Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied: "Yes, classmate Lin, a new alien has arrived. You must have seen the projection just now. This alien civilization said that it is willing to provide us Blue Star humans with a livable planet for free. The interstellar immigration service is now in turmoil all over the world, do you think we should also take advantage of this opportunity to immigrate?"

"Dean Zhao, do you really trust the words of this alien civilization? Aren't you afraid that they are lying?" Lin Yang did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

He also wanted to confirm something.

Zhao Zizhen suddenly smiled bitterly: "Now everyone thinks that this alien civilization is unlikely to deceive us. After all, we are too backward compared to them. If they have any ideas about us, they can invade directly. There is no need to go to such trouble. "

Zhao Zizhen's answer directly confirmed to Lin Yang that his analysis with the system just now was correct.

Because of his kind performance first, and the extraterrestrial civilization's propaganda, everyone now believes that this extraterrestrial civilization's words are more credible.

He was really unknowingly taken advantage of by this team of interstellar hunters.

Then, Lin Yang blinked: "Everyone wants to immigrate now?"

"Yes, the new alien civilization and free interstellar immigration are too tempting. If you go to a new planet and have the guidance of alien civilization, the development prospects will be greater. Everyone will definitely want to immigrate. According to internal According to the news, it is certain that several countries want to immigrate their entire country." Zhao Zizhen said.

"Since you are already leaning toward immigration, why are you still asking me?" Lin Yang smiled.

"Ahem, well, Mr. Ye still wants me to ask you for your opinion. After all, our current development depends on you. If you say you don't want to immigrate, we will carefully consider your opinion." Zhao Zi told the truth.

Lin Yang looked at him and smiled slightly: "I went to a new planet, and with the guidance of alien technological civilization, it developed faster. Does my opinion still matter?"

"Uh..." Zhao Zizhen was stunned again, and then said awkwardly: "Classmate Lin, that's not what he said. You are one of our own. Alien civilizations are outsiders after all. Maybe they are kind-hearted now, but in the future It’s impossible to say for sure, so your opinion is also crucial!”

"Then I think it's better not to believe the words of this alien civilization." Lin Yang answered directly.

"You mean, not to immigrate?" Zhao Zizhen asked again.

"Yes, if you want to ask my opinion, then my opinion is not to immigrate, and don't believe in the words of this alien civilization!" Lin Yang also gave an affirmative answer again.

"This...please ask Mr. Lin, what do you mean when you say you don't believe in this alien civilization?" Zhao Zizhen was a little confused.

"Literally, their words are not worthy of trust! We don't need immigrants either!" Lin Yang said.

Zhao Zizhen opened his mouth immediately, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't seem to be able to organize the words for a while.

Lin Yang saw this and said calmly: "The reason why many countries want to carry out interstellar immigration now is simply because the local resources are getting less and less, and the reason why the resources are getting less and less is because the population is increasing and the resources are somewhat insufficient. It’s too sufficient. If they all immigrate, wouldn’t the remaining resources be enough? So we don’t need to immigrate.”

When Zhao Zizhen heard this, he also blinked, slapped his forehead, and laughed: "Oh, Mr. Lin, you have seen clearly, we are all a little carried away by the excitement of interstellar immigration, you don't mean what you said. Wrong, once everyone has immigrated, the remaining resources will be enough!"

"Yes, and we have developed for so many years now, and we will soon have the ability to exploit resources from other planets. Once we immigrate and start all over again, it may not really be better than now." Lin Yang added road.

Zhao Zizhen immediately nodded: "Yes, that's the case. Then I'll tell Lao Ye and the others now that we won't immigrate. Anyway, we can now contact aliens at any time, with their advanced technology as a guide. , it doesn’t make any difference whether you immigrate or not.”

"Yeah." Lin Yang nodded.

Immediately, Zhao Zizhen hung up the call, and Lin Yang sighed.

He really didn't mean to keep hiding his identity as an alien commander.

But it’s really not convenient to express it right now.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and this team of interstellar hunters must have the technological strength to monitor the world.

If he revealed his identity now, once the interstellar hunter team knew it, all the advantages he had prepared before would be gone.

Therefore, now I have no choice but to continue to hide it for now.

Then, Lin Yang thought of something and said directly to the system: "System, you are so powerful, can you invade the internal network of this interstellar hunter team?"

When this team of interstellar hunters comes to Blue Star, they will definitely search for network information on Blue Star instantly, and it seems that he can also use the system to invade the network of this team of interstellar hunters.

"Answer the host, this system can do it. What do you want to do?"

The system's answer did not disappoint Lin Yang: "Spy on them, or get some useful information."

"Good host, this system can invade their interstellar network to provide you with monitoring services. However, this intrusion requires a fee. It is worth one million national treasures per minute. Would you like to start the intrusion immediately?"

"...Are you really robbing? One million per minute?" Before Lin Yang had time to be happy, he was speechless by the system's charges.

This is too expensive!

"Sorry, host, invading the interstellar network of the Interstellar Hunter Team is inherently difficult, so the cost is also relatively expensive. This system is temporarily unable to provide you with this free service. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you."

"...Then if you stop monitoring, you can pick up important information and reveal it, such as the information that they are indeed scammers. Otherwise, if you turn around and make empty claims without substantive evidence, it will be difficult for people to believe that they are deceiving people to immigrate. Yes." Lin Yang did not continue to bargain with the system, but said it from another angle.

Although even if people abroad are tricked into being sold as slaves, it has nothing to do with him.

He is not the Holy Mother either.

But that's what happened.

Being able to easily save billions of people can be regarded as accumulating some merit for yourself.

"Okay, host, this system already knows your needs. This system will steal the other party's deception evidence depending on the situation."


Lin Yang nodded and was about to say something more, but the next moment, the system prompt suddenly sounded:

"Host, please be aware that this system has detected that a large force of the Interstellar Hunter Team has appeared in the galaxy. Please be prepared for battle!"

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