within the solar system.

A fleet of alien spaceships suddenly appeared, approaching the Blue Star in the blink of an eye.

It is the battleship of Solo's team.

However, after approaching, the battleship formation did not rush directly into the Blue Star, but stopped again between the Blue Star and the moon.

Inside the main ship, Solo glanced at the blue planet outside the window of the ship, then at the moon, and said to the communication equipment: "Plos, how are things going on on the blue star? Those natives should not have any Do you doubt it?"

"Lord Solo, except for a country called Shang Xia, all other countries have submitted applications." Poulos immediately responded respectfully.

"Oh? No one in the entire country submitted an application?" Zoro raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Lord Solo, after searching the other party's information network, we discovered that there is an existence in the other party's country codenamed Classmate. In the past few months, he has provided their country with many things that did not belong to their civilization stage. The advanced technology that I can master, so I guess that guy called my classmate probably knows something, and thus blocked the entire country’s immigration applications.”

Prolos did not hide anything and reported what he had discovered.

Solo's eyes narrowed slightly: "Did the technology provided by the guy codenamed Classmate come from the interstellar escapee from the moon?"

"Sir Solo, after data analysis and comparison, this possibility is only 10%. There is no direct relationship between the two, and the refugee did not provide too much technology to Blue Star." Pros Answer quickly.

"Such a low probability?" Solo's eyes flickered, "So, this mysterious classmate may not be the successor chosen by the refugee, and his technology may have been mastered through other channels?"

"Yes, Lord Solo." Poulos nodded.

Solo's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, he pondered for a moment, and then said leisurely: "Interesting, in such a remote galaxy, there is an interstellar refugee and an indigenous person who is suspected of having contact with other technological civilizations. It is really interesting."

"Lord Solo, do we want to invade immediately to prevent that classmate from sending distress signals to other civilizations?" Poulos asked.

"Don't worry, lure all the other slaves onto the ship first, and then attack that country. We must reduce the death of slaves as much as possible. If we attack directly now, won't the previous deception be in vain?" Zoro said coldly, "As for that classmate, even if he sends a distress signal, by the time rescue arrives, we will have completed the harvest."

"Okay, Lord Solo, my subordinates think so too. Even though the mysterious classmate may have come into contact with other alien civilizations, the current power of their country is still too weak. Under forcible suppression, they have no chance to resist. Power." Pross agreed.

Solo nodded, shifted his gaze to the moon, and ordered to a subordinate next to him: "Let all the transport ships go to Blue Star, and hurry up to lure the slaves on board. The battleship will follow me to the moon, and I will meet the escaped man for a while." By!"

"Yes, sir!"

His men immediately took orders.

The next moment, the battleship formation was divided into two parts, and one part of the battleship turned around and aimed at the moon.

The other seven or eight spaceships continued to sail towards the Blue Star.

In the Tiangong base, Lin Yang, who was monitoring the situation at all times, frowned at this scene and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "System! Didn't you just say that the other side only has six battleships plus three supply ships? This is too much What happened to the spaceship?!"

"Host, the extra spaceships are all large transport spacecraft, and their combat effectiveness is almost negligible. Therefore, this system did not mention it just now. Their main combat effectiveness is still the six super battleships. You don't need to worry."

The systematic explanation made Lin Yang frown again: "You said those seven or eight extra ships are transport spacecraft without combat effectiveness?"

"Yes, host."

"Okay, then it looks like they are going to let the transport spacecraft go in to load the people who have been deceived and want to immigrate."

Lin Yang muttered, then his expression turned serious: "System, enter combat mode, prepare to intercept the spacecraft!"

However, the system said: "Host, based on the current situation, this system recommends releasing the transport spacecraft and allowing them to enter the Blue Star!"

"Why?" Lin Yang was puzzled.

"Answer the host, the combat effectiveness of the transport spacecraft is almost zero. Let them all enter the Blue Star, and they will not cause much damage."

The system explains.

"Currently, the opponent's large battleships and supply ships are all heading towards the moon. This shows that in the eyes of the opponent, you are a much greater threat than Blue Star. They are obviously prepared to deal with you with all their strength first."

"Since no attack force enters the Blue Star, only transport ships enter, then if you release these transport ships, you don't have to worry about causing damage to the transport ships during the battle. These transport ships will become your perfect trophies. !”

The systematic explanation immediately made Lin Yang's eyes light up.

This was an angle that he had never imagined before.

I have to say, having a tactical system is really useful!

Since the opponent's troops are now divided into two groups and all the armed forces are used to deal with him, it is indeed a good choice to let the transport spaceship with little combat effectiveness enter the Blue Star.

Anyway, the transport spaceship cannot cause any damage to Blue Star, and it can also prevent damage during the battle. It can be said to be the best of both worlds!

"What a system, it's worthy of you!" Lin Yang praised it without hesitation.

He used to call the system a dog system, but he still has to praise it when praise is due.

As a result, eight large transport spacecraft sailed into the Blue Star without any hindrance and appeared in the skies of various countries.

This immediately made people from various countries who had been deceived become excited, and they all shouted that the alien spacecraft was really coming to pick them up for free immigration!

Not beautiful, Kodaka-chan, and the officials from various countries who wanted to immigrate looked at these seven or eight huge large transport spaceships, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party really didn't lie to them, and really sent a large spaceship to help them immigrate!

In an instant, the whole world has entered into a carnival of imminent immigration!

Of course, except domestic!

At the same time, Solo's large battleship formation also entered the lunar airspace simultaneously.

"Host, this system has copied the projection of the ecological base and projected it behind the real location of the base to confuse the opponent's hearing and hearing. When the opponent's fleet passes over the real base, you can launch an attack."

The system's reminder stunned Lin Yang for a moment: "You set up a projection of the base to lure them past? Aren't you afraid that the other party will find out??"

Thanks to Brother Hongxiu Slow Step, Brother Diamond Alliance Leader, and Brother 20210804044123736 Book Friend for their rewards. The three brothers have spent a lot of money. I wish the three brothers a happy new year and a lot of money! I bow to you!

I wish all my brothers and sisters good fortune and bow to you all!

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