you mean is that we will show our swords in advance."

"That's right!" Chu Tiankuo chuckled, "It's not like we don't have the strength now, so we don't have to worry too much. Since Mr. Lin wants to do this, he must have intentions, so we can just cooperate with him. This is not a big deal. It's a big deal, and our armed forces can now withstand all the consequences."

Seeing that Chu Tiankuo was a little excited and even eager to try, Ye Guhong didn't speak immediately, but frowned again and started thinking.

After a while, Ye Guhong's brows widened: "In that case, let's make preparations to deal with it. I will issue the official document now and adjourn the meeting."

"Okay!" Chu Tiankuo responded immediately.

Zhao Zizhen contacted Lin Yang as soon as the meeting ended and told him that he would cooperate with all his needs. Ten days later, the space carrier was under his command and he could go wherever he wanted!

At the same time, other force formations that need to be equipped on the air and space carrier have also begun to prepare.

Only ten days later, the space carrier landed, its sword pointed at the blue sky!

Ten days passed by in a blink of an eye.

In these ten days, nothing particularly significant happened on the entire Blue Star.

Every country is developing and improving silently.

After the early exchanges with the lunar base, each country now does not have many resources in its hands, and they are using the exchanged technology to quietly improve.

It can be said that these ten days were the first time in recent months that the entire Blue Star could be called peaceful.

It seems to have returned to the peaceful and peaceful time in the past, which even makes some netizens feel that the peace is a bit abnormal.

I am used to the days where big events happen almost every day in recent months, but these ten days have been a bit boring.

However, this peace was broken by an announcement from the Academy of Sciences on this morning ten days later.

"Warning: With the efforts of many parties, we have successfully built the first space carrier and will conduct a test flight soon!"

This announcement, like dropping a big stone in calm water, instantly caused waves and went straight to the global hot search!

"Holy shit, shit! We really built the space carrier, and we actually built it so quickly!"

"Oh my god, it's coming, it's coming. Finally, another piece of breaking news has come. The familiar smell is back. The past ten days have passed and I've almost faded away!"

"Hahaha, it's true that I'm feeling a little uncomfortable with peace these days."

"No, brother, shouldn't the focus of our attention be on the space carrier? What are you talking about?"

"Haha, if it had been announced a few months ago, I would have been very excited, but now there are even aliens. In comparison, I suddenly feel that we have built a space carrier. It’s a normal thing.”

"Yeah, although I'm still very excited, I just feel like I'm missing a breath and can't take it up."


Although netizens are talking a lot, they all think it is normal.

After all, the official announcement a few months ago was that the construction of space carriers in China had begun. Now that they are built, everyone thinks it is normal.

However, in the next moment, netizens who just felt like they were short of breath and could not be more excited immediately retracted their words.


The National Academy of Sciences followed up with another announcement.

The content of this announcement is:

"We would like to inform you that our air and space carrier formation is in place and will immediately conduct a global test flight. This test flight will be personally directed by the classmate boss throughout the entire process."

"At the same time, we urge personnel from relevant countries to return relevant cultural relics that we have lost as soon as possible. We will dispatch an air and space carrier fleet to welcome the return of cultural relics!"


This new notice issued by the National Academy of Science and Technology is like pouring cold water into a frying pan.

Those who are directly fried will feel numb!

"Oh my god, my grandpa, my coat, my brain has become small. Isn't it because I'm dazzled? I'm still dreaming. The aerospace carrier will be tested directly after it is built today, and it will be a global test flight. Come on. Personally, tell me, does this mean you are going to the airspace of other countries?"

"Are you really going to overwhelm other countries?"

"And that urging notice, saying that the space carrier should be sent to pick up cultural relics, is this putting pressure on the West?"

"Hold the sun, this sentence seems to be saying: Guys in the West, you'd better be wiser and return our cultural relics directly, otherwise our space carrier will not just fly around and play around!"

"Hahaha, I really wanted to die laughing. The test flight is definitely a lie by the Academy of Sciences. The purpose is to threaten the West to return cultural relics!"

"Yes, especially this time the classmate boss is personally in charge, so this is even more certain!"

"Hehe, it seems that a certain big boss is going to steal it secretly and take it openly!"

"It's cool! It's so cool! I used to think that if we built a space carrier, we would just go over there and ask them to return the cultural relics, but I didn't expect that the officials would actually do this!"

"Ugh, I feel like my eyes suddenly want to pee!"


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