Everyone couldn't help feeling ashamed as they watched the video projection content played repeatedly by Butler No. 1.

Just a moment ago, they were cursing the alien commanders on the moon as selfish villains, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into great benefactors who saved them.

This change made everyone blush.

"How could this happen...how could this happen..."

In the joint office building, people from Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang were a little lost, and for a while they couldn't accept the result.

With the help of aliens, they were about to overtake the country and become a real superpower, but now the results told them that the alien allies they thought were actually just human traffickers who treated them as slaves.

This not only shattered their dreams, but also hit them psychologically!

After looking forward to it for more than two months, the joy turned out to be in vain!

This almost broke the defenses of those who were not beautiful and Kodaka-chan.

Compared with their two countries, people in other countries did not feel too uncomfortable, and almost all of them were lucky to have escaped.

Of course, the most fortunate thing is domestic.

Because they had listened to Lin Yang's opinion before and did not express any intention to immigrate. As the saying goes, if there is no hope, there will be no disappointment, so at this time everyone was looking at the foreigners as if they were having fun.

At the same time, a piece of news suddenly broke out online.

He said that the aliens who almost treated the people of Blue Star as slaves came and were all caused by the cosmic signals emitted by Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang.

It was attracted by the cosmic signals they emitted.

This news instantly pushed Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan to the forefront.

The anger that everyone had not had a chance to vent just now was all transferred to the two countries.

He scolded both of them as the sinners of Blue Star and the traitors of mankind!

These two hats were put down, which immediately made Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan half angry to death.

"Have these damn guys forgotten how grateful they were for bringing aliens here?"

In the joint office building, the unattractive person in charge was so angry that he covered his heart, his heart aching.

All the beautiful illusions that he had expected were shattered at this moment, and he was also branded as a sinner and traitor to mankind!

Even their two countries are now a little unable to withstand the global crusade.

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan was also so angry that his heart ached, but looking at the still burning wreckage of the alien warship, a glint flashed in his eyes, and he said faintly: "Although we have been deceived, now we have one last chance. !”

"What?" The person in charge of Not Beautiful didn't understand what this meant.

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan pointed to the burning wreckage of the alien battleship and said slowly: "These two battleships are our last chance!"

"Huh?" The person in charge of Not Beautiful was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and blurted out: "You mean to find something useful from this battleship?"

"That's right!" The person in charge of Kotaka-chan nodded, "The technology of this battleship is too far ahead of ours. Although it has been damaged by the attack, if we move faster, we may still gain a lot!"

The person in charge of Not Pretty suddenly shrank his pupils, and then shouted crazily: "Quick, go all out to put out the fire! Get all the fire trucks!! Everyone go put out the fire!"

With the shouting, the person in charge of Not Pretty became excited again.

After being reminded by the person in charge of Kotaka-chan, the wreckage of these two alien spaceships has now become the most precious treasure in his eyes!

Even if most of the advanced alien spacecraft is burned now, the remaining contents are definitely far superior to Blue Star technology!

Even if no technology can be obtained from it, just the materials from the remaining half of the alien spacecraft are of great value!

If you can get some storage technology from it, it will be a big profit!

The person in charge of Not Beautiful became more and more excited as he thought about it, wishing he could rush forward to put out the fire himself.

Soon, a large number of fire trucks rushed to the scene and began to put out the fire.

The two alien spacecraft burned not far from the joint office building.

Seeing that the fire had been extinguished and getting smaller, the person in charge of Not Beautiful rubbed his hands, narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but said proudly:

"I remember what the damn old saying in Shang Xia is like? It seems to be called "There is a bright future in another village, right?" It describes a new hope appearing in front of us, haha, God is really helping us!"

Just now I lost hope because I was deceived by aliens.

Now, because of the wreckage of these two exploration ships, greater hope has been rekindled!

Not to mention that most of the skeletons of the two alien warships are still left, even if there are only scattered fragments of materials left, they have huge research value!

In terms of technology, sometimes research breakthroughs only lack an opportunity, and now these two alien wrecks are the biggest opportunity for Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan!

With the completion of the fire-fighting work, under the professional command of relevant experts, a large number of personnel quickly moved the two alien wreckages to a secret base and began to study them.

The first research and analysis report was also issued as quickly as possible, and was then presented to Kotaka-chan and the person in charge of Bu Mei.

This research report also completely caused the officials of both countries to get excited again.

Because the research report shows that the wreckage of the two battleships contains alien technology that can be cracked, and the resources in the wreckage are even enough for them to rebuild a spacecraft!

Such huge good news made the unattractive person in charge feel unprecedentedly comfortable, and couldn't help humming a ditty:

"This is God helping us! Once the alien technology is cracked and a new spaceship is built, we will still be the most powerful country on Blue Star!"

As for the moon?

He didn't dare to mention it now.

Before, everyone thought that the alien commanders on the moon did not invade Blue Star because they did not have the strength to attack.

But the attack on the two exploration ships just now made everyone know that the commander on the moon did not have the power to attack the invasion of Blue Star.

The huge light beam attack came from outside the sky, and the two alien warships were shot down instantly without any room for resistance.

Such a strong strength is enough to show that from beginning to end, the commander of the moon base just had no intention of invading Blue Star.

This makes the person in charge of Not Beautiful now dare not mention the moon again.

Just when Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang were looking forward to obtaining advanced alien technology from the two alien battleships and then regaining dominance over Blue Star, Lin Yang was also taking stock of this time in the Moon Tiangong Base. reward.

For Lin Yang, his gains this time are also extremely huge!

I would like to inform all brothers, sisters and readers that I have unfortunately been infected with the flu again. It is very uncomfortable. I will write a chapter tonight and will add more tomorrow!

I'm sorry everyone, please forgive me, please vote by the way, I kneel down for you! !


More exciting plot will begin tomorrow... Please be sure to read it!

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