"Answer the host, because the gap between your current civilization level and the supreme civilization is too large, this system is unable to provide information about the supreme civilization for the time being. Please host try to improve your civilization level first."

The system's answer was a bit unexpected, and Lin Yang curled his lips and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Ste suddenly said from the side: "Your Excellency, there has been news from the Chief Manager. The Chief Manager said that he has helped you connect. Our Third Prince heard that you are interested in beasts and expressed his willingness to do so free of charge. I will give you some as a gift, and you can set off to Scarlet Thunder Star to make your selection at any time, and His Highness the Third Prince will be waiting for your arrival there."

"You have to go to Scarlet Thunder Star?" Lin Yang couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, distinguished guest, I need to trouble you to go to Red Thunder Star." Ste replied.

"Okay, let's talk about it later. I'll go to the slave market first." Lin Yang stood up directly.

There is still a long distance between Guiyun Star and Red Thunder Star, and he doesn't want to waste more time this time.

"Okay, if you have time to arrive at Scarlet Thunder Star, you can contact His Highness the Third Prince directly." Ste responded, and then respectfully sent Lin Yang off.

Lin Yang returned to the Apocalypse spacecraft. At this time, the cargo hold of the Apocalypse spacecraft was already filled with a large amount of supplies and purchased arms and weapons.

Of course, there is also some energy.

"This is a sense of security!" Lin Yang sighed with emotion.

When we arrived, there were only star crystals in the warehouse.

Now they are all the pinnacle weapons of SS-level and third-level civilization.

According to the system, the Iron River Federation, the most powerful in the entire galaxy, is only an ordinary third-level civilization.

His current armed forces can almost destroy the entire Iron River Federation.

Of course, this is under ideal circumstances.

After all, the third-level civilizations that can successfully survive in the universe all have some special features, or they all have some unexplainable background.

If he really wanted to destroy others, his strength would probably be a bit weak.

But at least, unless they are facing the entire technological civilization, these armed forces are enough to fight any expeditionary force of technological civilization below the fourth level civilization.

The sense of security is immediate!

"Apocalypse, go to the slave market." Lin Yang then spoke.

The slave market was in the other direction, at the other end of the city.

A few minutes later, the Apocalypse ship landed in the slave market's docking area.

The reason why he didn't go to the black market was because Lin Yang didn't really plan to buy slaves, but just wanted to see how slaves lived in the universe.

Unlike the arms trading market, the people responsible for reception here are not robots.

Seeing Lin Yang descending from a high-end spaceship like the Apocalypse, the waiter stepped forward with bright eyes and said respectfully: "Welcome to the slave market, distinguished guest."

Lin Yang waved his hand before he could continue to speak: "I'm just browsing by myself, I don't need service, thank you."

The reason why the slave market does not all use robots is because selling slaves is a technical job.

Sometimes people who come to the market may not necessarily buy it, but if the promotion is right, they may be interested in it temporarily.

Just like shopping guides in a store, they will try their best to promote various slaves and get commissions from them if they make a sale.

If it were before, Lin Yang would naturally need services to introduce various slaves to him.

But now that the system has hacked Guiyunxing's internal system, and all the information about slaves is available, there is naturally no need for services.

After all, the waiters here will definitely magnify the advantages and avoid the disadvantages, but the systematic introduction must be the most comprehensive of the advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn’t want to tip anymore!

Having seen the value of Star Crystal, on the one hand I am a little reluctant to part with it, and on the other hand I don’t want to be so high-profile.

The waiter suddenly looked a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to say anything and got out of the way.

Lin Yang was not embarrassed and entered the market trading area on his own.

Then, I was a little shocked by the sight in front of me.

In the huge market, people of various races in the universe, no, slaves, were placed in different display cabinets like goods, and the prices were marked for people to watch and choose.

Some are even imprisoned directly in cages.

This scene had a huge impact on Lin Yang's heart.

Here, there are many slaves whose appearance is similar to that of Blue Star humans, and some have skin color and appearance similar to that of Shang Xia people!

At a glance, it seems as if we are seeing our compatriots being sold here.

This feeling is indescribable.

It's like going to the wet market to buy meat, and seeing a whole pig and a whole sheep hanging on the shelf, you won't feel anything.

But if you see rows of people hanging on it, it’s a completely different mood and impact.

Moreover, the selling price of many slaves is not as expensive as an ordinary peak-tech weapon he bought casually.

Life is extremely cheap here.

"If Solo hadn't been stopped before, the people from Blue Star would probably have been hung up here like this." Lin Yang said silently.

The cruelty in the universe is really not just talk.

Suddenly, a voice caught Lin Yang's attention.

"Dear guests, a new batch of Ni human slaves have arrived in this market, especially the female slaves. All of them are new. There are only thirteen of them, each worth 10 million Red Thunder coins. First come, first served!"

Following the sound, a lifting platform suddenly appeared in the middle of the market. On the platform stood a steward of the slave market and thirteen cages. In each cage, there was a beautiful female slave.

Although it seems that they have gone through some mental torture, each slave's face is very haggard, but it is difficult to hide their appearance.

On Blue Star, it is estimated that any one of them can become a top female star that everyone is looking for.

But here, they are just slaves for people to choose from, and each one is only sold for 10 million red thunder coins.

Lin Yang took a look and said silently: "System, is there anything special about these slaves? Do they have to shout alone? And the price is more expensive than others?"

"Answer the host, the Ni people are a very weak race. Both men and women are very beautiful, especially the female Ni people. They are very suitable for childbearing, so they are relatively popular. After all, in the Scarlet Thunder Country, if you have more children, you will get less subsidies. many."

"As for the male Ni people, most of them are reduced to male slaves for others to play with, or used for breeding."

The system's answer made Lin Yang silent.

The system then said: "Host, the slaves of the Ni tribe are actually already considered good. At least some of them are still alive. Those slaves with poor appearance and no special use are all directly used as experimental materials. "

"..." Lin Yang was speechless for a moment.

Isn’t this talking about the humans of Blue Star?

In terms of appearance, it is far worse than the Ni people, and in terms of function, it is basically zero!

"No wonder you said before that the humans on Blue Star are only used as experimental materials." Lin Yang sighed.

Compared with most slaves here, Blue Star humans really don't have any advantage.

Once caught, they basically become experimental materials.

"Host, try to become more powerful. As long as you become stronger, no one will dare to attack your civilization!"

The system suddenly started to pump blood.

"...I know." Lin Yang was speechless.

"Okay, host, do you want to buy these Ni slaves? Ni slaves, both male and female, are very useful,"

"...Easy to use?" Lin Yang felt that the word system was not serious.

He ignored the system and had no intention of buying it.

He just came to take a look. Although these slaves are indeed pitiful, they look at me with pity.

But he is not the Holy Mother, so he cannot buy it just because he looks pitiful.

Soon, all thirteen Ni human female slaves were snatched up.

Then, he fucked a few more male slaves from the Ni tribe.

There were fewer people fighting this time, but what made Lin Yang chill was that in addition to a few women taking action, there were also two big-bellied old men who looked at these handsome male slaves from the Ni tribe with a scorching light. Crazy snatching...


Lin Yang immediately withdrew his gaze and prepared to evacuate directly.

I really can't stay here too long, it's too harmful to my mental health.

But the system suddenly shouted: "Host, this system has found a special slave, and we strongly recommend you to buy it!!"

"Huh? Special slave? What special slave?"

Lin Yang was stunned as he stepped forward.

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