"Sor, Master Solo...you, look..."

Just as Zoro ordered a counterattack, the deputy captain next to him suddenly widened his eyes and pointed tremblingly out of the ship window. His expression was extremely frightened for a moment, as if he had seen something terrible. Like a monster, his whole body shook a few times, and he screamed in panic as if he had seen a ghost.

"What are you yelling about..."

Zoro subconsciously yelled.

But the next moment, before he could even finish his words of curse, his pupils involuntarily dilated, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

Everyone else in the cabin was looking out of the ship window as if they were seeing a ghost. Everyone's body was stiff, their throats were tight, and they were even holding their breath subconsciously.

It seemed as if something terrible was coming from outside the ship window, which frightened them greatly!

At the same time, outside the ship window, something did come.

However, it is not some unspeakable weird horror.

Instead, rows of ion beam cannons surrounded the entire fleet from 360 degrees.

There are also super large laser light energy weapons that emit dazzling white light and lock on every warship.

In addition, there are dense red dots on the hull.

Obviously, it was targeted by a large number of ion guns.

Seeing the super firepower that suddenly surrounded the fleet, everyone in the Solo fleet was stunned for a moment!

They simply can't handle such dense and powerful firepower!

Not to mention, the energy fluctuations emitted by the ion beam energy cannon and laser light energy weapons are completely beyond the scope of the second-level technological civilization!

Inside the ship's cabin, the intelligent system sensed the weapon threat outside, frantically popping up blood-red warning fonts and sounding a piercing siren.

"Warning! Warning! It has been detected that the fleet is locked by a super weapon. The energy level of the weapon exceeds the maximum protection value of the fleet. Please abandon the ship and escape immediately. Please abandon the ship and escape immediately!"

Shrill sirens sounded from every corner of the ship.

At the same time, it also brought Zoro and others back to their senses after being frightened just now.

Seeing the crazy alarm from the fleet system, Solo punched the screen, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he roared again:

"Damn it! Damn it!

"Didn't you say that this guy is just a refugee?"

"Doesn't it mean that he has lost even the most basic ability to obtain energy and has to exchange it with countries on backward planets?"

"How is this going?!"

Zoro's eyes were red.

The system warns that the energy level of the weapon exceeds the maximum level that the spacecraft can protect!

This means that the energy level of these weapons has reached the level of third-level technological civilization.

And it’s not just one weapon that reaches the level of level three technological civilization, but a dense collection of weapons, each of which reaches the level of level three technological civilization! !

This kind of firepower can sweep through even a regular expedition fleet of a third-level civilization!

And their fleet's strongest weapons are only at the pinnacle of the second-level civilization!

Zoro panicked instantly!

Really panicked!

He couldn't figure out why there were so many super weapons of powerful third-level technological civilizations on such a remote planet in the galaxy!

It was obviously agreed that he was just a refugee, but what the hell are these super weapons all over the sky now?

A large number of super weapons suddenly appeared outside the ship window, completely disrupting all Solo's previous beautiful illusions and hopes.

After that, he no longer bothered to question why the intelligence was wrong.

Now, he just wants to escape!

"Enable escape mode, unleash all firepower to cover the main ship!"

After scolding, Solo issued orders frantically!

The other members of the ship showed signs of despair at the moment they received the order!

Everyone covering the main ship means that Solo has given up on them!

However, for some reason, facing Solo's order to nearly commit suicide, no one had any intention of resisting, but immediately controlled weapons to attack.

The energy collision of super weapons between technological civilizations instantly illuminated half of the moon.

Except for Solo's main ship, the other five battleships were beaten into pieces in an instant.

As for Solo's main ship, its speed increased to the limit, turning into a stream of light and escaping beyond the moon.

Seeing that other battleships behind him began to explode, Zoro's eyes did not show any sorrow for the death of his teammates, but looked at the ecological base with cold eyes.

His main ship is the only warship in the entire fleet that has reached the third level of technological civilization. Seeing that it is about to rush out of the planet, the crazy look in Solo's eyes dissipates slightly and is replaced by the joy of escape.

Then, he stared at the ecological base with murderous intent in his eyes: "Damn guy, I will make you endure a feeling that is a hundred times more painful than death!"

After that, he withdrew his gaze and coldly ordered: "Record the coordinates, record the images, and mark the characteristics of the ecological base. I want to make this damn guy a real refugee!"

However, just when he thought he could escape completely and thought about revenge, several more ion beam cannons suddenly appeared in front of the battleship.

Then, without waiting for Zoro to react, the beam cannon burst out with dazzling light, and with Zoro's eyes full of horror, it bombarded the battleship!


The huge battleship shook violently for an instant, but it was not damaged yet!

Seeing this, a glimmer of hope appeared in Solo's eyes: "Quick, charge the protective shield, resist the beam cannon and rush out. As long as you rush out, you will be safe!"




However, before Solo had time to be happy, three ion beam cannons that followed directly blasted the battleship into pieces.

"No! Damn it, you can't kill me! Otherwise, my brother will never let you go!"

Seeing another energy cannon aimed at him, Zoro shouted and threatened.

However, the weapon was ruthless, and a white light flashed. Before Zoro could continue to shout other words, his whole person was instantly annihilated.

The battleship turned into fragments and fell to the ground!

On the moon, peace was restored again.

There was only the remains of the burning battleship, indicating that a great battle had just occurred here.

"...System, why did you kill that guy so easily? Didn't you hear him say that he had a brother? Why didn't you wait for him to finish speaking and then kill him? What if this happened? If this guy has a strong background, wouldn’t he be in big trouble?”

In the Tiangong base, Lin Yang looked at the surveillance screen and couldn't help but make a sound.

The entire battle just now was carried out under the control of the system and Butler No. 1.

He can be said to be a spectator.

The battle process actually only lasts a few dozen seconds.

From the moment Solo's fleet escaped from the ecological base's weapons system coverage and launched a cover attack, the firepower on the moon devastatingly destroyed the opponent's fleet.

To be honest, Lin Yang felt a little distressed.

When Solo's fleet escaped the coverage of the ecological base's weapon system and stopped to prepare for a counterattack, he actually wanted to show off all the firepower on his side, threaten the opponent, and then make the opponent surrender obediently.

After all, they were all high-end star battleships, and he looked at them with enthusiasm.

It's just that the system expressed a different opinion.

"Host, you need to know one thing!"

"What's up?"

Thanks to the user book friend 20240217840 for the reward. It’s a waste of money. I wish you a happy new year and a lot of money! I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who silently voted and read to support, and I wish everyone prosperity! Bow to everyone!

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