"Answer the host, although they are all aliens, interstellar hunters usually do not have a fixed power background behind them. You can simply understand for now that if the other party is an interstellar hunter, the threat is not that strong."

"Oh." Lin Yang nodded as if he understood, and then said: "System, can we understand the interstellar hunter as a lone ranger, rather than a representative of a certain technological civilization, and an official without technological civilization? background?"

"Yes, host, you can understand that, because interstellar hunters usually do not have official backgrounds, so what they have to face is not the invasion of an entire advanced technological civilization, and the threat level is relatively low."

"Oh... If that's the case, then I'm relieved." Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

The system suddenly changed the topic: "Host, although interstellar hunters usually do not have official power background and do not represent the overall will of a certain technological civilization, the existence of interstellar hunters cannot be underestimated. Although they do not have official background , but with their own team strength, every being who can become an interstellar hunter and survive has a very strong strength, you still can’t take it lightly!”

"Uh..." Lin Yang blinked and said slowly: "So, the interstellar hunters can be regarded as those armed force groups on Blue Star that are independent of the country?"

"Yes, host, almost every powerful interstellar hunter is not really a single person, but a team. A team of interstellar hunters that can survive and nourish has a very powerful armed force, otherwise it would be impossible to start an interstellar revolution. You can still escape the war intact."

"Moreover, the longer the interstellar hunter team exists, the stronger it becomes. Some powerful interstellar hunter teams are even more powerful than some ordinary technological civilizations."

The words of the system made Lin Yang's heart rise again after he had just put it down, and he couldn't help but say: "Powerful than technological civilization? Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Answer the host, the powerful team of interstellar hunters are very rich. They earn war wealth, become extremely rich, and then purchase powerful and advanced weapons through interstellar arms dealers. Their strength is very powerful, and it is not an exaggeration."

"Okay, then can you detect the overall strength of this interstellar hunter team?" Lin Yang asked.

"Currently, only two interstellar battleships have been detected. They are exploration ships. They should be the vanguard to observe the power of Blue Star. The real large force has not appeared."

"Oh, the other party is quite cautious." Lin Yang curled his lips.

"Answering the host and being cautious are the most basic qualities of an interstellar hunter."

"...How long will it take for these two exploration ships to arrive at Blue Star?" Lin Yang changed the topic.

"Answer the host, these two exploration ships will be able to reach Blue Star in half an hour at most."

"Half an hour? So slow? Didn't you say they have already appeared in the solar system? At such a slow speed, it seems that the strength of this interstellar hunter team is not very good." Lin Yang said in surprise.

"Answer the host, the galaxy that this system just mentioned that they have appeared within the galaxy does not refer to the solar system, but the Milky Way within the scope of monitoring by this system."

"...Okay, then pretend that I didn't say what I just said." Lin Yang showed an awkward yet polite smile, and then just shut up and said nothing, quietly waiting for the arrival of the exploration ship.

At the same time, above the blue star.

In the joint office building of Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang.

The people from the two countries are all looking forward to it now, looking up to the sky from time to time, with expectation on everyone's face.

Because just a minute ago, the technical staff received the latest news from the extraterrestrial civilization, telling them that they would arrive at Blue Star within half an hour!

This news made them extremely excited.

Alien civilization is really here!

"Half an hour! There's still the last half hour! We can make that damn commander on the moon and Shang Xia regret it!"

The person in charge of Not Beautiful looked up at the sky and roared in a low voice, as if he had seen the scene of alien civilization coming to help them counterattack at home!

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan also raised his head and looked into the distance, with a burning look in his eyes: "In half an hour, the history of Blue Star will be rewritten because of us. We are the pioneers who will lead Blue Star into the interstellar era! "

These words made others even more excited.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, the others, have never felt that half an hour is so long.

Finally, half an hour passed quietly as they seemed to have been waiting for half a century.

Two star battleships suddenly appeared above their heads.

The huge hull blocks the sky and the sun, and the sharp hull is silver-white, glowing with layers of silver light under the sun, rippling back and forth on the battleship like ripples, which is more exciting than scenes in science fiction blockbusters. Shocking!


In an instant.

Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were all shocked, and then trotted all the way to the bottom of the battleship. They all bowed down like they were greeting a big shot.

"Welcome alien allies to visit Blue Star. On behalf of Blue Star, we would like to express our most sincere welcome and blessings to you."

Bu Mei and the person in charge of Kotaka-chan spoke at the same time, showing humility to the extreme.

Even if the other party didn't even open the hatch!

"Oh...here is Blue Star, very good!"

A slightly happy voice came from the battleship. It was a little deep. The language seemed to have been automatically translated by the battleship system, so that Kodaka-chan and everyone else could hear it clearly and understand it!

"Yes, distinguished alien ally, this is Blue Star. Welcome you again."

The person in charge of Not Pretty spoke again.

"Haha, very good, you did a good job. This place is more beautiful than we imagined. It is really a planet full of life!"

The battleship also responded again, but still did not open the hatch.

This made Bu Mei and Kotaka-chan, who had been bowing, a little puzzled.

After all, it’s hard for my body to keep bending over like this all the time!

Bu Mei and the person in charge of Kotaka-chan looked at each other and said tentatively: "Your distinguished alien ally, we have prepared a welcome ceremony for your arrival. Please move."

"Haha, don't worry, didn't you guys say in the signal that you are the most powerful country on the planet? But now it seems that is not the case."

A chuckle came from the battleship.

These words immediately put a look of embarrassment on the faces of Bu Mei and the person in charge of Kotaka-chan.

In order to leave a good impression on the aliens and to allow the aliens to come smoothly, they did not tell the truth.

Now that they have been exposed in person, it is still quite embarrassing for them.

Just as they were thinking about how to reply, someone on the battleship said again:

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you cooperate, we will immediately restore you to the position of the most powerful country!"

As soon as these words came out, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were all excited.

"Dear alien ally, please give us your orders and we will cooperate with you!"

The person in charge of Bu Mei and Kotaka-chan suppressed their inner excitement and responded.

Thanks to sister Zhou Jinlu for the reward, and wish the beautiful sister a happy new year and a lot of wealth! I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have subscribed, read and voted all the time. I wish you all a prosperous and prosperous life. I bow to you all!

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