After listening to Lin Yang's explanation, Chu Tiankuo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Energy shields are a must-have for advanced alien civilizations in science fiction blockbusters.

Once the energy shield is raised, ordinary attacks will be completely ineffective.

When watching sci-fi blockbusters in the past, Chu Tiankuo had thought more than once that it would be great if there were such a powerful energy shield in reality.

So when he saw the energy shield rising just now, he subconsciously thought it was the kind of super energy shield in science fiction blockbusters.

Now when I hear Lin Yang say that it is far different from a science fiction blockbuster, it is inevitable that I feel a little disappointed.

However, this feeling of disappointment only lasted for a short while before Chu Tiankuo became excited again.

Lin Yang has already developed the energy protective shield. Although the protective ability is weak now, it does not mean that it will always be so weak in the future!

After a few upgrades, maybe it will be similar to the ones in science fiction blockbusters!

The process of developing a product from scratch is the most difficult, but as long as it is developed, it can be slowly iteratively upgraded and constantly improved!

It is impossible to develop something like an energy shield based on the original technological strength of Blue Star.

Now that it is available, it is only a matter of time until the energy shield's protective capabilities become stronger.

The momentary disappointment was just human instinct. After coming back to his senses, Chu Tiankuo rubbed his hands and said with a smile:

"Classmate Lin, you are so awesome. You have developed energy shields. Although the current protection ability is weak, with a few upgrades, you should be able to prevent attacks from large thermal weapons, right?"

Lin Yang nodded slightly: "Actually, the protective ability of the energy shield is most directly related to energy. When resisting attacks, the shield consumes a lot of energy. Theoretically, as long as there is enough energy, it can resist thermal weapons. attack."

"Ah?" Chu Tiankuo was stunned for a moment, and then asked a little doubtfully: "Classmate Lin means that as long as there is enough energy, the energy shield outside can also resist the attack of thermal weapons?"

"Theoretically this is true, but in fact there is still a certain gap."

Lin Yang smiled, and then gave Chu Tiankuo a detailed explanation.

"If you want to resist the attack of thermal weapons, you must have a large amount of energy supply, and energy naturally has to be stored somewhere. The black disk I gave you is so small, and there is obviously no room to store a large amount of energy."

"Therefore, it is also critical whether the prop that releases the energy shield itself can store a large amount of energy."

Chu Tiankuo frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "Classmate Lin, what you mean is that as long as the prop body that releases the energy shield is large enough and has a place to store energy, it can achieve the kind of defense effect seen in science fiction blockbusters. Already?"

"For example, if the small black disk outside is enlarged in proportion and leaves a place to store energy, it can resist the attack of super thermal weapons?"

"Yes, but not entirely." Lin Yang shook his head, "To resist the attack of a super thermal weapon, the consumption is very large. Even if it is enlarged ten times or a hundred times, and all the energy is used to store energy, it may only be able to withstand a few missile attack."

"Ah? Is it such a big consumption?" Chu Tiankuo was stunned again, and then said: "Then the energy shield prop itself that can continuously resist thermal weapon attacks must actually be made better than the spaceship. Are you all grown up?”

"That's not the case." Lin Yang shook his head again, "If the prop to release the energy shield itself has to be bigger than the spaceship, what's the point?"

Chu Tiankuo was immediately confused.

Lin Yang first said that the energy-releasing shield prop itself must be large enough to have a place to store energy, but now he said it was not the case, which confused him.

Seeing Chu Tiankuo's confused look, Lin Yang smiled: "Dean Chu, I just said that many things are just theories, but in reality they will change dramatically due to different technologies."

"Just like the problem you mentioned, it involves another technology, energy compression technology!"

"Energy compression technology?" Chu Tiankuo couldn't help but repeat.

"Yes!" Lin Yang nodded, "The so-called energy compression means that the same amount of energy can be infinitely compressed to a level that takes up almost no space without affecting the energy that the corresponding amount of energy can provide."

Chu Tiankuo was instantly surprised: "Is there such a powerful technology?"

"Yes, so making the energy shield prop itself larger is the lowest level approach. The truly advanced approach is to compress the energy into energy modules. While avoiding taking up space as much as possible, it can also achieve strong protection. Strength." Lin Yang said.

"This... is really complicated..." Chu Tiankuo couldn't help but rub his forehead.

"Haha, it's actually not complicated. To put it simply, as long as the energy compression technology is strong enough, the protection ability will be strong enough!" Lin Yang laughed.

"For example, the energy storage space of the same energy shield prop itself is fixed and limited, so in the same energy storage space, whichever side has stronger energy compression technology can place more energy in the same space. , then the energy shield’s protection time will be longer, in other words, the protection will be stronger.”

"I see, I kind of understand." Chu Tiankuo patted his forehead lightly again, and then said doubtfully:

"Does that mean there is no level distinction in the energy shield itself? As long as it is researched, the subsequent strength will be entirely related to energy?"

"That's not the case yet."

Lin Yang smiled slightly again, and before Chu Tiankuo could express his doubts again, he took the initiative to explain:

"Although the protection ability of the energy shield is mainly related to energy, there are still some technical gaps in the energy shield itself."

"For example, a low-level energy shield can only protect against the attacks of ordinary thermal weapons. Even if it is given more energy support, it cannot prevent the attacks of some super weapons."

"The more advanced energy shields can not only prevent attacks from ordinary thermal weapons but also prevent electromagnetic interference and so on. At the same time, as long as there is enough energy, they can also prevent attacks from super weapons."

"In general, although energy is more important, there are also some technical barriers to the energy shield itself."


Although Chu Tiankuo didn't fully understand what was said, he understood something about it, and immediately laughed: "This thing is really complicated."

Then, he looked at Lin Yang curiously: "So, student Lin, have you mastered the energy compression technology now?"

Thanks to the two eldest brothers, Tear Monkey and Mao Mao Yeye, for the reward. The eldest brother has spent a lot of money. I wish the two eldest brothers a fortune. I bow to the two eldest brothers!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who subscribe to read and support. I wish everyone prosperity!

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