"Host, in the cold technological civilization of the universe, if your own strength is insufficient, it is best not to accept prisoners, especially prisoners who are suspected of having backgrounds like this!"


As for the system, Lin Yang was a little confused.

"Host, if you are not strong enough and accept a prisoner with a background, and the other party's background is obviously stronger, then you will only be killed!"

"The guy named Solo has seen the power you currently have, but before he died, he did not beg for mercy, but threatened you, the host, saying that if you kill him, his brother will avenge him, then this is It means that his brother has more power than you now!"

"If you let him go because you are afraid of his background and imprison him as a prisoner, your civilization will be destroyed when his brother comes!"

The system begins to explain.

"When his brother arrives, under the pressure of more powerful forces, you have only one choice, which is to hand over the prisoner!"

"But if you release Solo, the other party will use crushing force to crush all traces of your current existence after receiving the prisoner, so you have no choice!"

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Can't we sign a contract before being released?"

"Host, please know that among high-level interstellar civilizations, promises and contracts have no value and can be violated at any time, unless you can find a higher-level interstellar civilization or a more powerful force as the contract partner. The person in charge will give the other party an extremely generous reward and make them agree to crack down on the other party after the contract breaches the contract. Otherwise, the contract will have no binding force!"

"But obviously, you currently cannot find a more advanced interstellar civilization and a more powerful force to serve as the leader, and there is not enough reward to give to the other party."

"Therefore, you cannot afford to take prisoners for the time being, because your situation is rather special. You currently only have an ecological base, rather than an entire real third-level civilization as a backing."

"So, when facing a guy with such a background, the best way is to kill and silence him as soon as possible to prevent the other party from passing on the news."

"Although the other party's brother is likely to know about this through other channels, as long as they don't get the specific interstellar coordinates, even if they want to come, it will still take a certain amount of time, and this time is the time you can use to buffer .”

"If this system had not immediately killed Solo, or taken him prisoner and asked him to deliver the message, then his brother's fleet, knowing the specific interstellar coordinates, would have paid a certain price. Arrive as quickly as possible, and you will have no room for resistance by then!"


The systematic explanation made Lin Yang immediately understand the cruelty in the universe.

In fact, this reason is also very simple.

To put it bluntly, he currently does not have a strong enough back-up force to support him to have equal conversations and negotiate terms with the other party.

Not to mention in the universe, even on the Blue Star, big countries are like this to small countries.

It's just that it's not as cruel as the system says.

A powerful interstellar civilization can break the contract on the spot and carry out a devastating blow, but the big countries above Blue Star still have to show some dignity.

"It seems that although this interstellar hunter team has been destroyed, the real crisis is probably just beginning now!"

Then, Lin Yang sighed.

Originally, he thought that as long as he solved this interstellar hunter team, he would be able to live a stable life for a long time.

After all, he had blocked out the other cosmic signals they continued to send out.

But who would have thought that this Solo also has an older brother.

This forced Lin Yang to cheer up again.

Since the other party's brother is more powerful, there must be a way to know about Solo's death.

In the coming time, not only will he not be able to develop more steadily and slowly, but he will have to improve his technological capabilities faster.

Then he called up the surveillance footage on Blue Star.

He killed all the people in Solo's fleet, and the Blue Star was now in chaos.

Originally, everyone was looking forward to entering the transport spacecraft and starting interstellar migration.

But it didn't take long for everyone to discover that the aliens who had been urging them to enter the spacecraft immediately became silent for a moment.

The spaceship was still hovering above everyone, but no aliens appeared.

The two alien warships that initially stayed above the unattractive joint office building suddenly took off without even saying hello, apparently wanting to leave.

This directly makes people who are not beautiful be confused for a moment.

"What happened? Why did the alien allies suddenly leave without even saying hello?"

The unattractive person in charge and the official people were still waiting for the other party's instructions below the battleship, but they did not expect that the other party's battleship suddenly took off and left quickly.

And that's not even the most shocking thing.

The most shocking thing was that the two warships had just taken off, and before they had flown very far, they saw two beams of light coming from the sky, which directly blasted the two warships into pieces.

Then the huge alien battleship began to fall from mid-air with huge flames.

He watched the huge alien spacecraft disintegrate and fall in front of his own eyes.

This scene shocked everyone.

"What happened? Why was the alien's spacecraft attacked?"

"Who is attacking the spaceship of the alien allies? And the force is so powerful that it blasted both warships to pieces in an instant?!"

The unattractive people felt frightened in their hearts.

Such a powerful alien spacecraft disintegrated in an instant!

With such a powerful force, they couldn't even imagine what kind of terrorist attack it would be.

And everyone in the other Blue Star Kingdoms started shouting.

"The alien's spaceship was destroyed, what about our immigrants?"

"Damn it! Who is attacking the alien spacecraft?"

"We will obviously be able to immigrate soon, but now someone has attacked the alien spacecraft. What will happen to our immigrants? How can we still immigrate now?"

"Damn it, don't let me know who ruined our immigration project, or else I have to make him look good!"

"Made, the attack just now seemed to come from outside. Could it be the attack from the alien commander on the moon?"

"Does the alien commander not want us to immigrate? His previous kindness was all a pretense. In fact, he wanted to keep us as his private property, so he saw other aliens willing to help us immigrate. When you were there, you attacked someone?"

"Devil, that alien commander is really a demon in a mask!"

"I curse him to die badly!"

Everyone in Blue Star cursed for not being able to immigrate, and cursed the guy who attacked the alien spacecraft.

Even the target of the blame soon shifted to Lin Yang's identity as the alien commander, launching a series of conspiracy theories and curses.

They all thought it was him who didn’t want everyone from Blue Star to immigrate, and it was him who ruined everyone’s interstellar immigration!

However, not long after everyone started cursing, a projection appeared again over the entire Blue Star.

The owner of the projection is Butler No. 1!

It directly played a piece of evidence that the system had previously stolen to deceive Solo and others.

In the video, Solo and others kept saying that everyone on Blue Star was a slave.

As soon as this video was broadcast, everyone in Blue Star shut their mouths again.

Only then did everyone realize that the words about free interstellar immigration were a scam from beginning to end!

"Did the alien commander on the moon save us?"

"Why does he want to help us?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock!

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