The advanced protective shield mentioned by the system sounds really exaggerated.

But what Lin Yang is most concerned about is whether this thing will require a lot of energy to support its operation after it is redeemed.

After all, the energy shield sounds like a big consumer of energy.

Now he is still in urgent need of energy, but he doesn't have the extra energy to do anything else.

"Answer the host, the advanced energy shield naturally requires energy consumption, but it does not need to be running all the time. You only need to wait for the alien civilization to arrive and temporarily hide the ecological base."

" mean to hide the ecological base so that you can catch the opponent by surprise?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed, and he somewhat understood the meaning of the system.

"Yes, host, if you are not sure about the opponent's technological strength, you can gain a certain advantage by hiding the ecological base first."


Lin Yang had nothing to say.

Is this still a system?

Is a system that knows tactics okay? !

"How much is a high-level energy shield worth as a national treasure?"

Then Lin Yang asked.

"Answer the host, a one-time high-level energy shield requires three million national treasure values. After replenishing the corresponding energy, it can last for seventy-two hours."

"...Are you robbing? You want three million at a time?" Lin Yang's eyes widened instantly.

"Answer the host, this is the price after taking into account the discounts of your various titles. This system strongly recommends that you redeem it. It is absolutely worth the money."

"It's worth the money. If the strength of that alien civilization is similar to the strength of the Tiangong base, I can definitely fight head-on. If the opponent is much stronger than me, there is no use even hiding it, because if they are not beautiful, they will definitely Will those who tell the truth be found out and rubbed by the other party?"

Lin Yang rolled his eyes.

"With so much national treasure value, I might as well exchange it for one more offensive weapon, and maybe get a better chance of winning!"

"Answer the host, what you said makes sense, but this system still recommends that you exchange it, because if the strength is indeed almost the same, then you can win at the minimum cost by catching the opponent by surprise."

"Secondly, even if you feel that the Tiangong base is not needed, it can be used to hide the refuge of your country. If the opponent's strength is almost the same as yours, if they attack Blue Star while exchanging fire with you, there will be energy protection. As long as the shield is there, it can play a key role."

"At least it can prevent the other party from discovering the shelter in your country at the first time, which can buy you a lot of rescue time."


Lin Yang was silent for a moment.


"Okay, what you said makes sense, then give me two copies!"

Lin Yang waved his hand generously.

As the progress of the salvage work accelerated, his national treasure value increased at an extremely fast rate every minute and every second.

Although the value of six million national treasures is not a small amount, I have to admit that this dog system is quite reasonable.

Facing an unknown extraterrestrial civilization, the most correct thing to do is to go all out!

Just spend the national treasure if it’s worth it, and just earn it later!

But the next moment, Lin Yang seemed to remember something, and suddenly said: "By the way, since this energy shield can protect the entire ecological base, can it completely cover my country?"

Wouldn't it be better if the entire country could be hidden?

"Host, the protection range of the disposable energy shield is limited and cannot protect an area as large as your country."

However, the words of the system dispelled his beautiful fantasy.

"Okay, it seems like this energy shield isn't that powerful." Lin Yang curled his lips.

"Answer the host, the energy shield is very powerful. This system can tell you that the super energy shield of a super technological civilization can protect the entire planet. Without detailed coordinates, even if it passes by the planet, It’s impossible to even see the planet protected by the super energy shield!”

The system's words immediately turned Lin Yang's disdain into shock.

"What? Even the entire planet can be covered? Are you kidding me?"

"Answer the host, this system is an honest system and will not lie about anything!"

"I'll go, wouldn't it be better to exchange it for a super energy protective shield now? Just protect the entire Blue Star so that the alien civilization can't even find it. Wouldn't it be safer?" Lin Yang's eyes widened again. a bit.

"Sorry host, all your current national treasure values ​​combined are not enough to redeem a super energy shield, even a one-time one!"

"...Okay, pretend I didn't say anything." Lin Yang sighed.

At this moment he felt the taste of poverty again.

Then before he could continue to sigh, the system's voice made him look serious instantly.

"Host, please note that this system has detected that mysterious alien civilization and responded to their signal. The directional feedback wave in response has fallen into their joint building again!"

"Huh? What's going on? Why is the response so fast this time? It took several days for the last response?" Lin Yang was a little confused.

"Answer the host, because they have established many directional communications between them, and the extraterrestrial civilization may have locked the coordinates of the Blue Star based on the cosmic signals they emitted, and has been continuously moving towards it in the past few days. The blue star is getting closer, so the response speed will be faster and faster!"

"Huh? Are you saying that the alien civilization has probably been approaching Blue Star in the past few days?" Lin Yang was shocked again.

"Yes, host, this possibility is very high."

"This... then the system, can you estimate the speed at which the alien civilization is traveling? Can they make it in two months?"

Lin Yang finally became a little nervous.

It will take at least two months for the energy in Tiangong Base to be replenished. If this alien civilization arrives within two months, it will not be good!

"Sorry host, this system cannot infer the traveling speed of the alien civilization through AC waves, but generally speaking, if the strength of the alien civilization does not exceed a third-level civilization, it cannot make an ultra-long-distance space wormhole jump. Yes, then the probability of arriving within two months is not high."

The system's answer made Lin Yang relieved, but he also discovered another important point.

"System, do you mean that ultra-long-distance wormhole jumps require at least a technological civilization of level three or above to be able to achieve it?"

"Yes, host, it is almost impossible for civilizations below the third level to master the ultra-long-distance space wormhole jump technology, so you can rest assured."

"Then I remember you said before that you can make a space wormhole jump, but the fee is very expensive, right!" Lin Yang's eyes burned.

He felt that he was getting a little closer to the secrets of the system.

"Yes, host, this system can provide you with space jump services, but the service fee is indeed very expensive, and your current national treasure value combined is not enough to make an ultra-long-distance jump."

"How many national treasures are needed to make a long-distance wormhole jump?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

In the past, he had no national treasure value and had no idea in this regard.

But now that there is a way to earn a lot of national treasure value, it seems that it is not impossible to take a peek at the real advanced functions of the system.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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