"Is this interstellar hunter team really friendly?" Lin Yang couldn't help but muttered as he looked at the scene on Blue Star.

"Answer the host, star hunters basically have no good people, they are all villains. The probability of them being friendly is infinitely close to zero."

The system's answer made Lin Yang couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

What is this nonsense?

If he remembers correctly, he is now considered an interstellar hunter. He has done nothing, so why is he not a good person? !

However, he was too lazy to talk to the system about these meaningless topics and continued to ask: "Then tell me, what is their purpose for doing this?"

"Answer the host, after analysis by this system, there is more than 80% possibility that this team of interstellar hunters wants to sell humans on Blue Star as slaves."

"Slave?" Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat, "System, you mean they want to coax the humans on Blue Star into their spaceship and then sell them?"

"Yes, host."

"This...isn't it necessary?" Lin Yang was a little confused, "They are fully capable of invading the entire Blue Star. If they want slaves, there is no need to spend so much effort, right? Wouldn't it be better to just suppress them with force and then forcibly enslave them? Why bother with coaxing?"

"Answering the host, based on the current situation analysis, it may be that this interstellar hunter team feels that Blue Star is relatively backward and lacks resources. The profit for them from launching a war is very small, which is far less than what they can get from billions of human slaves. The profit is huge, so I use deception to get slaves at the lowest price."

"Because once a war starts, several major Blue Star countries have nuclear weapons. If they detonate the nuclear weapons with the belief that they will die together, there will inevitably be countless casualties. So for them, the gains outweigh the losses, and their trip will be in vain."

"Of course, it may be because there are only two exploration ships entering Blue Star now. The exploration ships are generally used to snoop for information, and they are usually not equipped with too powerful weapons, so deception may also be a way to temporarily stabilize Blue Star. We are waiting for the arrival of their real large force."

"In addition, after analysis by this system, we believe that the reason why they use deception is also related to the existence of you, the host."

"Me? What does it have to do with me?" Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Answer the host, because your image on Blue Star is that of an alien, but you have never done any malicious behavior towards Blue Star, and you have exchanged some materials with Blue Star's major countries in good faith, so let Blue Star People in Xing Dynasty already subconsciously feel that aliens are not unbelievable."

"In addition, this team of interstellar hunters deliberately let Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang release a large number of announcements that they were kind. Therefore, everyone in Blue Star had almost no doubts about the words of this interstellar hunter team and believed that they were indeed well-intentioned. Therefore, That’s why there are so many people directly signing up for interstellar immigration.”

The systematic analysis made Lin Yang silent.

He was still wondering just now why so many people signed up directly without doubting the words of this team of interstellar hunters.

Dare to love because he acted too kindly and too honest before! !

"So, the system, to a certain extent, I was used by this team of interstellar hunters, right?" Lin Yang gritted his teeth.

"Yes, host."

"Then they are not afraid that I will expose their lies. In other words, since they know my existence, why don't they care at all?" Lin Yang still couldn't figure it out.

His current image is also an alien, so since everyone is an alien, this interstellar hunter team directly deceives him, isn't it too disrespectful to take him seriously?

"Answer the host, there is a high probability that the information they provided through not beautiful, judging from your behavior of exchanging resources, you do not have the power to fight across the planet for the time being, so they really do not take you to heart. Maybe, you are now in the eyes of the other party , also a piece of fat."


"Yes, the host, an alien with an ecological base but greatly reduced strength, is fat in the eyes of any interstellar hunter team."

Lin Yang suddenly fell silent again.

The fact that he owns the ecological base cannot be hidden from this team of interstellar hunters. After all, there are a lot of video materials circulating on the Internet.

The system asked him to redeem the energy shield, but it only asked him to hide the specific location of the ecological base, so that the other party could not discover the exact location of the ecological base at the first time, thus making it unprepared.

Since the other party is a powerful team of interstellar hunters, by checking the information circulated on Blue Star, we can see that his ecological base is quite advanced.

An alien with an advanced ecological base has to exchange resources with the technologically backward Blue Star. This really makes people speculate that he has now lost the power to cross the planet.

An alien who has even lost the power to cross planets, it is normal that this team of interstellar hunters does not take him seriously.

Thinking of this, some of the previous doubts and logical questions were perfectly closed-loop answered at this moment.

Then Lin Yang couldn't help but laugh: "They mistakenly thought that it was fine now that my strength was damaged, so it would be easier for me to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger!"

"Yes, host, in the vast interstellar space, hiding one's own strength has far more safety advantages than exposing it."

"So, system, have you detected their large army?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

Since the opponent is a team of interstellar hunters, it is best to annihilate their entire team, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Answer the host, not yet, but don't worry, they will definitely come."

"Oh? Why are you so sure? Seeing that Blue Star's strength is so poor, maybe they won't send out a large force to come?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Host, have you forgotten what this system just said? You are also a piece of fat! Just two exploration ships cannot solve you, so they will definitely move all in to seize the ecological base, a high-end The ecological base is priceless!”

"What's more, there are billions of people on Blue Star. Even if only half of them are successfully coaxed by them, their few exploration ships cannot accommodate them."

"To sum up, the large force of this star hunter team will definitely come in full force. You just need to wait patiently for a while!"

"Oh...ok." Lin Yang nodded slightly and wanted to ask more, but suddenly received a call request from Zhao Zizhen.

He pressed the button and immediately heard Zhao Zizhen's anxious voice:

"Classmate Lin, where are you now? We have an emergency and need your help!"

"Urgent matter?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed, "Is it something about interstellar immigration?"

Thanks to the beautiful sister Zhoujin Road 1666+588 for the reward of several hundred coins, thank you to the big brother Bai Qian for the reward of 1666 coins, thank you to the big brother Yongyun-sheng-erer and book friend 20191119185517603 for the reward, so that my brothers and sisters spend a lot of money. Xiaohu is grateful and wishes his brothers and sisters a happy new year and great fortune! I bow to you!

I wish all brothers and sisters a happy new year and prosperity! Bow to everyone!

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