A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 256 Expedition terminator, escape directly? (Two in one chapter)

Following Rondo's order, most of the battleships rushed into the planet.

Lin Yang was even more excited when he saw the main ships of the Third Expeditionary Fleet rushing into the planet.

"Even the main ship has come in, which is really an unexpected surprise!"

Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

To be honest, before he started spraying, he just wanted to lure the attack warships in. He never thought that he could lure the main ship in as well.

After all, there must be the captain of the expeditionary force and other high-level officials inside the main ship. Although his curse could make them angry, they probably would not venture into the planet personally.

Sending other warships to rush in is normal operation.

But Lin Yang didn't expect that the main ship would take the lead and rush in!

This is simply a huge surprise!

"It seems that I still overestimated these aliens and underestimated the power of the quintessence of the nation. Even the people on the main ship couldn't stand it and took the lead in the charge themselves!" Lin Yang couldn't help but smile.

These aliens are nothing more than that!

But he doesn't know that the quintessence of art of his ancient oriental civilization, even if you look at the entire universe, is one of the best!

These poor aliens had never seen such a battle before. They were suddenly baptized by a wave of national quintessence and didn't get angry on the spot. It was already very good.

Looking at the approaching fleet, Lin Yang did not hesitate at all. He waved his hand instantly and said:

"Ground weapon system, fire! Give them a head-on hit!"

Boom boom boom!

Following Lin Yang's instructions, the ground weapons that had been installed and hidden were instantly revealed, launching an indiscriminate and intensive attack on the fleet in mid-air.

"Humph, there is indeed an ambush!"

Inside the main ship, Rondo showed no surprise when he saw this, but just snorted angrily. At the same time, the fleet's weapon system immediately launched a counterattack, approaching Lin Yang's position with firepower.

"Little beast, I will capture you alive, and then cut off your tongue inch by inch, so that you can neither live nor die!"

Rondo looked at Lin Yang who was getting closer and closer, and spoke coldly with a cruel look. His voice was infinitely amplified through the battleship's loudspeaker equipment.

Although he could not see the intensity of his anger, through his words, one could imagine that Rondo must be furious and gnashing his teeth with hatred at this moment.

"Haha, you bastard from the Black Mountain Empire, want to catch Grandpa You? Just have your sweet dream!" Lin Yang laughed and took the opportunity to curse a few more times.

"The power of speech! Cherish your last chance to speak. In a few minutes, you will no longer have the ability to speak!" Rondo snorted with a dark face.

"Haha, you bastards, you don't have to wait a few minutes, I will send you to heaven now!" Lin Yang sneered.


Rondo drinks.

However, in the next moment, before he could say the arrogant word "Wang", his words stopped abruptly, and his face suddenly changed suddenly. He stared at the ground with a look of surprise in his eyes!

On the ground, a large number of peak weapons suddenly appeared in an instant, and the terrifying firepower shattered the energy shields of their warships in an instant!

"Peak technological weapons?! Those are all peak technological weapons?!"

Rondo's heart skipped a beat.

The peak technology weapons appearing on the ground can't be seen at the end at a glance. All the peak technology weapons are densely packed on the ground!

There are at least hundreds of peak beam cannons, ion cannons and ship destroyer cannons!

At this moment, they are all locked on their battleships!

Rondo's face turned a little pale in an instant!

be cheated!

I was really fooled!

Inside this desolate planet, there are actually at least thousands of peak technological weapons installed!

"Get out! Get out!"

The next second, Rondo's heart trembled and he frantically issued an evacuation order!

The reason why he dared to come in just now even though he knew there might be an ambush inside was because their fleet also carried many peak technological weapons.

The firepower of the pinnacle technological weapons carried by the entire fleet is enough to easily destroy an ordinary level three civilization!

Even if you encounter a level three peak civilization, you can escape unscathed!

Therefore, when he knew that Lin Yang was the murderer of Solo and started to abuse them indiscriminately, he knew that Lin Yang was deliberately provoking them, but he still personally led the fleet to the interior of the planet, hoping to capture Lin Yang alive. torture.

But now, seeing the muzzles of the densely packed peak technology weapons aimed at his battleship, Rondo was scared!

Although there are pinnacle weapons in his fleet, compared with the massive number of pinnacle weapons popping up on the ground now, his few pinnacle weapons may not be able to last even five minutes!

"Five minutes! Attention all teams, you must escape within five minutes!"

Rondo issued the order with red eyes!

Under such firepower coverage, the fleet's strength can only last for five minutes at most!

