Netizens who just thought it was normal and not very excited to build a space carrier just now are now not only excited again, but even fell directly into madness.

The classmate boss is personally in charge!

Global test flight of space carrier!

Urge all countries to return cultural relics!

These elements combine to make your whole body tingle with excitement.

"Live broadcast! We want to watch the live broadcast. We must watch the live broadcast of the mothership's global test flight!"

Immediately afterwards, a large number of netizens went directly to the official account to petition.

Originally, when the first announcement came out, no one asked for a live broadcast to see what the space carrier looked like, because everyone knew that it involved the country's armed forces, and they were all aware of confidentiality.

But it’s different now. Everyone wants to see the scene where the space carrier presses past and the West returns the cultural relics!

"Please, start a live broadcast, otherwise I won't be able to close my eyes until I die!"

"That's right. If it is inconvenient for the classmate to appear on camera, we can accept any editing that may involve leaking the classmate's privacy, but we only want to see the scene of the West returning cultural relics!"

Now netizens are not worried about the behavior of a classmate who personally sits on the space carrier to conduct global test flights.

After all, this is the Space Carrier Fleet, which cannot be safer, so no one mentioned the issue of protecting the personal safety of classmates and bosses. They all wanted to see the Space Carrier appear in Western countries.

As for the wishes of netizens, the National Academy of Science and Technology quickly gave a positive reply.

"Please rest assured, netizens, when the space carrier test flight starts, the entire process will be broadcast live!"

This reply instantly excited the majority of netizens.

Then, some netizens who were too clever went directly to the supermarket and started stocking up.

I brought home a lot of food, drinks and various snacks and posted them online.

"Hey, everyone, let's see how I am preparing. When the test flight starts, in addition to sleeping and going to the bathroom, I will squat in the live broadcast room all day long to watch. I don't want to miss every second of such a wonderful thing!"

"Fuck, is this okay?"

"No, buddy, are you born in the Year of the Rat? Are you so good at hoarding goods?"

"Hey, I just said that you can learn real things from the Internet. Sure enough, I learned another trick. I'm going to stock up on it now!"


The behavior of a certain netizen who was the first to share the goods directly triggered a wave of offline supermarket shopping frenzy.

At the same time, inside the Academy of Sciences.

"Classmate Lin, are you ready? If you are, you can board the mothership now."

Zhao Zizhen looked at Lin Yang who had just walked out of the laboratory and said with emotion.

Ten days ago, when Lin Yang said that after the space carrier was built, it would go to the west for a circle, he did not say his purpose.

Until just now, I said that the reason why the space carrier was asked to go around was because it wanted to show its powerful power and let the West return all the original cultural relics in the country!

When they learned that this was the reason why Lin Yang requested the global test flight of the space carrier, they were speechless for a while.

The purpose of using the space carrier construction technology is to one day allow the West to return cultural relics in a dignified manner!

How can people not be touched by this thought?

Although you can steal it back quietly, there is nothing better than taking it back openly and openly!

Therefore, after they understood Lin Yang's thoughts, they cooperated more closely.

The mothership construction project that originally had to wait until the evening to be fully implemented was suddenly moved to the morning, and it was immediately implemented!

"I'll go back first, take a shower, change clothes, and then board the plane."

Lin Yang rubbed his eyebrows. In the past ten days, except for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, he had been staying in the laboratory.

I haven't showered in ten days, which is a new record. Now I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a moment. He thought about any answer Lin Yang might have, but he didn't expect it to be such a sentence. Then he said dumbfounded: "Okay, okay, no rush, no rush."

ten minutes later.

Lin Yang finished washing up, changed into clean clothes, got in a special car and went straight to the space carrier!

No one noticed that there was a small black disk in his hand.

Two hours later, we arrived at our destination.

The huge space carrier is still on the ground, looking very shocking.

"Classmate Lin, you are here, just board the ship!"

He was greeted by Chu Tiankuo!

In order to ensure the confidentiality of his identity, before he entered the space carrier, the area had been cleared to ensure that no more people would know his true identity.

Lin Yang shook his head: "Wait a minute, you will find someone to stick this thing near the power cabin of the mothership!"

He handed the small black disk in his hand to Chu Tiankuo.

"This is..." Chu Tiankuo took the disk and weighed it subconsciously, showing a bit of confusion.

This black disc is a bit heavy, like a small black iron lump.

"After you put it on, press this button and you will know!"

Lin Yang didn't explain much and walked directly into the space carrier cabin.

When Chu Tiankuo heard this, he didn't call anyone. Instead, he went over and fixed the small black disk next to the power cabin as Lin Yang said, and then pressed the only button on it.


The next moment, a faint blue light mask emerged directly from the small black disk, and then quickly enveloped the entire space carrier.

"This, this is..."

Chu Tiankuo was stunned for a moment.

Then his body trembled, and he looked at the faint blue light shield, with deep shock in his eyes!

Because at this moment, he thought of a word.

Energy shield!

This is actually an energy shield!

Chu Tiankuo was immediately shocked!

Then he quickly ran to the space carrier cabin and asked Lin Yang in disbelief:

"Classmate Lin, the thing you asked me to install just now, is the light shield it releases the legendary energy shield?"


Lin Yang smiled slightly. He had not been idle in the past ten days, just studying this gadget.

Although the space carrier is powerful, it must also prevent certain guys from fighting to the death.

With this energy shield, it will be much safer.

Not to mention that on the one hand it was to ensure safety, and on the other hand because this was the first space carrier in the country, Lin Yang still wanted to protect it.

"It's actually an energy shield!"

After receiving the confirmation, Chu Tiankuo's shock reached its peak.

The appearance of this thing can be said to shock him even more than the appearance of aliens.

"Lin, classmate Lin, what kind of attacks can this energy shield protect against? Is it like in a science fiction blockbuster, can it prevent attacks from super hot weapons?"

Then, Chu Tiankuo trembled all over and asked with expectation.

"Uh... Well, that won't work for the time being. This energy shield can only protect against some ordinary attacks! It's mainly used to prevent the air carrier's hull from being damaged."

Lin Yang shook his head.

An energy shield that can protect against super hot weapon attacks requires too much energy. There is simply not that much energy now, so this is only the most basic one.

The biggest function is actually to protect the hull of the space carrier from some damage.

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