Lin Yang was quite shocked. Is it still possible to use projections from the base to lure opponents?

"Answer the host, the base projection simulated by this system is extremely realistic. At least there will be absolutely no flaws in the opponent's scan. By the time they discover the flaws, it will be too late to retreat perfectly, and they will inevitably encounter a wave of bases. Only weapon attacks will do!"

The system's answer is full of 100% confidence.

"So, you asked me to change the energy shield to hide the base just to do this?" Lin Yang blinked.

"Yes, host, use the energy shield to hide the real base, and then project the fake base and place it behind the real base. When they lock the base projection and pass over the real base, you can activate the base's weapon system to catch them off guard. !”

"..." Lin Yang was numb.

Slightly numb scalp.

Is the battle between interstellar technological civilizations so exaggerated?

"System, are wars between advanced technological civilizations so outrageous?" Lin Yang's eyes couldn't help but widen.

This technique of luring the enemy is a bit unbelievable!

"To answer the host, this method can only be used in battles between civilizations whose technological strength is one level apart. If there is not a big gap in technological strength between each other, the fake projection will be easily seen through the other party's investigation system."

The system explained it again.

"This method of luring enemies is actually not as powerful as you, the host, think. After all, when there is a level difference in technological strength, there is no need for high-level technological civilizations to lure and can be directly crushed. However, your current situation is a bit special. .”

"Oh... ok, got it."

Lin Yang's eyes flashed slightly, and he understood what the system meant.

The system probably relies on its own level being higher than that of the star hunter team's reconnaissance system, so it uses base projection to lure the opponent.

very good, very powerful!

"Host, please be aware that the opponent's fleet will pass by the ecological base in three minutes."

"Three minutes? It seems that the other party is still very cautious, slowing down a little, and seems to be exploring while approaching."

Lin Yang watched the actions of the opponent's fleet through the surveillance screen.

The moon is not big, and with the speed of the opponent's star battleship, if it is used with all its strength, it may be able to reach the ecological base in the blink of an eye.

But the other party slowed down, obviously conducting continuous detection.

Indeed, as the system said before, caution is an essential quality for interstellar hunters.

The other party is simply too cautious!

Suddenly, a prompt came from the system: "Host, the other party is constantly scanning the entire moon and the situation of the projection base. This system has fed back false information. Please pay attention. The other party has sent a communication request. Do you want to connect?"

"The other party wants to call me?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Yes, the opponent's main fleet is constantly transmitting communication signals."

"Then do you think it's necessary for me to get through?" Lin Yang asked back.

"Answer the host, this system recommends that you just ignore it. After all, you are not a real alien. Once you communicate, the other party may find some flaws in a few words."

"...Okay, just ignore it." Lin Yang curled his lips.

"Okay, host, communication requests have been blocked for you."


Lin Yang did not talk to the system anymore, but looked at the time, ready for Butler No. 1 to activate the weapon system to attack at any time.

At the same time, inside the main ship.

Zoro looked at the scan report and narrowed his eyes slightly: "This refugee actually ignored our communication request. Hmph, he is pretending to be sophisticated!"

After that, he took another look at the latest scan feedback report and said coldly: "I originally wanted to test his background again, but since I turned a blind eye, let's attack directly!"

Zoro's eyes became extremely cold.

The scan report shows that there are no powerful enough weapon systems and energy protection inside the ecological base!

This is undoubtedly an undefended existence for them.

No matter how cautious he was, he couldn't hold himself back at this moment.

Immediately let the fleet speed up and rush to the ecological base in an instant.

While the fleet was speeding up, Lin Yang naturally also received prompts from the system.

"Host, please pay attention. The opponent's fleet has suddenly accelerated and is expected to pass over the base in ten seconds. Please turn on the weapon system!"

Lin Yang's eyes flashed: "It seems that the other party has already tested it and is extremely confident in the results of his test. This is good, and it can save a minute or two!"

After speaking, he ordered to Butler No. 1: "Butler No. 1, turn on the weapon system in the base to preheat, and when the opponent's fleet passes over the base, carry out an indiscriminate attack!"

"Okay, Mr. Commander, the weapon system has been activated and the enemy fleet has been locked. The countdown is ten seconds...nine seconds..."

"Three seconds..."

"Two seconds..."

"One second!"


As the countdown to Butler One ended, Solo's fleet also happened to appear over the ecological base.

In an instant, the weapon systems in the ecological base fired together and fired fiercely at Solo's fleet.

Inside the main ship, Zoro's expression suddenly changed as he was suddenly attacked.

"Damn it, we were tricked! That base is fake, the real base is right below us!"

"Quick, activate the energy protection and turn it to the maximum level!"

Zoro roared madly.

The weapon systems equipped in the third-level ecological base are also products of the third-level technological civilization!

Although their fleet is the product of the pinnacle of the second-level technological civilization, it seems that there is only a slight gap, but in fact the gap is huge.

Facing the attack from the ecological base's weapon system, the fleet's energy shield shattered instantly after not being able to hold up for a few seconds.

Boom boom boom!

The weapons from the ecological base hit the ship directly!


"Quickly retreat!"

Zoro yelled again.

"Withdraw from the attack range of the ecological base's weapon system. This ecological base's weapon system is not good at long-range pursuit. As long as we withdraw from its attack range, we will be safe!"

Under his order, the fleet retreated frantically.

Within seconds, the fire coverage of the ecological base weapon system had been withdrawn.

Although the hull of the ship was somewhat damaged, it was not serious.

"Damn it, this refugee has been deceiving us with false information!"

After withdrawing from the ecological base's weapon fire coverage, Solo stared at the real ecological base in the distance and roared angrily.

"Lord Zoro, what should we do now? Should we fight back or withdraw first?"

the vice-captain asked nervously.

"Hmph, just launch the maximum counterattack for me. The firepower range of the ecological base cannot cover us now. As long as we continue to attack and consume its energy, when the energy inside the ecological base is exhausted, this damn refugee will die. time!"

Zoro's eyes were cold!

Although it suffered a wave of ambushes, the fleet evacuated in time and suffered little damage. In addition, the ecological base is fixed and the weapon system is mainly for protection. As long as it continues to be consumed, the ecological base without energy replenishment will directly be paralyzed. Now he I still don’t think there will be any surprises on this trip!


Just when he had just finished arranging it, something happened suddenly!

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