They have five minutes to get out of range of fire and escape the planet.

Rondo looked at Lin Yang's position, and the anger in his heart reached the extreme. He couldn't help but roar: "Little beast! Once you are out of your fire coverage, I will skin you and cramp you!"

Although the current situation is extremely serious, Rondo is still confident that as long as he leaves the interior of the planet and escapes the firepower coverage of the top weapons on the ground and enters space, he can regain the initiative!

Lin Yang only has one Apocalypse spacecraft. Without the fire support of ground weapons, it will not be able to make big waves in space!

He had already started thinking about how to surround Lin Yang and torture him.

However, just when Rondo had this idea, the main ship's intelligent system suddenly sounded various piercing alarms crazily!

"Warning, warning! The hulls of the fifth and seventh battleships are damaged, the energy shields are broken and cannot be recharged and raised again."

"Warning! Warning! Sixth, the ninth battleship suffered a fatal blow. The hull was completely broken and it has lost its navigation ability. The escape hatch is about to be opened."

"Warning! Warning! The power engines of the 10th and 11th warships have been damaged and are about to fall. Please escape quickly!"

"Warning, warning..."

Several warnings in a row instantly confused Rondo!

He was stunned as he watched the auxiliary ship and attack ship not far away being shot down.

Don't talk for five minutes!

Only a few dozen seconds had passed. Except for the main ship he was on, all the other warships had been severely damaged and lost their navigation capabilities and began to fall one after another!

"Damn it, where did this little beast get so many peak technological weapons?!"

Rondo was completely panicked!

Just now he thought five minutes was enough time to escape into space.

But the sight before him told him that he was still too naive.

With some warships left to garrison in outer space, the warships now entering the interior of the planet cannot hold out for even a minute under the dense firepower of peak-tech weapons!


A beam of energy bombarded Rondo's main ship, and a big hole was instantly blasted out of the ship!

"Activate escape mode!!"

Rondo roared.

"Escape mode is starting! Warning, the escape power source has been destroyed and escape mode has failed to start!"

Suddenly, Rondo's face turned pale, and at the same time, a sneer came over.

"Still want to run away? Just stay here and sleep for me!"

This voice became the last voice Rondo heard in his life.

The next moment, with the salvos of dozens of peak ion beam cannons, Rondo and the entire battleship were turned into ashes!

For a total of one minute and thirteen seconds, no one of the battleships that entered the planet survived!


The Apocalypse spacecraft rushed into outer space amid the flames.

In space.

The fleet originally ordered by Rondo to guard the periphery of the planet was also caught in the battle.

When they saw a sudden war break out inside the planet, and even Londo was directly destroyed, these warships in outer space were originally preparing to evacuate directly.

However, a combat robot wearing a pinnacle mecha directly blocked their way!

It's Lin Mu!

Although Lin Mu was only one person, in order to cooperate with him in fighting, Lin Yang had built several mechas that could fight independently to assist him.

Amidst the self-destruction attacks of several mechas and the bombardment of trees, the warships in outer space were briefly intercepted.

When Lin Yang piloted the Apocalypse spacecraft to bring the pinnacle weapons of outer space warfare and appeared, the remaining battleships could not escape the end of being destroyed.

However, in order to leave a usable warship, the battle in outer space took longer than the battle on the ground.

Seven minutes and twenty seconds later, except for one of the battleships in outer space that was intact, all the rest were destroyed!

In less than ten minutes, the Third Expeditionary Fleet dispatched by Soman was completely wiped out!

"Congratulations to the host. You took the initiative to intercept the expeditionary forces of other empires in the universe and successfully protected your home planet. You received a reward of 100,000 reputation points and 10,000 interstellar prestige points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Since you killed other Space Empire expeditionary forces for the first time, you have received ten achievement points and a large number of national treasure rewards, and you have been given a new title: Expedition Terminator."

"Expedition Terminator: From now on, every time you kill an expeditionary force from another empire, you will receive a certain reward!"


After wiping out the entire Third Expeditionary Force fleet, Lin Yang heard the system prompts.

"Expedition Terminator, this is a good title, I like it." Lin Yang raised an eyebrow.

The other rewards are similar to those after killing Soman last time, not too much.

He still failed to complete the mission of planet guardianship.

Lin Yang already had a rough idea of ​​this, and estimated that the root cause of Suoman had to be completely eliminated in order to complete the mission of protecting the planet.

"System, count the battle losses, let's leave here first."

Then, Lin Yang took Lin Mu back to the planet and began to recover the peak technological weapons that were still usable.

