A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 248 There is no need for this planet to exist anymore

Because, in the video, there is no picture of Lin Yang at all.


The man with the shield mark kicked the steward away and shouted angrily: "Trash, you didn't even know the system was invaded! Such a precious slave was sold for only 20 million, what a fool!"

As he cursed angrily, a man wearing armor next to the man suddenly took action, instantly killing the steward and then throwing his body out of the spaceship.

"Boss, what should we do now? Without specific image information, it is difficult to lock the opponent with just a little bit of information about the spacecraft. Moreover, the opponent is riding on the Apocalypse spacecraft, and the shot is still a star crystal. I am afraid that the origin is not small, maybe we will know The identity of that slave, are we..."

After the steward's body was thrown out, the deputy beside the man asked carefully.

The man directly waved his hand to interrupt the deputy's words, and said coldly:

"No matter what the origin of this person is, immediately check the information and catch up!"

"If the judgment is correct, that slave should be a member of the Wucang tribe. Hmm, if it is really a member of the Wucang tribe, the owner of the small Apocalypse spaceship is not qualified to own it. Even if the civilization behind him dares to covet the Wucang tribe, Turn into ashes!"

Following the words, the spacecraft took off again and rushed out of Guiyun Star.

The man stood up, looked into the depths of the universe, and said solemnly: "At any cost, find the buyer's information and find the slave of the Wucang tribe."

"Yes, boss!"

Then, the man withdrew his gaze, glanced at the majestic Guiyun Star, and said indifferently: "There is no need for this planet to exist anymore. The news about the appearance of the Wucang tribe must be kept secret."

His eyes did not waver at all, as if destroying Guiyunxing was just a trivial matter.

"Destroy Guiyun Star? What about the Scarlet Thunder Empire?"

The deputy didn't show much change in his expression. It seemed that for them, wiping out a living planet with tens of billions of people was just ordinary.

"The Scarlet Thunder Empire? A third-level peak civilization empire. If you don't know better, you can easily destroy it."

The man's tone remained unchanged, he looked at the cold deep space of the universe and said indifferently:

"The appearance of the Wucang people must be kept strictly confidential. If necessary, the entire galaxy can be destroyed."

"The blood of a Wucang tribesman can at least create a super warrior. Compared with the value of a super warrior, even if it destroys many low-level civilizations, it is worth it."

"Yes, boss!"

In the universe, there is cold silence.

The Apocalypse spacecraft shuttled through it and appeared at the edge of the solar system.

Twenty days passed unconsciously.

At this time, it has arrived in the solar system.

Lin Yang was awakened by the system again.

"Are you home?" Lin Yang rubbed his brows.

I have to say that the hibernation cabin is truly a magical existence.

I can't even dream inside. It feels like I just entered one second and am already home the next.

This feeling was not very obvious last time, but when he started to sleep this time, he paid special attention to it. It was completely different from sleeping.

There are all kinds of dream disturbances during sleep, but in the hibernation cabin, twenty days is just a blink of an eye!

"Host, there is one thing I need to remind you. While passing by the Iron River Federation, this system detected a message."

The system makes a sound directly.

"what news?"

"Solo's brother Soman did send an expeditionary force to the galaxy to avenge Solo!"

System opening.

"Huh? Are you really here?" Lin Yang immediately became serious.

"Yes, host, and that Soman seems to have a lot of energy. Ask his men to inform the Iron River Federation and ask them to hand over the civilization that killed Solo within three months. Otherwise, the third expeditionary force will be killed in three months. It will arrive in a few months, and a blanket search will be conducted across the galaxy. The Iron River Federation must unconditionally cooperate with the third expeditionary force."

The system said again:

"Currently, there are only about two months and ten days left before the expeditionary force sent by Soman arrives in the Milky Way."

Lin Yang frowned: "You can order the Iron River Federation. In this way, we can be sure that Solo's brother is at least from the third-level peak civilization."

"Yes, host, but the good news is that they currently don't know your existence. The solar system is at the edge of the Milky Way, and the cosmic signals are blocked by this system. They won't be able to find this place so quickly. You still have some time to develop. promote."

"What kind of good news is this..." Lin Yang was speechless.

He was already prepared to face the arrival of Brother Solo.

"Well, host, this is indeed not really good news. Then this system tells you a really good news. Cang Miao has safely passed the genetic evolution period of adulthood during the period of your dormancy. He is now He is already an adult from the Wucang tribe!"

"Oh? Is there any danger of genetic evolution after they become adults?" Lin Yang raised a brow.

"Yes, the host, generally the Wucang people who are about to become adults will be protected by the already adult Wucang people to help them survive the period of genetic evolution safely, but Cang Miao's perseverance is amazing. Without protection, he will Spent."

