A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 204 The gap is so huge that it’s hopeless

Because, Lin Yang changed his mind.

"Dean Chu, after thinking about it, I decided to go directly to the joint office building of Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei."

Inside the space carrier, Lin Yang suddenly called Chu Tiankuo and informed him of his new plan.

Originally, he planned to slowly conquer each small country one by one, but after thinking about it, he decided that it would be more appropriate to go get Kodaka-chan and the cultural relics from Bu Mei’s territory first.

The two countries have the most cultural relics in their territories.

Although he had stolen a lot before, he stopped on his own initiative because of his status as the most wanted criminal.

Therefore, there are still a large number of cultural relics left in their two countries.

If we start from a small country first, give Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang some time to react, and let them simply destroy a large number of cultural relics in the territory, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

Although the system can detect the specific number and location of cultural relics, the destroyed ones are not included in this list.

Once Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan and the others react and destroy a large number of cultural relics and just return them with a little rubbish left to show off, the loss will be huge.

Not only do their two countries have the largest number of cultural relics, but many of them are also the most valuable individually.

Bring the cultural relics from their two countries first, and then go to other small countries to ensure that the loss is minimal.

Although Chu Tiankuo was a little confused about Lin Yang's sudden change of sailing plan, he immediately informed the captain to change direction and flew straight to the location of Xiaoyingjiang and the ugly joint office building at high speed.

The sudden change in the course of the space carrier naturally attracted the attention of all parties in an instant.

People who are not beautiful and Kodaka-chan also received the news immediately.

"Haha, as expected, they came to us immediately!" The person in charge of Not Pretty sneered.

"Come just come, anyway, we will follow the plan we just made!" the person in charge of Kotaka-chan said nonchalantly.

"Fortunately, the plan was formulated in time, otherwise they would have been caught off guard!"

The person in charge of not being pretty was a little lucky.

Then they informed their own people to prepare the corresponding cultural relics.

at the same time.

The fact that there is an energy shield on the space carrier was finally discovered by attentive netizens.

After the space carrier speeds up, a faint light mask will appear on it from time to time.

It was watched by some netizens under the ultra-high-definition live broadcast footage.

"What is that faint light shield? It seems to cover the entire space carrier itself, but why does it come and go?"

"This light shield...hey, it couldn't be the kind of energy shield in science fiction blockbusters, right?"

"Energy shield?"

"Damn it, don't say it, don't say it, it looks a bit like it!"

"It shouldn't be an energy shield. Otherwise, why would you feel like you can see it now and then not see it again?"

"Yes, if it is an energy shield, it should be stable all the time. It won't be looming and disappearing like it is now, right?"

"I don't know, but it feels very similar!"

Netizens were talking a lot, their curiosity was aroused, and they all went to the official account to ask.

After all, energy shields are a technology that only advanced technological civilizations can master!

Now there is something suspected to be an energy shield on the own space carrier, which makes people unable to calm down.

In response to the inquiries from netizens, the official account quickly gave a positive explanation.

"Dear netizens, I am honored to tell you that the light shield on the space carrier you see is indeed an energy shield!"

"It's an energy shield independently developed by a classmate!"

"And the reason why it is looming is actually just a visual illusion!"

"The energy shield is open at all times. It is only because of the light and the material limitations of the live broadcast camera. At certain specific angles, the energy shield is completely integrated with nature, so it can sometimes be seen. , a phenomenon that is sometimes invisible!”

The official explanation is very positive, very direct, and at the same time very comprehensive.

All of a sudden, domestic netizens were so excited that their scalps went numb.

"Holy shit, shit! It's really an energy shield!"

"Oh my God, has the world outside developed to this point? The big classmate is a bit too awesome. He even built an energy shield?!"

"This is an energy shield. It was researched so quietly. It's really ridiculously strong!"

"With this thing, wouldn't it mean that you are instantly invincible? You are already in an invincible position before the fight even begins!"

"Damn, how can my classmate be so strong? What did he eat growing up? Can you recommend something good for the brain? I want to be so strong too!"

"I haven't even passed the math and physics exams, but my classmates have already created energy shields. Is the gap between people really so big?"

"We are also students. My classmate is a freshman this year, right? I am also a freshman this year, and I only know Macabaka!"

"Hey, stop talking, I'm about to graduate from college, and I still can't do anything but Aba Aba!"

"Hahaha, you guys upstairs don't be too real, but you are brave enough to dare to compete with your classmates!"

"Invincible! The classmate boss is simply invincible!"


It can be said that everyone was stunned by the appearance of this energy shield!

However, the official immediately issued another announcement.

"I would like to inform all netizens that the current energy shield is only in its most preliminary stage and cannot completely block the attack of super thermal weapons."

"However, it has been confirmed by classmates that this energy shield can be fully used in the civil field, greatly reducing the probability of a passenger plane crashing in an accidental collision during flight."

"At the same time, since the development cost of this kind of energy shield is not high, the classmate boss said that the primary energy shield product will be directly put on the shelves of Huyue Group later. If there is demand, all parties can directly place orders. Buy!"

This new announcement once again shocked people.

Although it is not yet possible to achieve the kind of effect seen in science fiction blockbusters, it can actually be used directly for civilian use!

This made netizens not only not disappointed, but even more excited.

After all, the civilian sector is closely related to the safety of almost everyone!

It is even more exciting to think that I will be able to enjoy the protection of energy shields when flying on passenger planes in the future!

And it was not just domestic netizens who were shocked, but everyone watching the live broadcast around the world was also shocked.

People in Western countries, especially technicians, are all looking at each other.

Many countries in the West are still in the stage of researching ordinary weapons, but domestically, things are going well, and even super science fiction things like energy shields have been developed.

And it can also be directly used for all-round civilian use!

This gap is so big that it makes them despair!

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