A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 217 Battle plan, the best defense is offense!

"Sorry, host, to perform a space jump, you need to provide a starting point and an end point, so that this system can calculate the specific cost of the jump for you. You have such a general inquiry, and this system cannot give a detailed answer."

Lin Yang was startled by the system's answer, and then said: "Since there is no starting point and the specific cost cannot be calculated, why do you say that my current national treasure value is not enough to make an ultra-long distance space jump?"

"Answer host, have you forgotten? This system told you when you first asked that there is a starting price for a space jump. Your current national treasure value is not enough to start a super long-distance space jump."


Lin Yang blinked and recalled carefully, it seemed that such a thing was indeed the case, and then complained:

"Tens of millions of national treasures are not enough to cover the starting price of an ultra-long-distance space jump. Is the price so ridiculously expensive?"

"Answer the host, ultra-long-distance space jumps are at least based on galaxy units. The pricing of this system is absolutely reasonable and value for money."

Lin Yang rolled his eyes and said nothing more. He found Zhao Zizhen and handed him one of the disposable energy shields he exchanged, and asked him to install it in the underground shelter.

The remaining one is used in the Tiangong base.

"Host, this system recommends that you deploy and control some ultra-long-range weapons of mass destruction outside the Tiangong base."

The system suddenly spoke again.

"Why?" Lin Yang frowned, "Isn't there a complete set of weapon systems in Tiangong Base?"

"Answer the host, the Tiangong base is an ecological base. The weapon system in the ecological base is usually defensive, mainly to protect the safety of the ecological base. The ability to engage in frontal and active combat is relatively poor. If the unknown alien civilization is not very powerful, If not, we can completely hold back the firepower of the ecological base and invade Blue Star."

"So, in order to better protect Blue Star, this system recommends that the host deploys and controls a set of powerful cross-planet combat weapons, which can not only prevent the invasion of the unknown civilization, but also have the power to hunt down the opponent and prevent the opponent from escaping. "

Lin Yang suddenly raised his eyebrows: "In terms of pursuit, don't I still have the Apocalypse spacecraft?"

Although the resources collected by the robot team are converted into energy, priority should be given to replenishing the Tiangong base. If the Apocalypse spacecraft needs to be replenished, it will take an additional two months.

But the number of cultural relics left behind on the seabed far exceeded Lin Yang's previous imagination.

He now possesses a massive amount of national treasure. At worst, he can directly exchange it for energy modules to recharge the Apocalypse spacecraft.

The weapon system of Tiangong Base does not have the ability to pursue, but the Apocalypse spacecraft certainly does.

"Host, although the Apocalypse spacecraft is powerful, it is not invincible. It is not enough for an Apocalypse spacecraft to hunt down enemies of civilizations with similar technological capabilities."

"Especially since you only have one Apocalypse spacecraft now. If it is damaged in the battle, there are currently not enough materials to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft, and you will also lose the ability to cross the planet for a period of time, so you need more A lot of preparation.”

The system reminded me.

Lin Yang immediately reacted to these words.


He only has one Apocalypse spacecraft now, and he cannot easily damage it in the battle.

Otherwise, let alone searching for special animals on alien planets, even traveling to and from Blue Star and the moon would be a big problem.

After thinking about this, Lin Yang simply said directly: "Let's do this, system, you directly issue me a combat plan to deal with it. List out what needs to be arranged and prepare for me!"

This is his first time fighting against an extraterrestrial civilization. He doesn’t have any experience, so it might be better to leave it to the system to arrange it. Maybe it’s better.

"Okay, host, the battle plan is being prepared and will be presented to you later."

The system responded, and after about three minutes, it said again: "Host, the battle plan is ready. Please take a look."

The system lists out a detailed combat plan.

First of all, some things that are recommended for redemption are marked above.

Lin Yang took a look and asked some questions about one of the things: "Advanced ship-destroying device, what is this thing for?"

"Answer the host, usually an invasion across galaxies will be accompanied by a large number of interstellar warships. The ship-destroying device is specially used to counteract interstellar warships. Its power can easily threaten interstellar warships. Moreover, the ship-destroying device is not a disposable item. Exchange It can be recharged and used again and again.”

"You can not only place the ship-killing devices at the Tiangong base, but you can also place some in your country for counterattack."

"Interstellar battleship..." Lin Yang repeated these four words, feeling that it had a very high-end feel.

"Host, your Apocalypse spacecraft is also a type of interstellar battleship."

"Oh...then the remaining ones, such as the ion beam launcher and the planet orbit heliometer, are all offensive weapons?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Yes, host, they are all weapons of mass destruction for cross-planetary combat."

"Why is there no defense device?" Lin Yang was a little confused.

The system recommended that he redeem the weapon, but he didn't see anything about defense.

"Host, the best defense is offense!"


Lin Yang was startled.

Is this system really good at tactics?

And before he had time to lament that this system was becoming more and more outrageous.

The system sound sounded again.

"Host, in the battle between technological civilizations, the power of many offensive thermal weapons has reached an incredible level. If you want to simply defend against such power, the energy consumption will be exaggerated. Therefore, the same Energy, used to charge defensive devices, is not as good as used to charge offensive weapons for direct bombardment!"

"Under conditions of similar strength, if you want to resist a bombardment of interplanetary thermal weapons with pure defense, the energy consumed will be more than a hundred times that of a counterattack!"

The systematic explanation made Lin Yang smack his lips and sigh: "Okay, so your combat suggestion is to directly confront the opponent and use offense to replace most of the defense. It depends on who has the stronger firepower and who comes last." Win?"

"Yes, host, this system has made the most appropriate combat exchange plan based on your existing national treasure value, which consumes a total of 130 million national treasure values."

"You're asking me to play hard!" Lin Yang curled his lips.

There are many cultural relics on the seabed, but salvaging them also requires a process. Currently, his national treasure value is just this much.

"Answer the host. Facing the advent of an unknown civilization, you will have no regrets until you go all out."

"System, why do I feel like you are becoming more and more humane? Not only do you know tactics, but you also talk about some great principles?" Lin Yang muttered.

"Answer the host, all changes in this system are to provide you with better services. At the same time, this system has calculated that with the salvage of cultural relics, your national treasure value will continue to increase every day, and this system will also continue to increase at any time. The final battle plan will be adjusted based on the value of your national treasure, please inform me."

"...Are you trying to squeeze out all the value of my national treasure?" Lin Yang curled his lips.

Thanks to my gummy brother and book friend 20231119662 for the reward. I spent a lot of money. I wish the two brothers a happy new year and a lot of money! Bow to my eldest brother!

Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support reading, I wish you all prosperity! Bow to everyone!

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