A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 205 Bu Mei and Xiao Ying with sinister intentions

"Damn Shang Xia, they definitely got alien technology!"

In the joint office building, the unattractive people were once again furious.

Energy shields, a super science fiction thing, really only appear in science fiction blockbusters.

In the actual research field, it is difficult to even come up with concepts.

But now, energy shields have been directly developed in China!

This is simply a blow to the confidence of their scientific research and technical personnel.

"Don't worry, we are now transmitting signals to the universe around the clock, and I don't believe that no other aliens can receive them."

"Once our signals are received by other aliens, Shang Xia's current advantage will be gone!"

Although Kodaka-chan was also angry, he still remained calm.

Hearing this, the unattractive person took a deep breath and nodded: "I hope Project Y can succeed as soon as possible and make contact with other aliens. By then, not only the damn Shang Xia, but also the greedy alien on the moon will The star commander will also have a hard time!"

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan nodded and was about to say something, but the next moment, noisy shouts came from outside: "Shang Xia's space carrier is here!"

These words immediately made the expressions of Kodaka-chan and many senior executives in the office change, and then they quickly walked to the window and looked into the air.

In the sky, the huge hull of the space carrier seemed to be blocking the sky and the sun. It was parked above the joint office building, blocking most of the sunlight.

Looking from the bottom up, an indescribable shock filled the hearts of Bumei and Kodaka-chan.

This kind of shock cannot be experienced by watching the live broadcast.

Aircraft carriers fly overhead!

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you truly appreciate the indescribable awe.

Officials from the two countries, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, could not help but feel a bit of jealousy and fantasy in their eyes.

If only the behemoth in the sky belonged to them!

However, without giving everyone in the two countries more time to be shocked, a call came from the space carrier, saying that they were coming to retrieve the cultural relics.

In response, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan looked at each other and started to act according to the previous plan.

The two countries each returned more than 20,000 ordinary cultural relics.

Seeing Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang return the cultural relics so simply, Chu Tiankuo was stunned for a moment on the space carrier.

Originally, he thought that Bumei and Kodaka-chan would definitely argue with each other and try to maintain his own face by making some superficial remarks, but he did not expect that they would just take out the cultural relics and return them without saying a word.

Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei's actions of returning the cultural relics so neatly and neatly were beyond everyone's expectations.

Even many countries in the West did not expect Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei to have any intention of protesting, so they returned the cultural relics directly.

Especially some small countries, they originally expected Kodaka-chan and Not Pretty to have a tougher attitude.

Then they can survive the incident.

But now they see that Kodaka-chan and Bumei directly give in when faced with the power of the domestic air carrier fleet, which also extinguishes the last trace of luck in their hearts.

Even Bumei and Kodaka-chan immediately gave in. Only then did those small countries truly realize how powerful the domestic air carrier fleet was!

Domestic netizens are also very excited.

Seeing Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei give in and return the cultural relics, the excitement was indescribable.

The space carrier drove over, and without even saying a single unnecessary word, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan returned the cultural relics. A strong sense of pride filled the hearts of every Chinese!

This is the benefit of a strong country!

However, Lin Yang sneered.

Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei just returned the cultural relics without saying a word. It seemed simple, but in fact, what they took out to return was not even a fraction of the remaining cultural relics in their respective countries!

"Dean Chu, tell them to take out all the cultural relics honestly. If they try to be scheming again, I don't mind letting the Dawn Blade go and get it in person!" Lin Yang said.

Chu Tiankuo was stunned again: "Classmate Lin, haven't they all been returned?"

"The two countries have returned less than 50,000 items in total, but they are still far behind!" Lin Yang sneered.

"Ah?" Chu Tiankuo was greatly surprised, and then said hesitantly: "Um, classmate Lin, you weren't before, weren't you..."

He looked at Lin Yang and wanted to say that Lin Yang had stolen so much before, and now they might not have much left.

It's just that he was a little embarrassed to say this directly.

Lin Yang looked at Chu Tiankuo's appearance and knew what he wanted to express. He waved his hand to interrupt Chu Tiankuo's words and said proactively: "I stole a lot before, but there is also a lot left. Why did they take out so much?" Come and show off!"

"Pretending?" Chu Tiankuo didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"You'll know as soon as you pass on the words." Lin Yang did not explain immediately.

"Okay." Chu Tiankuo went out with doubts and conveyed Lin Yang's words to the people who were not beautiful and Xiaoyingjiang.

The next moment, the people from Meimei and Kodaka-chan expressed their opinions one after another.

The unattractive person first responded: "Shang Xia, what do you mean? You asked us to return the cultural relics, and we cooperated in returning the cultural relics, and now you are saying that the quantity we returned is not enough?"

"Is it possible that you are just pretending to ask us to return cultural relics, and your real purpose is just to use this excuse for other purposes?"

Kodaka-chan's people also responded: "Yes, everyone knows that your armed forces are now far ahead of the world. Are you trying to take this opportunity to find an upright reason for yourself to take action?"

"It's just that so many cultural relics were stolen from our two countries before, and now we have taken out everything we can, but you insist that we are not sincere enough!"

The unattractive person also spoke again.

"Those old antiques themselves don't have a specific number. If you use such a reason to find trouble, it's not a matter of opening your mouth. Why are you so hypocritical!"

"If you feel that the quantity of cultural relics is wrong, it means that the people who stole our cultural relics before were greedy. Anyway, our two countries have cooperated in what they should cooperate with. If you insist that it is insufficient, then you have to wonder whether you have ulterior motives! "

When Bu Mei and Xiaoying Jiang sang in harmony, Chu Tiankuo, who was still a little confused just now, immediately understood the true intentions of their two countries.

This is just trying to throw dirty water on someone else!

"Classmate Lin, what should we do now?"

Chu Tiankuo immediately returned to the cabin and asked.

Although the domestic armed forces are indeed very strong now, as long as they do not have the power to suppress nuclear weapons, it will never be possible to really take that step.

Otherwise, he will be a sinner in the history books.

The current responses from Bumei and Kodaka-chan can be described as sinister!

Thanks to Brother Hamburger for the multiple rewards of more than 2,000 coins, which cost him a lot of money. I wish him good luck and make a fortune. I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who read, subscribe and support, as well as the brothers and sisters who voted. I wish you all prosperity and bow to you all!

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