Lin Yang was shocked by the system's words.

Can one person destroy an entire fleet?

"Yes, host, as long as the super soldiers have armor and weapons that match their own strength, it is not a problem for one person to destroy an entire fleet!"

"So strong?" Lin Yang's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"Host, some of the truly powerful super warriors in the universe are much stronger than the superheroes in those science fiction blockbusters from Blue Star. Destroying ships with bare hands is simply trivial."

"Uh..." Lin Yang blinked, this news was shocking.

"The hosts, some super warriors, have taken various genetic medicines and have very strong power. Coupled with the equipment made of the top materials in the universe, the destructive power they possess is very terrifying. Some advanced civilizations have never stopped attacking the human body. Research, the secret of human genes is that even the major super civilizations in the universe cannot decipher them all."

The system said again:

"Many super civilizations are studying new technologies while also studying the secrets of the human body itself. Some special super warriors are existences that ordinary people cannot imagine at all."

"Those special super soldiers, if they have the right equipment, can destroy some lower-level civilizations by themselves."

Lin Yang was stunned: "Can an individual be so powerful?"

"Yes, host."

"Wouldn't that be invincible?" Lin Yang muttered, "What kind of technology should we develop? Wouldn't it be faster to directly create genetic warriors?"

"Host, the birth and cultivation of super warriors is extremely difficult. It is not just about taking some genetic medicines, but also requires equipment made of top-notch materials. In terms of difficulty, if you want to cultivate a person like what this system just said, Raising top super warriors is far more difficult than promoting a low-level civilization to a high-level civilization!"

"...So outrageous?" Lin Yang immediately extinguished the impulse that just emerged.

If the difficulty is so great, then let’s develop our technological capabilities honestly first.

"Host, because to cultivate super warriors, except for the Wu Cang tribe like Cang Miao and a few special races, they all need to use high-level genetic medicines, and only the super civilizations in the universe have the strength of such high-level genetic medicines. Develop!”

"And equipment is very important to super warriors. The gap between super warriors with and without equipment is huge. And the special materials used to build equipment are also only in the hands of the most top super civilizations. Therefore, ordinary Civilization has no chance or strength to create super soldiers."

The system explained it in detail.

"So, super soldiers are not common in the universe anymore?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, host, the number of real super soldiers is very small, and you cannot see super soldiers in ordinary technological civilization."

"The genetic medicine I took before only strengthened my functions five times, which is only a little stronger than ordinary people. Is it still far away from being a super soldier?" Lin Yang asked again.

Although becoming a super soldier sounds difficult, it is really tempting, and he has a little bit of excitement.

"Answer the host, if you want to become a super soldier, you need to gradually improve your body functions through different levels of genetic medicines. If you take the top genetic medicines directly, your body will not be able to withstand the power of the genetic medicines and collapse. If you If you want to become a super soldier, this system can develop a growth plan for you.”

Lin Yang's eyes suddenly lit up: "That would be the best!"

Super soldiers can tear apart mechas with their hands and destroy an entire fleet with one person!

It’s exciting to think about a scene like that!

Now that there is such an opportunity, of course he has to try it!

"Okay, host, we have started the super warrior growth plan for you, please wait for the opportunity."

Lin Yang nodded and was about to speak again, but Cang Miao had already finished washing and came over again, saluting him respectfully: "Mr. Commander, Cang Miao has finished sorting and reports to you."

"Hey, after you wash up, you look not only more energetic, but also in good temperament."

Lin Yang looked Cang Miao up and down.

At this moment, Cang Miao, who had changed into well-fitting clothes and trimmed his clothes, looked like a handsome nobleman against his extremely fair skin.

With this look, if he went to Blue Star to participate in a talent show and debut, he would probably be able to charm a lot of fans.

Hearing this, Cang Miao seemed a little embarrassed.

After going through a period of inhuman torture in the slave market, and seeing the miserable endings of many slaves after they were bought, Lin Yang treated him differently from the slave owners in his impression, which made Cang Miao not know how to reply for a while. , stood in place and kept saluting and bowing.

Lin Yang couldn't stop laughing and said slowly: "Cang Miao, don't be nervous. I'm going back to my hometown now. The return journey will take about twenty days. I'm about to enter the sleep cabin. You can move around freely in the spacecraft or enter at any time. Hibernation.”

He didn't say too many words of comfort. After all, Cang Miao had just been bought. It was estimated that the torture caused by the slave market was still very heavy. After getting along with him for a long time, this situation would naturally be much better.

"Okay, Mr. Commander, Cang Miao does not need to sleep and can guard your dormant cabin." Cang Miao said softly.

"No, if you don't want to sleep, you can move around freely. There is enough food and water in the living area, but they are all portable foods from my hometown. You may not be used to eating them, but it doesn't matter. When you return to my hometown, there are many delicious foods. It's terrible, please bear with it for a while." Lin Yang smiled.

"Mr. Commander, Cang Miao is not picky about food and can eat anything." Cang Miao quickly shook her head to explain.

"Haha, okay, then you can move around freely. I'm going to sleep first." Lin Yang said no more.

A twenty-day journey would be too boring without sleep.

As Lin Yang began to sleep, the Apocalypse spacecraft fell into silence.

Cang Miao did not go to sleep, but ran to the living area after Lin Yang went to sleep.

Then... he stayed there for six or seven days before returning to his lounge.

At the same time, just as Lin Yang was sleeping, the Apocalypse spacecraft turned on the super star patrol mode and returned to Blue Star.

A super battleship sailed into Guiyun Star and fell directly into the slave market.

After a while, the steward who had previously dealt with Lin Yang was brought inside the battleship.

In the captain's position, a man with a golden shield mark between his eyebrows stared at the steward, and spoke with a hint of anger in his voice:

"When was that new race of slaves with three times the blood regeneration speed sold? To whom?"

The steward looked at the golden shield mark between the man's eyebrows, his body trembled slightly, and he immediately replied: "Dear senior mercenary of the universe, that slave was sold not long ago and was bought by a mysterious buyer whose registration information was an interstellar traveler. Yes, the other party’s spaceship is the Apocalypse spacecraft, and the settlement is using star crystals. This is his image..."

The manager betrayed Lin Yang without hesitation and had no intention of keeping it secret. He even directly retrieved the monitoring information from the transaction at that time.

But the next moment, he was stunned.


Thank you to book friend 20231107230716980 for the reward. I spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and a fortune! I bow to you!

I wish all my brothers and sisters good fortune and bow to you all!

The next chapter is a 3,000-word chapter to make up for the late update!

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