A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 253 Mysterious bounty, the Third Expeditionary Fleet Army!

"Answer the host, after testing this system, we found that the Red Thunder Empire seems to have remained silent about the destruction of Guiyun Star. No one in the entire empire has mentioned it."

The system's answer surprised Lin Yang: "Guiyun Planet is the second largest planet in the Scarlet Thunder Empire. There was no response from the Scarlet Thunder Empire when it was destroyed? Didn't you even mention it?"

"Yes, host!"

"What's going on?" Lin Yang was a little confused.

It is unbelievable that the official Red Thunder Empire did not even mention the destruction of the second largest planet in their own empire.

"Host, there is only one possibility when this happens, that is, the existence that destroys Guiyun Star is an existence that the Chilei Empire cannot afford to provoke. Therefore, they dare not mention it at all, otherwise it may cause the other party to destroy the entire The Red Thunder Empire is destroyed."

"What?" Lin Yang was shocked again.

An existence that the Red Thunder Empire dare not even mention, how strong does it have to be?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yang was a little confused: "The system, if it is so powerful that the Scarlet Thunder Empire dare not mention it, then the Scarlet Thunder Empire should not dare to provoke others, right? Why would they let others give Guiyun Star to them?" Went out?"

Logically speaking, if it is an existence that you can't afford to offend at all, and you can't avoid it, how can you anger the other person?

"Host, the specific reason has not been detected for the time being. It is possible that the other party had some unpleasantness when passing by Guiyun Star, which provoked the other party to destroy Guiyun Star and punished it with a small punishment and a big warning."

"A prosperous planet will be destroyed at will?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Host, in the universe, this is too normal. The weak have no power to resist or have any say when facing the strong. Sometimes just a word may cause the strong to destroy the weak's planet or even the entire civilization. "

The words of the system once again made Lin Yang deeply feel the coldness and cruelty of the universe.

Then he didn't ask again.

Even the powerful Chilei Empire did not dare to mention the destruction of Guiyun Star. He could only suppress his curiosity and said instead: "Then where can we buy battleships and weapons now?"

The system did not answer immediately.

Even after waiting for a long time, the system did not respond.

It wasn't until Lin Yang called twice that he heard the system say: "Host, this system has just invaded the intelligent system of a recent technological planet and discovered a piece of news that may not be friendly to you."

"What bad news?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"This system discovered that someone has offered a reward for your information!"

The system's answer shocked Lin Yang: "Putting a reward on me??"

"Yes, host, that is a secret reward. Although there is no specific identity information about you, there is information about the Apocalypse spacecraft. After comparison, this system can confirm that the other party is offering information about you."

"Ah?" Lin Yang was immediately stunned, and then asked with great confusion: "Who is offering a reward for me? What is the reward for me? I don't know any other aliens."

"Answer the host, the identity of the person offering the bounty is confidential and cannot be found for the time being. The bounty announcement did not reveal much information. It only said that those who provide information about the Apocalypse spacecraft will receive a large bounty."

"This..." Lin Yang was speechless for a moment.

He just went to Guiyun Star, and he was inexplicably offered a reward.

Isn't this too outrageous?

"Host, it seems that you have to change a spaceship. Although I don't know why the other party would offer a reward to you, the Apocalypse spacecraft is too conspicuous and must be replaced in time, otherwise there will be trouble."

"Change a spaceship? Where can I change now?" Lin Yang frowned, "Since there is a reward, even if I go to other planets to buy a spaceship, I have to take the Apocalypse first before I can enter. But once I enter, won't I be discovered? "

His current achievement points are still not enough to exchange for a comprehensive high-end spaceship.

As for the ordinary ones, they are just a waste of achievement points.

Therefore, if you want to change the spaceship, it is best to buy it from other technological planets.

"Host, it seems that you have to intercept Soman's fleet in advance. Intercept them, leave one of the opponent's spaceships, and take their spaceship to buy a new spaceship."

The system gives suggestions.

"Aren't we on our way to intercept Soman's fleet now? How can we get ahead of schedule?" Lin Yang didn't quite understand what the system meant.

"Host, what this system means is to speed up to intercept the expedition fleet sent by Soman and not stay in the originally planned star field to wait for them to pass by."

"Oh." Lin Yang understood and immediately said: "Then you can make a new battle plan."

"Okay, host, the battle plan has been reworked. It is expected to encounter Soman's expedition fleet in five days."

The system quickly gave a specific time.

"Five days? It's okay, it's okay to solve it as soon as possible." Lin Yang nodded.

"Host, through intrusion, this system has obtained a star map of the nearby star field, and the target planet has been selected."

The system projected the situation near the target planet onto the intelligent equipment of the Apocalypse spacecraft, and at the same time provided a route to avoid the presence of technological civilization nearby.

The sudden bounty made the system much more cautious.

The Apocalypse spacecraft then turned into a stream of light, submerged into the dark universe, and moved towards the target planet.

Five days later, on a desolate planet, the Apocalypse spacecraft landed.

"Host, we have arrived at the target planet. This is the place where Soman's fleet must pass. Please wear protective clothing and go out to install ground attack weapons." The system prompted.

Lin Yang had already put on protective clothing, and as soon as the spacecraft opened the hatch, he walked out with Cang Miao and Lin Mu, who also wore protective clothing.

The installation of ground weapons is not complicated, but now they only have three people, so the installation is a bit rushed.

"I should have brought some robots from Tiangong Base." Lin Yang sighed.

"Mr. Commander, please rest for a while. Leave the installation of the weapons to Cang Miao." Cang Miao is no longer as thin as when he first came out of the slave market.

Now the whole person has a sense of healthy muscles.

After this period of training and nutritional supplements, Cang Miao's physical fitness has been several times higher than that of ordinary people.

"No, hurry up and finish the installation and then find a place to hide it. Don't show it unless you have to."

Lin Yang turned around and shouted.

The system has not yet come up with a way to hide the Cangmiao Wucang people.

Once someone from the Suoman Expeditionary Fleet recognizes Cang Miao's identity, it will be an even bigger trouble.

Cang Miao also understood this and immediately said, "Don't worry, Cang Miao will hide it well."


Lin Yang responded without saying anything more, concentrating on installing ground combat weapons.

At the same time, not far from the planet, a whole fleet of warships was rapidly approaching here.

The most conspicuous place on the exterior of one of the main ships is engraved with a line of large characters - The Third Fleet of the Montenegrin Empire!

On the planet.

Lin Yang also received a reminder from the system.

"Host, please note that this system has detected that the Third Expeditionary Fleet dispatched by Soman is approaching the target planet. Please be ready for war!"

Lin Yang was instantly shocked and looked up at the stars.

Finally, is the war about to begin?

"Cang Miao, hide yourself immediately!"

"Lin Mu, follow me to intercept their fleet!"

After Lin Yang finished speaking, he rushed into the Apocalypse spacecraft and headed straight to the stars!

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