A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 230 Star Crystal, the trouble may be even greater

"Mr. Commander, the loot has been counted. Please check it!"

Butler No. 1 directly handed a list to Lin Yang.

What is recorded above is what was rescued from those large battleships.

After destroying several of Solo's large attack warships before, Lin Yang also asked Butler No. 1 to lead the robot team to put out the fire and rescue them immediately.

Although these spacecraft were destroyed to a relatively high degree, a lot of usable things were still saved.

Especially those three supply ships. Although the opponent used a large amount of energy supplies in the supply ships to resist at the last moment, a lot of usable energy was still saved from the three supply ships.

This is a big gain.

Of course, the most generous loot is the eight large transport spacecraft on Blue Star.

There were no Solo people on board the eight large transport spaceships, and they were operating entirely on the basis of the system's intelligent settings.

Now that all of Suo Luo's people were dead, the eight transport spaceships became ownerless, and naturally became Lin Yang's spoils of war.

It is also very simple to gain control of the eight transport ships. The system can directly hack into the intelligent systems of the eight transport ships and erase the original relevant instructions.

Eight complete large transport spaceships without any damage were a windfall for Lin Yang!

You know, the Apocalypse spacecraft is now used to carry robot teams to other planets to mine resources.

Although the Apocalypse spacecraft is a comprehensive spacecraft, its capacity is still much lower than that of large transport spacecraft.

Moreover, there is only one spaceship Apocalypse. When the mining volume is huge in the later period, it will be too busy.

Although robot squads can also build mining ships.

However, due to limited resources, only small mining spacecraft can be built.

Whether it is efficiency or other aspects, the small mining spacecraft is not even inferior to these eight large transport spacecrafts.

These eight large transport spaceships can instantly solve all the pressure on the current robot team to go to other planets to mine materials, and there is no need to spend additional energy to build mining spacecraft.

It is not even necessary for eight transport spacecraft to work at the same time. Only one large transport spacecraft is enough to solve all current mining problems.

More importantly, the energy on board these eight transport spacecrafts is fully loaded!

This means that even if we go to more distant galaxies to mine resources, there will be no problem at all.

It can be said that Lin Yang will not have to worry about transportation and mining problems for a long time in the future.

These eight transport spacecraft can be said to be the biggest gain this time!

Because, in addition to the value of these eight transport ships themselves, there are also some other resources stored on one of the transport ships!

Lin Yang couldn't recognize most of them at all.

But they are obviously high-end goods.

This was a complete and unexpected surprise.

What attracted Lin Yang's attention the most was that one of the cargo compartments of the transport spacecraft was filled with shiny things that looked like diamonds on Earth.

But it looks more advanced than diamonds, with a colorful halo all over it.

This was one of the few things that looked familiar to Lin Yang. Then he asked directly to the system: "System, is this a diamond of higher quality?"

"Answer the host, this is called star crystal. It is the common currency in the universe's technological civilization. It is not diamond. There is no comparison between low-level things like diamond and star crystal!"

"Star crystal? The common currency of technological civilization?"

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment. The system's answer was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Currency, to put it bluntly, is money.

There are dozens of currencies on Blue Star alone.

And there is actually a unified currency in the scientific and technological civilization of the universe?

This shocked Lin Yang: "System, are you sure? Even a small planet cannot unify its currency, but it can actually achieve currency unification among various interstellar civilizations?"

"Answer the host, on Blue Star, currencies cannot be unified because the currency itself has no value and other factors, but star crystals are different. Star crystals themselves have specific value, so they are a common currency in the technological civilization of the universe."

The system explains it.

"Of course, each different technological civilization also has its own exclusive currency, but star crystals are universal."

"Then that means I'm rich, right?" Lin Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, host, you have indeed made a fortune. This team of interstellar hunters called Solo is very powerful. You can understand that the star crystals in this cargo hold are equivalent to tens of billions of wealth!"

"Ah? Ten billion? Only tens of billions?" Lin Yang couldn't help but be startled.

Although tens of billions is an astronomical figure, there is still a slight gap from what he thought.

Since this thing can be used by all technological civilizations in the universe, its value is certainly not low. Moreover, it is a full warehouse, and it is only worth tens of billions. This is somewhat different from what he thought.

"Host, you cannot use Blue Star's conventional concept of money to understand star crystals. Star crystals worth tens of billions are a universal currency. In some ordinary technological civilizations, one star crystal can probably be exchanged for hundreds of millions of local currencies. "

The system explains again.

"...Is it so complicated?" Lin Yang curled his lips.

"It's not complicated, host. You can think of star crystals as hard currency, high-end items, such as Blue Star's gold. One gram of gold can be exchanged for hundreds of banknotes, but the value of star crystals is higher than gold."

"If you cannot accurately understand the concept of universal currency at the moment, think of star crystals as high-end commodities. Any star crystal can be exchanged for huge wealth in any technologically civilized country!"

"...Okay, if you say that, then I kind of understand." Lin Yang blinked, "For example, on Blue Star, although gold is a hard currency, major countries do not directly use gold to settle transactions. ?"

"Yes, host, in some ordinary technological civilization empires, star crystals are rarely used directly for settlement. Only people with super powers and super technological civilizations will spend generously and use star crystals directly."

"In other words, if you directly use star crystals for settlement, in the eyes of other technological civilizations, they will subconsciously regard you as a being with a strong background and should not be easily provoked. Using star crystals for settlement is also a symbol of status!"

Lin Yang nodded thoughtfully: "Then I have these tens of billions of star crystals, can I be called a rich man?"

"Answer the host, it's not just a rich man, this is simply a huge trench!"

The system's synthetic sound, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, now actually contains a hint of surprise:

"To be honest, host, even this system did not expect that this Solo would have such a huge wealth!"

"This is not something that an ordinary team of interstellar hunters is qualified to possess. It is no exaggeration to say that tens of billions of star crystals are enough for a regular advanced technological civilization to send out an expeditionary army to hunt down the tens of billions of star crystals across the galaxy. Interstellar Hunter Team!"

"... Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Lin Yang grinned.

"It's not an exaggeration, host. Although the interstellar hunters who can usually live and nourish are extremely rich, they cannot be this rich. This is not normal!"

The system's voice became much more serious.

"Especially, the strength of Solo's team is only equivalent to the peak of the second-level civilization. Tens of billions of star crystals are enough for the expeditionary army of the Technology Empire to destroy them hundreds of times!"

"This is not the wealth that a team of interstellar hunters at the pinnacle of a second-level technological civilization is qualified to possess!"

"Not to mention the peak of the second-level technological civilization, even the interstellar hunter team at the peak of the third-level technological civilization is not qualified to have such wealth!"

The system's words immediately changed Lin Yang's expression, and the good mood of becoming a rich man disappeared instantly, and he said solemnly:

"So, although I have obtained tens of billions of star crystals, it also means that my troubles may be even greater, right?"

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