A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 220 Interstellar immigration? What kind of fun is this?

"Very well, now, let's announce our arrival to the entire planet."

The master of the voice on the battleship seemed to be very satisfied with Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's attitude, and gave corresponding instructions.

"Okay, distinguished alien ally, your arrival is an honor for our entire planet!"

The person in charge of Not Beautiful immediately agreed, and then the draft that had been prepared was immediately released via social media.

In fact, they had already prepared the corresponding publicity release, but they just held back until they saw the aliens coming with their own eyes.

Now that they have seen the arrival of aliens, they are eager to immediately tell the world that they have alien allies.

And with the release of the draft, the whole world was shocked in an instant!

"Damn it, what are they talking about? A new alien civilization has arrived and formed an alliance with them, and now the alien battleship is parked on their joint office building??"

"Oh my god, a new alien civilization has appeared??"

"It used to be harder to prove the existence of aliens than to go to the sky, but now it's better, aliens are popping up one after another."

"Haha, there are aliens on the moon. Isn't it normal for other aliens to appear now? I just don't know whether this alien civilization is good or evil."

"Do you still need to ask? Since I have already said that it is not beautiful, they have reached an alliance with this new alien civilization, and the other party has also taught them some advanced technologies for their development, which means that this alien civilization is also If they are friendly, they will definitely not invade us."

"Yes, but having said that, are all alien civilizations so friendly? The aliens on the moon have not invaded us, and this new alien civilization has not invaded us either. It feels a bit unreal."

"What's unreal? This is real, okay? The alien civilizations that invade at every turn in science fiction blockbusters are just conjectures, just to intensify the conflict for the sake of the plot. We are living in the real world now! "

"That's right. It seems that we are about to enter the interstellar era. It's just a pity that this alien civilization has been established as an ally by Bumei and others. Now they will be proud of it again."


There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

But because there have been aliens on the moon before, everyone this time only regained their composure after the initial surprise about the emergence of new alien civilizations.

Whatever needs to be done is done again.

It's just that some countries are more jealous.

The alien civilization on the moon is obviously biased towards the Shang Xia. Coupled with the existence of the mysterious classmate boss in the country, the country has developed rapidly during this period and has become the number one in the world.

And this new alien civilization is on good terms with them.

The position of the world's most powerful country is about to return to their hands.

This makes some countries a little sour.

The emergence of the two alien civilizations did not take advantage of them.

Naturally, it doesn’t feel good.

Bu Mei and Xiaoying Jiang looked at the reactions on the Internet and smiled with satisfaction.

The limelight and topics that belong to them are back again!

This makes them more polite to the alien civilization above them.

And as the press releases of Bu Mei and Kitty Hawk-chan promoting the kindness of alien civilizations continued to be released, on the alien battleship suspended above the joint office building, a projection similar to the one on Butler One suddenly appeared directly around the world.

In the astonished eyes of the world, an alien who looked similar to a Blue Star human appeared in the projection. His eyes were calmly staring ahead, but everyone felt as if he was staring at them.

Then, the alien showed a smile and said:

"Hello, human friends of Blue Star, we are the alien civilization you call us. After Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang's propaganda, you should know that we do not hesitate to transmit technology."

"We have detected that your planet's technology is relatively backward and its resources are on the verge of shortage. You have tried to find similar livable planets, but unfortunately your technology is too backward to support your interstellar immigration. However, It doesn’t matter, we have arrived, and we can provide you with interstellar immigration services to habitable planets for free!”

"We welcome senior executives from major countries around the world to come to the joint office building to conduct detailed discussions on relevant matters."

"Of course, if countries are worried about the personal safety of their senior officials, they can also choose to conduct discussions through video conferencing."

"Once again, we are willing to provide you with interstellar immigration services free of charge. If you are interested, you can register online."

The alien's projection repeated several times that it was willing to provide interstellar immigration services for free, and then the projection was turned off.

These remarks immediately caused an uproar and heated discussions around the world.

Interstellar immigration is indeed one of the hottest topics in recent years.

But according to Blue Star's original technological strength, even if it takes another thousand years, it is estimated that it will not be able to qualify for interstellar immigration.

However, now that this alien civilization has appeared and said it is willing to provide free interstellar immigration services, many people have been attracted by it.

Not only some ordinary people are moved, but also some less powerful countries are moved.

After all, the current situation in Blue Star is complicated. If we can go to a new planet, there may be new developments.

Officials from many smaller countries are beginning to be interested in taking this train of free interstellar immigration to seek new development on other planets.

And the registration website provided by the alien projection had over 100 million people sign up in just a few minutes.

A new planet means new opportunities and new development.

Many people who had not been successful in Blue Star almost all chose to sign up, and they did so with their families.

This move caught Bu Mei and Kodaka a little off guard, because the alien projection had not greeted them before.

Now that they suddenly heard that they were willing to provide free immigration services to the world, they were a little anxious and immediately ran under the battleship to inquire.

At the same time, inside the Moon Tiangong base.

Lin Yang frowned as he watched this scene through the live broadcast screen he had previously transferred.

They actually provide interstellar immigration services for free.

What is the plan of this interstellar hunter team?

"System, how credible do you think what the projection just said is? What is their purpose?"

Lin Yang was a little confused.

He thought that after the opponent arrived and saw that Blue Star was not strong, he would immediately launch an invasion and killing.

But he didn't expect that the other party would first let Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan publicize their kindness.

Immediately afterwards, there was a direct projection, telling the world that free interstellar immigration services were available, which made him a little confused.

What kind of fun is this?

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