"Host, people from the Wucang tribe are rare. They have hematopoietic speed three times faster than normal people, but this is not special. When people from the Wucang tribe become adults, their genes will automatically evolve. After evolution, The adults of the Wucang tribe will have five times the regeneration rate of blood in their bodies, and then their blood can be used to make super genetic potions!"

"This is one of the few raw materials in the universe that can be used to directly make super genetic potions, and it is extremely valuable!"

"At the same time, people from the Wucang tribe can evolve into super warriors without taking genetic medicine!"

"The adults of the Wucang tribe who have undergone professional training are the top super warriors in the universe. They can survive in polar temperatures."

"In addition, the flesh and blood of the Wucang tribe can also be used as medicine and made into special potions that can cure some new diseases in the universe and can also enhance the effect of genetic potions!"

The system was astonishing.

"Host, it can be said that the people of the Wucang tribe are full of treasures. You are so lucky this time to meet a Wucang tribe member who is not yet a minor. After a while, when he becomes an adult, even if his blood is not drawn, You can train him into a super warrior, a super warrior from the Wucang tribe, who can tear apart mechas with his hands!"

Lin Yang was shocked by the system's words!

Tear the mecha by hand? ?

Is it so outrageous?

"System, are you saying that the warriors of the Wucang tribe can resist mechas?" Lin Yang felt that this was exaggerated.

He couldn't imagine.

"Host, to be precise, it's not hard resistance. After all, the mechas have super weapons. The hand-shred mechas mentioned in this system mean that they are extremely powerful and extremely fast. They are probably just like the science fiction blockbusters you watch. They are similar to the supermen in the book. They are born super soldiers. If combined with tailor-made weapons and equipment, they can be called killing machines!"

"Super, superman..." Lin Yang blinked, even more shocked.

"Yes, host, the Wucang people are so powerful. They can use their blood to make genetic potions and train them to become super warriors. They are one of the few truly special races in the universe."

"Is the genetic potion that I took before that increased the body's functions by five times made from the blood of the Wucang tribe?" Lin Yang suddenly remembered the bottle of genetic potion that he had drawn before.

"Host, the genetic potion you took was not made with the blood of the Wucang tribe. The genetic potion made with the blood of the Wucang tribe is more powerful, and only a few civilizations have the ability to produce super genetic potions made with the blood of the Wucang tribe."

"Uh..." Lin Yang was startled for a moment, and then became confused: "Since the Wucang clan is full of treasures and is very powerful, they should be very famous. Then how could he be made into a slave? The Red Thunder Empire's Didn’t people recognize it?”

"Host, people from the Wucang tribe are very rare now. Their blood is the most precious raw material for super gene potions, and their flesh and blood are also medicinal materials. In this case, their entire tribe does not dare to show up easily, and they often move around the universe. , to avoid being discovered.”

"Although they can become super warriors, the Wucang tribe is still too weak in the face of those super civilizations. When it was discovered that their blood and flesh could make genetic potions and enhance their effects, they were once pursued by major super civilizations. After a period of killing, the entire tribe suffered numerous casualties, and they were all captured to make genetic medicine."

"Then the Wucang Clan began to decline, with not even one out of ten left. Now it is probably at a state of survival. Moreover, the news about the Wucang Clan has been blocked by some super civilizations. They don't want more people to know about the Wucang Clan. The existence of the clan.”

"Civilizations like the Scarlet Thunder Empire are basically not qualified to know the specific information of the Wu Cang Clan, so the people in the slave market on Guiyun Star simply use Cang Miao as a blood-forming machine as a selling point!"

The system told a piece of news that could be called a secret.

Lin Yang felt complicated.

A powerful race, just because its blood and flesh can be used, is hunted down by the top cosmic civilizations, and eventually becomes an exile, running around.

He didn't even know whether he should be thankful that the humans on Blue Star didn't have much use value anymore.

"Host, this system has tested Cang Miao. He is only a few days away from adulthood. He will evolve by himself by then. He is so lucky this time. If he had come a few days later, his genes would have been discovered by people in the slave market. It will evolve automatically."

"The people in the slave market were also lucky to catch a Wucang tribesman. I really don't know how this kid was caught. Normally, as a Wucang tribesman, he should be in remote areas on the edges of the universe. It’s better to hide, why did he appear here and be captured by people from the slave market?”

The system sighed with emotion at first, and then also became a little confused.

Lin Yang shrugged: "I'll find out later if I ask."

"Host, this system recommends that you don't ask now, so as not to affect his adulthood. Wait until he reaches adulthood in a few days before asking."

"Oh... ok." Lin Yang nodded and immediately asked: "Since he is from the Wucang tribe, and now that I have bought it, I feel that there is a possibility of increased risk. If someone recognizes him, it will be a big trouble."

He had a headache on how to deal with Cang Miao.

Although Cang Miao is full of treasures, he still cannot fully adapt to the cold laws of the universe.

It was a bit difficult for him to deal with a young man who had just grown up. He had a difficult time psychologically.

He was not merciless when he killed Zoro, and that was because Zoro was an intruder.

But Cang Miao is just a slave. Although he has absolute power of disposal, if he does that, he feels that he is no different from the intruder.

But Cang Miao is left, but he is an existence that can explode at any time.

Once someone discovers that Cang Miao is from the Wucang tribe, it will be a bigger trouble.

"Host, this system understands your feelings very well. The Wucang people are rare beings. You can train him into a super soldier as your assistant, and you don't need his blood to make genetic medicine, because this system There is a better system, and this system allows you to buy it, mainly because you currently lack a capable assistant!"

"Oh? Do you have a better genetic medicine?" Lin Yang's eyes lit up.

"Yes, host, after reaching certain conditions, you can extract or exchange for better genetic medicines here in this system. You don't need to attack Cang Miao, and this system also has a way for people to not find out that he is a member of the Wucang tribe. "

"In that case, let's train him into a super soldier first." Lin Yang made a decision immediately after hearing this.

"Okay, host, this system will give you the training method later. By training according to the plan, Cang Miao can be trained into a super warrior of the Wucang tribe, and then the system will tailor a suit of armor for him. At that time, He can destroy an entire expeditionary force of the same level by himself!!"

Lin Yang was suddenly shocked: "System, are you kidding me? Can one person destroy an entire technologically advanced expeditionary fleet??"

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