A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 243 The truth, there is only one way for Blue Star to go!

"Ahem, system, what is that intelligent brain you are talking about?"

Listening to the system's somewhat angry voice, Lin Yang changed the topic.

"Answer the host, the intelligent brain is just an intelligent system that is a little more advanced than the intelligent system. It has some independent computing, thinking and decision-making capabilities."

"Oh? This thing sounds like it is the ultimate development direction of artificial intelligence." Lin Yang said.

"Yes, host."

"What about you, are you the most powerful intelligent brain system?" Lin Yang asked curiously.

"Sorry, host, this question cannot be answered by this system at the moment."

"Okay, so what exactly is the reason there's no zoo here?"

Lin Yang didn't say much. When asked about serious matters, he already knew that the system would probably not answer this question.

"Answer the host, the reason why there is no zoo here is actually not complicated."

The system begins to explain.

"The Red Thunder Empire wants to break through to the fourth level civilization. Since many years ago, it has been greatly reducing the consumption costs in the empire. Anything without practical value has been abandoned, including low-level beasts. , this compression has been going on for generations.”

"Although Ste just said that ordinary people here no longer have to work, what he didn't say is that even if ordinary people here let robots take over their jobs, a large part of the remuneration they earn will be used to regularly maintain the robots. The remaining part is only enough to maintain basic living expenses and cannot afford any additional offline entertainment activities.”

"And in order to increase the population, the Red Thunder Empire has launched an incentive measure. As long as every family has one more newborn, they will receive a Red Thunder Coin subsidy from the Red Thunder Empire."

"But while providing subsidies, the Red Thunder Empire has silently imposed restrictions in other aspects to ensure that each family must continue to give birth to newborns and receive subsidies in order to continue living."

"And if you don't have children, without subsidies, and relying solely on money from work, even the most basic survival will be difficult."

"Under such great pressure to survive, only those royal members and nobles with high wealth have the extra energy to appreciate some realistic landscape animals."

"In the Red Thunder Empire, travel is something that has been forgotten for ordinary people hundreds of years ago, and the education they receive is also online virtual image education."

"That's why Sturt and Moissan were so shocked when they heard that you wanted to buy real beasts. For them, the only people who can buy beasts for viewing are the nobles and the royal family."

"...So, System, you are saying that the reason why there is no zoo in the Red Thunder Empire is because ordinary people are under such great pressure to survive that they only have time to work and make babies?" Lin Yang was stunned.

He thought about countless possibilities, but he never thought that it would be such a ridiculous reason.

"Yes, host, this is the main reason. In addition, it is also because of the official restrictions of the Red Thunder Empire. They may not want ordinary people to waste a little time on work and childbirth."

"..." Lin Yang had nothing to say.

He felt that this reason was too outrageous.

But this is the conclusion reached by the system that hacked into the system inside Guiyunxing, and it is definitely not wrong.

This is very…


Really speechless.

"Host, sometimes the truth is not as complicated as you think. It's just people's habitual thinking that subconsciously complicates their thoughts when facing unknown things."

The system suddenly said something quite reasonable.

"Okay, but I still don't understand something." Lin Yang frowned, "The development of science and technology is for people to have a better life. The Red Thunder Empire is already the third level of peak technological civilization, how can it bring pressure to the lives of ordinary people? Is it even bigger?”

He was really confused.

This was completely different from what he had imagined.

Before this, Lin Yang had always believed that the more powerful and advanced the civilization, the more beautiful and comfortable people's lives would be.

But the facts queried by the system are completely opposite.

It's incredible.

It's scary that in such a powerful civilization, people's lives are not as good as ordinary civilization.

"Answering the host, in fact, the more powerful the civilization, the smaller the role of ordinary people. And the more powerful and advanced the civilization, the more resources it will need if it wants to further improve, but resources are not endless, even if In the vast universe, powerful civilizations also have to fight for resources."

“If a civilization wants to develop, it must constantly plunder and compete for more resources, otherwise it will be plundered by others. Although the Red Thunder Empire is not weak, if it does not continue to advance, there is a risk of being annexed by other civilizations.

"Unless they become the supreme civilization in the universe, other civilizations will face great pressure to survive. It does not mean that the more advanced the civilization, the easier life will be. Even in some advanced civilizations that are neither above nor below, in order to ensure With the advancement of civilization, it is normal for ordinary people’s lives to become more difficult.”

The system's words made Lin Yang fall into silence.

This was something he had never thought of before.

The development of science and technology and the promotion of civilization have put greater pressure on ordinary people's lives.

This was something he hadn't expected.

His heart felt a little heavy.

The system suddenly said: "Host, you don't need to think too much. The development of science and technology and the promotion of civilization are inevitable processes. Every civilization is not reversed. Although upward promotion may not necessarily be better, if it is not improved, it will be inevitable. Will become a slave to other civilizations!”

Lin Yang was startled.

The system continued: "Just like Blue Star, it has now entered the vision of other cosmic civilizations. The only way to go is continuous promotion. Otherwise, it is not a question of the pressure of survival, but whether it can survive. It’s a question of going down.”

A ray of light rose in Lin Yang's eyes and he nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense. Although promotion may cause some problems in a short period of time, as long as you are strong enough that others dare not provoke them, then all problems will not be a problem. Got it!"

"Yes, host, you are right to think so. The current situation of the Red Thunder Empire is still because they are not strong enough. In a truly powerful civilization, people's lives are very comfortable and free."

"Yeah." Lin Yang nodded and didn't think more about it.

As the system said, Blue Star has no other choice now. If it stops development now, everyone will have no way to survive!

In this case, then become the most powerful civilization, become the supreme civilization in the universe as the system just said, and crush all troubles!

Thinking of this, Lin Yang asked: "By the way, system, what level of civilization is the supreme civilization in the universe you just mentioned? How can we become the supreme civilization?"

Thanks to brother Jun Yexin for the reward. It’s a great expense. I wish you all the best and a fortune! I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters for reading and subscribing, as well as the brothers and sisters who voted, thank you for your monthly recommendation votes, and the q reading brothers and sisters for showing your heart.

I wish you all good fortune! Bow to everyone!

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