Lin Yang suddenly felt a shiver in his heart: "Is the opponent's large army coming?"

"Yes, host."

"How is the strength?"

"Answer to the host, this system has detected that the opponent is extremely powerful. There are six large battleships and two supply ships. The energy protection of all battleships is at level B and is in a state of full energy. The overall scientific and technological armed forces are at the peak of level two civilization. "

"So strong!"

Lin Yang was a little surprised at first, but then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has no other warships except the Apocalypse spacecraft, the current firepower on the moon is configured to fight against ordinary third-level civilization.

Although the strength of this interstellar hunter team is strong, it is just enough to deal with it.

This is perfect!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yang said: "System, formulate a combat plan based on the force of this interstellar hunter team. Be sure not to allow them any possibility of escape."

"Understood, host, please rest assured that with your current firepower, this team of interstellar hunters is no match for you."

"The important thing is that they are not opponents. Otherwise, are so many national treasures worth it? There are still so many lottery opportunities." Lin Yang said slowly.

Before, when he didn't know the technological strength of this interstellar hunter team, he used hundreds of lottery opportunities to ensure nothing went wrong.

Currently, a large part of the third-level civilization items in Tiangong Base are obtained through draws.

Use all the national treasures and lottery opportunities, just for the sake of safety!

"Host, if the power of the third-level civilization can deal with the technology of the second-level civilization, there won't be any surprises. Just wait and give them a big surprise."

"Yes." Lin Yang's eyes flashed with anticipation.

This team of interstellar hunters would have never thought that there would be a third-level civilization and technological power on such a remote and backward planet.

"By the way, system, how did they steal the evidence of deceiving immigrants?" Lin Yang asked again, "The overall strength of the opponent's army is so strong, I can't let them enter Blue Star, they must be in Intercept and kill them outside the Blue Star."

Although the strength of this interstellar hunter team is not as good as his side, if the opponent's large forces are allowed to enter the Blue Star and start a battle, there will probably be no grass growing on the Blue Star after the first battle.

And if we intercept the opponent outside Blue Star and prevent them from entering Blue Star, then there will be no chance for them to reveal their true colors, so we must obtain evidence of their deception.

He doesn’t want to take the blame later and be blamed by billions of people for spoiling their immigration success.

Although he doesn't have to care about the opinions of everyone in Blue Star, stealing deception evidence is also an easy thing.

He didn't want to be the kind of villain in the bloody TV series who silently worked behind the scenes and was misunderstood.

"Answer the host, evidence is being stolen, please wait."

"Okay, hurry up. The two previous exploration ships arrived at Blue Star within half an hour after you detected them. This large force should also arrive within half an hour. You try to get them there within half an hour. Steal the evidence." Lin Yang warned.

"Okay, host, this system is already speeding up the process of stealing evidence..."


At the same time, just as Lin Yang was telling the system to steal evidence, the warships of the interstellar hunter team were already approaching the outer edge of the solar system.

However, when approaching the edge, the fleet did not continue to move, but stopped.

Inside the main battleship, a burly alien sat on the captain's seat. He looked somewhat similar to the alien who had previously been projected on the Blue Star.

And he is the leader of this star hunter team - Solo!

At this time, there was a light curtain in front of Solo's eyes, which was playing images of the interior of Blue Star in turn.

As the scene continued to play, Solo showed a cold smile: "This is a living planet with a total population of nearly 8 billion, but its technological power is extremely backward. Very good, this time we can make a small fortune."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the Blue Star screen stopped playing and turned into a video screen.

In the video, it was the alien who appeared in the projection earlier and claimed that he could provide free interstellar immigration services to Blue Star.

Looking at this man, Solo said indifferently: "Pross, have you explored and collected all the information on this living planet called Blue Star? Are you sure there is no force that can resist us?"

"Yes, Master Solo, the technological power on this living planet is extremely backward." Prosper bowed and responded respectfully.

"So, how is the investigation of the so-called alien on the planet called the moon?" Solo asked again.

"Back to Lord Solo, by examining the data from the Blue Star Information Network, we discovered that the power of the so-called aliens appearing on the planet they call the moon is indeed not very powerful."

Pross bowed again and answered.

"Just like what they said, the so-called alien commander still needs to exchange resources with this backward country on the blue star. It can be concluded that the other party is most likely a refugee and does not even have the ability to fight across the planet. All are temporarily lost, almost any threat to us."

The sparkle in Solo's eyes suddenly skyrocketed: "Almost no threat? Hahaha, very good, God helps me, a refugee with a high-end ecological base, now we are going to make a fortune! Take the image of that ecological base Pass it on!"

"Yes, Lord Solo, the image of the ecological base has been sent to you, please review it!"

After Poulos finished speaking, the video screen changed again and turned into some related pictures of the ecological base.

Looking at the external structure of the ecological base and the army of robots inside, the sparkle in Solo's eyes skyrocketed again: "It is indeed an advanced ecological base, and there are millions of advanced intelligent robots. This is at least the product of a third-level civilization! !”

As Zoro laughed, everyone else in the cabin also showed greed.

A deputy captain standing next to Zoro said greedily:

"A guy with a level 3 civilization ecological base and so many advanced robots. As long as he has a little bit of resources, these robots can build mining spaceships and enter nearby planets to mine materials, thereby restoring his strength."

"But he still has to exchange resources with the backward countries on Blue Star. This is enough to show that this refugee does not even have the most basic supplies and energy. Lord Solo, this time, we are going to make a fortune!"

Solo nodded slightly and said with a faint look: "A high-end ecological base, as well as millions of high-end intelligent robots, plus nearly 8 billion slaves, is indeed a windfall. This refugee will be unlucky when he encounters us! "

With that said, he stood up directly and waved his hand: "Let's go! Conquer this backward planet and the unlucky escapee!"

Following the words, the fleet that had stopped just now started up again in an instant, turning into a stream of light and quickly approaching the Blue Star.

Thanks to the beautiful sister Linger Acridine for the 1,666-coin reward, and thanks to the beautiful sister Zhoujin Road for the 588-coin reward. The two sisters have spent a lot of money. I wish the two sisters stay young forever, be eighteen forever, be as beautiful as a flower, and make a fortune. I give it to you. Take a bow!

Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who read and voted, I wish you all good luck! Bow to everyone!

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