
Lin Yang looked a little weird:

"Dean Chu, the disc I gave you is so small, but it can release an energy shield. Do you think I have mastered energy compression technology?"


Chu Tiankuo was stunned for a moment, and then became embarrassed: "Ahem, I'm sorry, look at my ability to understand and make classmate Lin laugh."

The black disk Lin Yang asked him to install was so small, but it was able to release the energy shield that enveloped the entire space carrier.

Although it is still unable to resist the attack of thermal weapons, it has obviously mastered the energy compression technology. There must be some compressed energy stored in the black disk.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be much ordinary energy stored in such a palm-sized disk.

But in the next moment, Chu Tiankuo couldn't care less about the embarrassment and asked quickly:

"Classmate Lin, since you have mastered the energy compression technology, can you also upgrade the energy shield to a level that can protect against advanced thermal weapon attacks as long as you have enough energy?"

After finishing his words, he looked at Lin Yang expectantly.

Lin Yang nodded: "Almost, but the energy compression technology I currently have is not very powerful. If you want to protect yourself from thermal weapon attacks, you still have to make the protective shield prop itself very large, which is not very suitable."

But Chu Tiankuo was very excited: "No rush, no rush, I believe that with your ability, classmate Lin, it will be a matter of time to improve energy compression technology!"

"Then let me borrow the good words from Dean Chu."

Lin Yang smiled and continued: "There are many levels of energy compression technology, and it is not that simple to improve."

"However, although I have not yet mastered more advanced energy compression technology, for now, the application of these energy shields may be worse in combat, but they can be used in civilian applications."

Chu Tiankuo's eyes immediately lit up: "Classmate Lin, do you mean to apply the energy shield in the field of flight?"

"Yes, whether it is an ordinary passenger plane or a fighter jet, if it encounters an accidental collision during extremely fast flight, such as an invisible collision with a bird in the sky, it may cause a crash. But if you have this energy shield, Now, this kind of accident can be completely avoided." Lin Yang nodded.

"Yes, yes." Chu Tiankuo nodded repeatedly, "If this energy shield is installed on the aircraft, the safety factor of the aircraft during flight will indeed be greatly improved."

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Yang with bright eyes: "Excuse me, classmate Lin, if the black disk-sized energy shield just now is only used to prevent flight collisions, how long will it last and how much consumption will it cost? ah?"

"Without any impact, it can last about half a month. If it is impacted, the battery life will be reduced depending on the intensity of the impact," Lin Yang said.

"Half a month? That long?" Chu Tiankuo was shocked and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

This is a bit too strong!

The energy stored in the palm-sized black disk can actually last for half a month.

It seemed a bit exaggerated to him.

Then he couldn't help but murmured: "Isn't the energy compression technology a little too abnormal?"

"Energy compression technology is indeed very powerful. It is also one of the necessary technologies for advanced technological civilization. Otherwise, flying across galaxies at every turn would have a big problem in endurance support." Lin Yang said with a smile.

The higher the level of technological civilization, the more powerful the energy compression technology it masters.

Hearing this, Chu Tiankuo laughed: "In that case, we can barely be regarded as a more advanced technological civilization now?"

"Haha, we're still far from it. Energy compression technology is just one of the technologies necessary to become an advanced technological civilization." Lin Yang smiled again.

"Okay, but even so, you are already very strong. Classmate Lin, you are really amazing!" Chu Tiankuo admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, Dean Chu, please stop flattering me. Can we go now?" Lin Yang waved his hand.

"Okay, I've already prepared it. I'm just waiting for your order!" Chu Tiankuo's expression immediately became serious.

This time the air carrier fleet went to other countries, and he personally followed it.

"Then let's set sail and fly all the way from east to west!" A faint light flashed in Lin Yang's eyes.

After this journey, Western countries must return the cultural relics that originally belonged to the country!


Chu Tian nodded broadly, then turned and left.

The next moment, the huge space mothership rose directly into the sky and slowly lifted into the sky.

At the same time, live broadcast is also fully started.

When they saw the space carrier taking off, everyone was so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

"Holy shit, shit, this is so shocking. There are no words to describe how I feel right now!"

"Yes, watching the aircraft carrier take off, this feeling is really indescribable!"

"This is our country! Only we can build an aircraft carrier that can fly!"

"Okay, brother, stop talking, my eyes want to pee again!"

Watching the aircraft carrier take off, netizens felt an indescribable sense of pride.

Especially, when the aircraft carrier was fully lifted into the air, several Superstar fighters appeared on both sides!

In front of and behind the aircraft carrier, there are two Dawn Blade mechas standing respectively.

When it comes to the lineup of the formation, it really can't be said to be many.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, the combined strength of several Superstar Fighters and the Blade of Dawn can be said to be unstoppable!

Accompanied by super star fighters and escorted by Dawn Blade mechas!

This kind of scene is directly fixed in the minds of netizens and becomes a memory that is difficult to erase for life.

Of course, unlike the excitement of domestic netizens, at the same time, all Western countries are nervous.

For domestic netizens, because they have too many good things, they feel that the formation of the aerospace carrier cannot be called luxurious.

But for the West, this lineup is like a world-destroying force!

Not to mention that there are many ordinary fighters on the space carrier on standby at any time.

The mere appearance of the Superstar Fighter and the Dawn Blade mecha is a force that scares the West!

Especially the Dawn Blade mecha. The extremely powerful combat power shown in the live broadcast not long ago is still lingering in everyone's mind.

A single Dawnblade is enough to cause devastating disaster.

And now there are two space carriers, one behind the other!

It can be said that except for a few superpowers, if these two Dawn Blades attack at the same time, they will be devastating to ordinary small countries.

And this is just the number shown on the surface.

No one believed that there were only two Dawn Blades on the space carrier.

After all, this time even the mysterious classmate was personally in charge.

In order to protect him, there is definitely a hidden power on the space carrier!

Therefore, the entire West became uneasy as the mother ship began to sail.

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