Outside the target planet, within the stars.

The Apocalypse spacecraft actively headed towards the Third Expeditionary Fleet dispatched by Soman at a gentle speed.

The system had previously asked Lin Yang to find a suitable reason to make this encounter appear more reasonable.

However, in Lin Yang's view, under normal circumstances, his encounter with the Third Expeditionary Fleet could not be truly reasonable.

After all, the universe is so big and there is no fixed route. It is almost impossible for two different people to meet in the starry sky.

Therefore, Lin Yang didn't bother to think about the rationality and rushed towards the fleet.

Instead of creating a so-called reasonable "accidental encounter", it would be better to directly state that he discovered their fleet and come directly to silence them.

He killed Solo, and now he found out that the expeditionary fleet sent by Soman came to him to seek revenge for Solo, so it was reasonable for him to take the initiative to kill this fleet that wanted to cause trouble for him, right?

Although it seems a bit simpler and cruder, it actually stands up to scrutiny better than forcibly creating a so-called chance encounter.

Creating an accidental encounter, if you think about it for a moment, you will find that it is too deliberate. On the contrary, this kind of direct and crude reason is more in line with the laws of survival in the universe.

He is stronger than the Third Expeditionary Force fleet, so it is completely reasonable for him to take the initiative to seek revenge!

Therefore, a few minutes later, the Apocalypse spacecraft met the Third Expeditionary Force fleet in the starry sky.

The Apocalypse spacecraft was directly in front of the opponent's fleet, forcing the opponent to stop.

"Who is in front? Why intercepted our fleet?!"

The next moment, an angry shout came from the fleet, which was transmitted to Lin Yang's ears through a special device.

"We are the Third Expeditionary Fleet of the Montenegrin Empire. Please get out of the way quickly, otherwise we will regard it as a provocation to us and launch a direct attack!"

"The Third Expeditionary Force of the Black Mountain Empire? It's you who are fighting!"

In response to this angry shout, Lin Yang sneered and fired an ion beam cannon!

A dazzling white light burst out from the Apocalypse spacecraft, instantly hitting the energy shield of the opponent's main ship.

"Warning! Warning!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Inside the main ship of the Third Expeditionary Force, a piercing alarm sounded.

The entire fleet instantly entered combat mode. Captain Rondo looked gloomy as he stared at the Apocalypse spacecraft with a murderous intent in his eyes: "Blast it to pieces! If you dare to intercept and kill our Black Mountain Empire's expedition fleet, you are seeking death!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The second-in-command immediately conveyed the order to the entire fleet.

In an instant, a large number of weapons locked onto the Apocalypse spacecraft.

All kinds of ion beam energy cannons and destroyer cannons fired in unison!

Inside the Apocalypse spacecraft, Lin Yang saw this, his expression remained unchanged, and he directly let the Apocalypse spacecraft fall towards the interior of the planet.

He came prepared and took action after firing the first attack.

The weapon system of the Apocalypse spacecraft was turned to the maximum, and while counterattacking, it quickly rushed into the target planet.

"Chase me!"

Rondo's eyes were cold.

"Captain, the origin of the opponent is unknown, but he has a clear target to intercept and attack us. Instead of escaping into the depths of the universe, he is rushing into the planet below. I'm afraid there is an ambush inside the planet."

The deputy was a cautious reminder.

Rondo's eyes changed instantly, causing the fleet to stop the pursuit. He glanced at his deputy, then looked at the target planet, and said coldly:

"You are right to remind us that this spaceship suddenly appeared and attacked us without saying a word even though we knew we were the expeditionary force of the Montenegrin Empire. It is obviously an enemy of the empire. This planet cannot be entered rashly!"

"Yes, Captain, I think we can surround the entire planet first. If there are really a large number of ambushes inside, we can just destroy the planet." The deputy suggested again.

Rondo nodded, and then with a wave of his hand, the entire fleet divided into formations and surrounded the entire target planet.

Within the planet.

Lin Yang found that the other party did not pursue him directly, but instead deployed weapons around the planet. He was startled for a moment, and then thought of the reason why the other party did this.

He single-handedly attacked the opponent's entire fleet, which was very abnormal in itself. In addition, after being counterattacked by the fleet, he did not run far away, but instead entered the planet. This made it easy for the opponent to guess that there might be a scam inside the planet.

"The entire fleet army has such powerful force, but it is still so cautious." Lin Yang's eyes flashed slightly.

The other party is simply too cautious!

To be honest, this was a bit beyond Lin Yang's expectation.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so cautious. Even though he had an absolute advantage, he didn't even pursue him.

"It seems like they are planning to destroy the planet directly."

Through the monitoring screen, Lin Yang could see what the Third Expeditionary Fleet was doing outside the planet.

Obviously, the other party plans to trap the entire planet first to catch him. If that doesn't work, they will simply shoot down the planet so that he can't escape.

"I should first pretend to escape elsewhere, then pretend to be invincible, and finally land on the planet, creating a situation for them that I have lost the ability to continue to navigate the universe and was forced to land on the planet. In that case , they will probably pursue us directly."

Lin Yang sighed.

At this time, he also understood one thing, that is, he was still lacking in combat experience.

It is not as sophisticated and cautious as this expeditionary force.

"Host, you have done well enough. After all, you have been living in a relatively peaceful civilization before and have almost no experience against enemies. Now that you are aware of your own shortcomings, it is already a great progress and gain."

The system actually comforted him.

Lin Yang took a deep breath. Experience indeed needs to be accumulated, but now is not the time to sum up afterwards.

He has to let the other party enter the planet!

Otherwise, the previous arrangements will be in vain.

"Host, according to the current situation, there is almost no way to lure them all into the planet."

The system provides the analysis results.

"As long as half of them can get in, the rest of the firepower on the Apocalypse spacecraft can be dealt with."

Lin Yang also knew that once the other party suspected that there was fraud in the planet, they would not all enter.

So he also changed his strategy, as long as he could get half of the opponent's fleet into it!

Leave the rest to the Apocalypse spacecraft and Lin Mu!

Yes, that's right.

After knowing that Lin Mu was a special growth-type combat robot, Lin Yang bought Lin Mu a combat mecha.

As a robot, Lin Mu doesn't need to worry about breathing in outer space. As long as he has the right equipment, he can fight!

The Apocalypse attracted most of the firepower to provide cover for the forest, so it had no problem dealing with the remaining half of the fleet.

Because his weapons are all peak technology weapons!

Compared with the large number of peak weapons he purchased, the peak weapons carried by this expeditionary force seemed a bit inadequate.

With the superiority in weapons, Lin Yang still has the confidence to annihilate this expeditionary force!

"Then what method is the host going to use to lure the other party into the planet?"

It's not that difficult to get someone to come in even though you know there's a scam inside the planet.

Lin Yang smiled mysteriously: "I have my own way!"

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