Although some weapons have exhausted their energy, they can still be used after replenishing their energy. It would be a waste to just throw them here.

"Host, the battle damage is not huge, only about 40%."

"...Isn't this a big deal?" Lin Yang's mouth twitched.

The arms purchased with more than 5 billion star crystals were lost by almost half in less than ten minutes.

Isn’t that big? ?

You know, this is because Rondo's fleet was divided into two groups this time, one part rushed into the interior of the planet, and the other part was stationed outside the planet. The power was not concentrated, which gave him a chance to annihilate it in a short time.

If the two groups hadn't been separated and all their peak weapons were together, he wouldn't have been able to annihilate the fleet inside the planet in just over a minute.

But even if the power is dispersed like this and defeated one by one, the battle damage is actually almost half!

If this is not called big, then what is big?

"Host, this system has said that the cost of fighting in the universe is already huge. Compared with this system's previous estimate, the battle damage this time is already very small. If they had not separated, the battle damage would have been at least It was more than 80%, but now it’s only 40%, which is already very profitable.”

Lin Yang was suddenly speechless.

Yes, the system had emphasized several times before that the cost of fighting between high-tech civilizations was extremely high, but he did not expect it to be so large.

The weapons and equipment purchased with billions of star crystals are enough to destroy the Blue Star civilization thousands of times.

But here, it was just a simple fight.

And the opponent is just an expedition team.

Lin Yang had a hard time imagining what terrible consumption and scenes it would be like if two peak level three civilizations went to war with each other.

Moreover, the battle consumption of only the third-level peak civilization is so terrible. What if a higher-level civilization starts a war?

Lin Yang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

This is really a bit scary!

"No wonder the more advanced the civilization, the more it has to snatch resources. The consumption is simply inhuman!"

Lin Yang suddenly understood why the Red Thunder Empire wanted to reduce internal consumption costs.

This war is ridiculously expensive.

"Host, please leave this place as soon as possible. This system has detected some spying forces."

The system suddenly made a sound.

Lin Yang suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He recovered the weapon at an extremely fast speed and quickly left with Lin Mu and Cang Miao in the spaceship.

"System, do you need to purchase a new spaceship next?"

After leaving the warring planet, Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, host, this system is searching for planets that meet the conditions. Please wait patiently."

"Oh...can you get information about the Black Mountain Empire? Or information about Soman?" Lin Yang asked again.

Soman is the source. If he is not dealt with, he will continue to send more expeditionary forces to cause trouble.

Only by killing Soman can the problem be completely solved!

"Host, please wait a moment, the system is working hard."


At the same time, shortly after Lin Yang left the warring planet, several battleships landed inside that planet.

Inside the leading battleship was the man with the golden shield mark between his eyebrows!

Beside the man, the vice-captain looked at an analysis report and said respectfully:

"Captain, it is a level three pinnacle technology weapon, made by the Scarlet Thunder Empire. Last time, that guy bought a large number of pinnacle weapons before Guiyunxing purchased the slaves of the Wucang tribe. It seems to be used to deal with the Black Mountain Empire. It’s used by the fleet. The information given by Yu Clan just now is correct, we are tracking it correctly!”

"Very good. The battle here has obviously just ended not long ago. He shouldn't have gone far. Turn on the star tracking mode and catch up!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

"Yes, Captain, the star tracking mode has been turned on, and the opponent's navigation route has been locked. It is estimated that we can catch up with the opponent within two hours."

"Two hours..." The imprinted man smiled coldly, "In two hours, the slaves of the Wucang tribe will belong to our group. This is really exciting!"

On the other side, Lin Yang was closing his eyes and relaxing, waiting for the system to give him a suitable planet to buy the spacecraft.

But suddenly I heard the system’s piercing alarm!

"Warning! Host, please be aware that this system has detected a powerful brain power scan and locked the Apocalypse spacecraft. The other party is suspected to have turned on the advanced star tracking mode and is pursuing it. Please be prepared to escape!"

"Huh? What's going on?"

Lin Yang woke up instantly.

"System, what are you talking about? Someone is tracking the Apocalypse spacecraft?"

"Yes, host, the other party used brain scanning and turned on the star tracking mode. This is a technology only available to advanced civilizations. Please prepare to escape immediately!"

"...Escape directly?" Lin Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

There are still a large number of usable pinnacle weapons on the spaceship, and the system actually says to escape directly? ?

This chapter is two chapters combined into one, and there will be no less updates. Xiaohu will try his best to adjust it and resume early morning updates.

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