"The host is a slave of the Wucang tribe. He is in the cage in the northeast corner. Go and buy it quickly, and then leave here immediately and return to Blue Star!"

The sound of the system is a bit urgent and surprising.

Lin Yang followed the system's guidance and saw the slave of the Wucang tribe.

He was a young man who looked like he had just reached adulthood. His skin was extremely fair, but he had obviously been whipped and his body was covered with whip marks.

At this moment, the young man has his head lowered and his breath is weak. He is locked in a cage. Like the other slaves in the cage, the price is not marked.

Lin Yang noticed that there were many marks of needle pricks on his arms. He didn't know what kind of punishment he had experienced.

"Is there anything special about this Wucang tribe slave?" Lin Yang asked.

He really couldn't see any difference between this slave and other slaves. The biggest difference was that the skin all over his body was so white that it was very conspicuous.

But this shouldn’t be considered special, right?

"Host, don't ask anymore, buy first, and leave immediately after buying!" The system urged again!

"Huh? Why are you so anxious?"

This was the first time that Lin Yang saw the system being so eager.

This surprised him.

However, he didn't ask any more questions, and immediately called the nearest steward, stating that he wanted to buy this slave from the Wucang tribe.

He still has absolute trust in the system.

Since he was so eager to buy this slave of the Wucang tribe, there must be a reason.

When the steward heard that he was going to buy this slave boy from the Wucang tribe, he immediately started to praise him:

"The distinguished guest has good eyesight. This slave is extraordinary. This is a new race of slaves we discovered. His hematopoietic speed is three times faster than that of normal people. If you buy it back, you will make a lot of money. It is equivalent to a hematopoietic machine. It can't be used." How long will it take for you to get your money back?”

"Stop talking nonsense, how much does it cost!" Lin Yang interrupted the manager coldly.

The manager said this just because he wanted to sell it at a good price.

"Ahem, this is the first time we have encountered this slave. It is a new breed and the price is relatively expensive. If your distinguished guest sincerely wants it, 100 million red thunder coins will be enough!"

The steward was not angry when he was interrupted, but smiled and held out a finger.

"One hundred million?"

Lin Yang glanced at the steward and snorted coldly: "Even the female slaves of the Ni tribe only need 10 million, but you want 100 million for this thing?"

"Your Excellency, this is a new breed of slave after all, and the blood regeneration function in this slave's body is three times faster than normal, which has great research value." the steward explained.

"Haha, if it was really of great value, you wouldn't sell it." Lin Yang sneered.

Although he doesn't understand the slave trade situation in the universe, he understands human nature.

If a newly discovered special slave really had unique value, how could the people in the slave market sell it directly?

He must have kept this slave of the Wucang tribe to make money.

This is just the manager's words to raise the price.

The steward still smiled when he heard this and said, "Then how much money does the distinguished guest want?"

"Twenty million." Lin Yang stretched out two fingers.

The steward's face changed slightly: "Your Excellency, your bargaining is too harsh, isn't it? You definitely can't sell it at this price, this is..."

Lin Yang glanced at the steward, and before he finished speaking, he interrupted him directly: "Twenty million, star crystal settlement."

This price was naturally told to him by the system. Although the system was anxious for him to buy it, it did not want to appear too eager to avoid being seen as raising the price abnormally.

The stewards of these slave markets are all human beings. If they act too eager, they will not sell easily.

A round of bargaining is a normal process.

"Twenty million is too low... Uh... I'm sorry, Your Excellency, what did you say? Star crystal settlement?"

The manager subconsciously wanted to make a counteroffer, but then his whole body shivered and he looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

What did he hear?

Star crystal settlement?

"Yes, star crystal settlement," Lin Yang gave an affirmative reply and said leisurely: "Twenty million red thunder coins, all settled with star crystals. If you want to sell it, go through the procedures immediately. If you don't sell it, then..."

"Sell! Your Excellency, sell, sell, sell!"

Now, it was the steward's turn to interrupt Lin Yang and frantically said he would sell it on the spot!

Then, as if he was afraid that Lin Yang would regret it, he directly invited Lin Yang to the VIP room and completed the formalities with unprecedented speed.

Didn't even take the money first!

After all the procedures were completed, the steward said with a flattering look: "Your Excellency, thank you for your generosity. All the procedures you requested have been completed!"

"Take the slave and go to my spaceship to get the star crystal." Lin Yang put away the formalities and stood up directly.

"Yes, yes!" The steward called a robot to escort the young slave from the Wucang tribe, and followed Lin Yang to the spaceship warehouse in person.

When he saw the Apocalypse spacecraft, the steward couldn't help but exclaimed: "Praise to the Red Thunder Emperor, this kid is really lucky to meet a master like you!"

Lin Yang didn't bother him and said coldly: "This transaction needs to be kept confidential!"

"I follow your will, Your Excellency!" The steward immediately bowed, then took the initiative to bring out a confidentiality agreement and signed it.

This kind of confidentiality agreement is a means in the market to reassure customers.

As long as the customer requests it, a confidentiality agreement will be automatically generated and controlled by the Red Thunder Empire's intelligent system. If there is any leakage, traders will be punished.

It can be said that it is still somewhat useful.

Lin Yang took a look, turned around and entered the Apocalypse spacecraft, then started the spacecraft, rushed out of Guiyun Star, and began to return.

"System, now can you tell me what's so special about this slave of the Wucang tribe?"

After leaving Guiyunxing, Lin Yang asked while releasing the slave boy from the Wucang tribe from the cage.

He is not worried that the slave will hurt him. First of all, all slaves have been tortured and trained by the slave market using inhuman means, and they have long lost their anger.

Secondly, when they were captured as slaves, special smart chip devices were placed in their brains and hearts.

There is extremely strong current inside the chip.

Once a slave dares to harm the buyer, the buyer only needs to give an order, and the chip will instantly release a large amount of current to stun the slave.

As for the sneak attack?

That doesn't work either.

The dual chips in the brain and heart can monitor the slave's physical reaction at any time. Once an abnormality in the slave's condition is detected, an alarm will be automatically issued to alert the buyer, and the slave's mobility will be restricted according to the situation.

It is under this double insurance that the slave market in the universe will be so prosperous.

After being released from the cage by Lin Yang, the slave boy of the Wucang clan did not stand up directly. Instead, he knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Cang Miao has seen the master."

Lin Yang looked a little weird.

As a good young man who has received education in the new era, Lin Yang felt uncomfortable with the title master: "My name is Cang Miao, right? Don't call me master in the future. You can call me big brother, or...Mr. Commander."

"Master, Master, this is not appropriate..." Cang Miao was stunned for a moment.

"This is an order!"

Lin Yang looked at Cang Miao.

Cang Miao's eyes became complicated, and then under Lin Yang's gaze, she nodded and said: "Yes, Lord...Mr. Commander."

He didn't dare to call him brother, a somewhat intimate title.

Lin Yang nodded with satisfaction, glanced at Cang Miao, whose upper body was naked, and said, "There is a living area in the spaceship. You go take a shower first and change into clean clothes before coming back."

"Yes, Mr. Commander." Cang Miao stood up and followed the guidance of the intelligent system of the Apocalypse spacecraft to the living area.

At this time, the system began to explain to Lin Yang the specialness of Cang Miao.

Thank you to book friend 2021030175262318232 for the reward. I have spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you!

Thanks to all the brothers and sisters, I wish you all prosperity and bow to you all!

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