A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 218 Extraterrestrial civilization is coming? !

At the same time, just as Lin Yang was discussing a battle plan with the system.

In the joint office building of Bumei and Kodaka-chan, people from both countries were full of joy.

Because, in the latest response, the mysterious alien civilization clearly stated that it has accepted their invitation and will come to Blue Star as a guest, and will arrive within two months.

At the same time, he also taught them a relatively advanced technology for manufacturing spacecraft.

This made the person in charge of Not Beautiful extremely excited:

"Haha, damn the lunar aliens, and the hateful Shang Xia, when our allies arrive, they will all be trampled under our feet!"

In the past few days, they have been communicating with that mysterious alien civilization.

During the communication, the other party has always been very kind.

He also imparted to them the most urgently needed spacecraft technology without hesitation.

This makes them think that the mysterious alien civilization is absolutely benign.

"Even if this alien civilization doesn't like fighting, as long as they arrive, we can get rid of the current situation!"

The person in charge of Not Pretty shouted excitedly again.

Kodaka-chan and everyone nodded.

After all, they are now the first Blue Star country to establish contact with this alien civilization.

After the other party arrives, they will naturally become their allies.

This gave them all hope of getting rid of being suppressed by domestic and lunar aliens.

"We must be prepared to welcome alien allies as soon as possible. When the time comes, no matter what, we can no longer let Shang Xia take the spotlight!"

"There are less than two months left, we must be fully prepared!"

The person in charge of Bumei clenched his fists excitedly and said to the technicians on the side: "Respond to the alien allies quickly and tell them that we will be waiting for their arrival at any time and we are willing to be their envoys on Blue Star."

The technician immediately sent out the signal again.

the other side.

When Bu Mei asked them to transmit the signal, Lin Yang also received the system prompt at the same time.

When he learned that the alien civilization would arrive within two months, Lin Yang was inexplicably relieved.

"Fortunately, I had the Butler One double the mining team before, and now I have just enough time."

"Answer the host, you don't need to worry too much. With your current preparations, even if the opponent is a third-level civilization, as long as the opponent does not devote all his civilization to come, you will have enough strength to fight him!"

"Yeah." Lin Yang nodded.

He now has enough confidence and confidence to smash down a national treasure worth over 100 million yuan.

Moreover, he even looked forward to the early arrival of that alien civilization.

Because he is also curious about what real aliens look like!

In the following days, apart from salvaging cultural relics, Lin Yang was also arranging armed forces on the moon.

Two months can be said to have flown by.

"Time flies so fast!"

When the two months were up, Lin Yang temporarily stopped the salvage work and called for the Apocalypse spacecraft to fly to the moon.

Within the past two months, officials followed his shelter design and successfully built a very large shelter day and night.

Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang, on the other hand, have been unexpectedly low-key in the past two months.

Originally, Lin Yang thought that with the advent of alien civilization, Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang would announce in a high profile that they had assistance from alien civilization.

But I didn't expect that neither of them mentioned it.

However, after thinking about this issue for a while, Lin Yang understood why Bu Mei and Xiaoying Jiang were so low-key.

He was probably afraid that if he told me in advance, he would be targeted by the alien commander on the moon!

Therefore, the two countries have become more low-key, probably waiting for the alien civilization to truly arrive before jumping out to cause trouble.

In the past two months, the Tiangong base was also built into a super war fortress by Lin Yang.

A lot of national treasures are worth spending, and all the super weapons that can be used for cross-planetary operations have been replaced.

Even a large number of combat weapons are deployed on the periphery of the moon.

It can be said that the moon at this moment can be called a war fortress, not just a Tiangong base!

Of course, Lin Yang also did some protection for Blue Star.

But once the war starts, the battlefield will still be on the moon.

So Lin Yang took the Apocalypse spaceship and rushed to the Tiangong base.

He wants to take command personally.

Because once he goes to war with an alien civilization, if something unexpected happens during the war, he can only put the exchanged items into use in the war as soon as he is on the moon.

"How is the system? Have you detected any signs of the arrival of alien civilization?"

After arriving at the Tiangong base, Lin Yang asked.

"Answer the host, no alien fleet has been detected yet."

"Oh? Didn't you say it would arrive within two months? It's already been several days!"

Lin Yang blinked.

"Host, interstellar crossings are not necessarily extremely punctual. You may encounter interstellar turbulence, or you may encounter some other unexpected delays. This is normal."

"Well, you keep monitoring 24 hours a day. Once you find an alien fleet appears, tell me as soon as possible."

Lin Yang rubbed his hands, he was a little excited now.

"Okay, host, although the alien fleet has not been detected, this system has detected their transmission signals. During this time, they have been communicating frequently with the alien civilization. It is certain that the other party is extremely close. "


Lin Yang responded, then called for Butler No. 1, fully activated the weapon systems in the Tiangong base, and entered war mode.

At the same time, the energy shield was activated, hiding the entire base.

From the outside, the location of Tiangong Base is blank.

The energy shield makes use of changes in the principles of light optics, making it impossible for even the naked eye to detect the existence of the Tiangong base within a certain distance, which can be said to be quite powerful.

At the same time, Lin Yang also informed the country and asked them to activate the energy shield as well.

Although large numbers of people have not been transferred to shelters yet, energy shields have been activated as a precaution.

Finally, just when Lin Yang had made all the final preparations.

The system prompt finally came.

"Host, please be aware that this system has detected an alien fleet appearing in the galaxy!"

"Attention, host, this system has detected interstellar hunters, please be sure to hide yourself!"

The system prompt made Lin Yang a little surprised: "Interstellar Hunter? Are you saying that the other party is also an Interstellar Hunter?"

"Yes, host, judging from the current monitoring of this system, the other party is an interstellar hunter, not a civilization coming!"

"It's not the arrival of civilization, but the arrival of interstellar hunters. What's the difference? Aren't they all alien civilizations?"

Lin Yang was a little confused, didn't this all mean the same thing?

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