"Okay, so he can become a super soldier now?" Lin Yang asked curiously.

"To answer the host, I can only say that training can begin now. Even the Wucang people need to go through a long series of cultivation and training before they can truly become the top super warriors. It does not mean that they will directly become super warriors once they reach adulthood. Super soldier."

"...Okay, then train him into a super soldier according to the plan you made before."

Lin Yang said as he walked towards the spaceship hall.

Cang Miao had obviously been informed and was waiting for him here. When he saw him coming, he stepped forward and said, "Mr. Commander, your hibernation is over."

"Well, Cang Miao, I haven't seen you for a while. You have become much stronger."

Lin Yang looked at Cang Miao again. Cang Miao's body shape has changed slightly as an adult, but not much. The most obvious thing is that the muscles on his arms look much stronger than before.

Cang Miao scratched his head: "Mr. Commander, thank you for your gift. Because you did not limit Cang Miao's daily food intake, Cang Miao became much stronger."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lin Yang didn't react for a while.

What does this have to do with eating?

The system suddenly said: "Host, you can find out by calling up the monitoring of the living area."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yang immediately asked the Apocalypse spacecraft to call out the monitoring, and then...

"I'll go, Cang Miao, you have such a big appetite?"

After seeing the surveillance footage, Lin Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because the monitoring showed that during the six or seven days after he went into hibernation, Cang Miao had been eating in the cafeteria, eating at least seven or eight meals a day.

And the amount of each meal is almost the same as that of five normal adult men!

This is no exaggeration!

Even later, although he ate fewer meals, only three or four meals a day, his appetite remained the same, and even became a little larger.

Cang Miao immediately whispered embarrassedly: "Mr. Commander, I'm sorry, Cang Miao was hungry a few days ago and had a large appetite, but don't worry, you can arrange any work for Cang Miao when we return to your planet. If you do, Cang Miao will work hard to make money for you. At the same time, Cang Miao can also suppress your appetite and eat less at each meal."

"...No, that's not what I meant. I've never seen anyone with such a big appetite as you, so I'm a little surprised. Don't think too much about it."

Lin Yang couldn't help but explain with a smile.

He can understand that Cang Miao has a big appetite.

After all, Cang Miao was eating like crazy in the first few days, most likely because she didn't have enough to eat in the slave market, and since she will be able to become a super soldier when she becomes an adult, she will definitely not be able to do it without enough nutrition.

After watching the monitoring, Lin Yang said with emotion: "It's a blessing to be able to eat well. Don't feel any psychological pressure. As a member of the Wucang tribe, you need to eat more to maintain the normal operation of your body as an adult. On the spaceship The food you eat is not nutritious enough, I will get you some nutritious food when you get home."

As soon as these words came out, Cang Miao's face suddenly turned pale, and she looked at Lin Yang blankly, as if she didn't expect that Lin Yang actually recognized his identity!

Immediately afterwards, Cang Miao's body began to tremble involuntarily.

As a member of the Wucang tribe, he is very aware of his own value and situation.

Once recognized, there is only one end!

Become the material of genetic medicine!

Although the Wucang people are born to become super warriors, no other race would be willing to train the Wucang people to become super warriors!

They are more willing to cultivate their own people!

This is what the tribe has been warning him about since he was a child!

Once you are recognized, the only result will be your blood being drained!

Cang Miao became frightened.

Lin Yang looked at Cang Miao's suddenly trembling body and frightened look, sighed slightly, and said slowly:

"Cang Miao, I do know your identity, but you can rest assured that I will not extract your blood to make genetic medicine, and on the contrary, I will train you to become a super soldier!"

Cang Miao, who was frightened, froze when she heard this, as if she couldn't believe what she heard. She looked up at Lin Yang in disbelief and murmured: "You, you won't kill me?"

"Kill you? Of course not!"

Lin Yang stretched out his hand and patted Cang Miao on the shoulder. Although Cang Miao subconsciously wanted to hide, she still resisted and allowed Lin Yang to pat him on the shoulder.

"Cang Miao!"

Lin Yang looked at Cang Miao and said extremely seriously:

"The Wucang people are born super warriors. Although you are living outside without the guidance of your clansmen, I will try my best to train you into a true super warrior!"

"You, don't be afraid!"

Cang Miao froze on the spot, seeing that Lin Yang really just patted his shoulder instead of drawing his blood, and listening to Lin Yang's serious and sincere words, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

He never thought that he could survive after his identity was exposed!

"Mr. Commander, you..."

After a long silence, Cang Miao opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

This chapter is 3,000 words long, so it makes up for the late update...

For the sake of multiple code words

Asking for reward counting votes...

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