A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 257 Star Tracking is coming! (First update)

"System, is the opponent very strong? There are many weapons on the spaceship. Isn't it powerful enough to fight?"

Following, Lin Yang couldn't help but ask.

"Answer the host, the technological civilization that can turn on the star tracking mode technology is at least a level four civilization or above. If you fight with it now, the winning rate will be infinitely close to zero!"

The system's words immediately shocked Lin Yang: "Level 4 civilization? Why is a Level 4 civilization tracking me?"

He said he couldn't understand.

Counting this time, he has only entered the universe twice in total. The last time he just bought something at Guiyun Star and left. This time he didn't come into contact with anyone else. How could he be tracked by a Level 4 civilization for no reason?

"Host, there are many possibilities. There is currently no other effective information provided, and this system cannot know the other party's purpose of tracking you, but it is always right to be prepared for escape. For such a powerful civilization to track you, the malice outweighs the good intentions. The possibility is too high.”

Lin Yang felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

Level four civilization is a qualitative improvement.

Even the third-level peak civilization is as defenseless in front of the fourth-level ordinary civilization as a child facing a strong adult.

And the firepower in his current spaceship is far less than the peak firepower of the third-level peak civilization.

There is absolutely no chance of winning against a level 4 civilization, even if the opponent is just a team from a level 4 civilization.

But, escape?

"Can the system get rid of the opponent's star path tracking?" Lin Yang asked.

The unknown tracker is at least the strength of a fourth-level civilization. If he cannot get rid of the other party's tracking, he will not even have a chance to escape.

"The host is currently difficult to completely get rid of. Star tracking is a very advanced tracking technology that tracks the trajectory of a spacecraft in the universe. As long as any spacecraft sails in the universe, it will leave some energy fluctuations in the starry sky. and traces.”

System opening explanation:

"If you want to get rid of star path tracking, you need to have a special jammer to disrupt the energy fluctuations and traces in the area where the spacecraft sails, so that the other party cannot accurately lock the course."

"But this kind of jammer also requires the technological strength of a civilization of level 4 or above to manufacture, and even if there are jammers now, the opponent has already locked the target. Unless your spaceship level is too much higher than the opponent, you can throw away the opponent at absolute speed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to completely escape the other party’s tracking.”

The system's answer made Lin Yang's heart feel cold.

If you can't escape the other party's tracking, even escaping may be a luxury.

"Host, the other party is extremely fast. According to the energy fluctuations tracked by the star path, it will probably not take two hours for the other party to catch up with you."

"Two hours? So fast?" Lin Yang was surprised again.

"Yes, host, the other party is at least a fourth-level civilization, not even an ordinary fourth-level civilization. The other party's spaceship is of a very high level and exceeds the maximum speed of the Apocalypse spacecraft. It is only a matter of time before it catches up with you."

"Then you let me escape, how should I escape?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Host, there are only two ways now, either abandon the ship, or find another planet with a fourth-level civilization to take shelter temporarily."

"Abandon ship?"

"Yes, host, abandon the ship. The other party has locked the Apocalypse spacecraft. You can abandon the ship and let the Apocalypse spacecraft maintain its current course and speed and continue to fly autonomously. You can jump off the ship and hide nearby."

"Is this possible?" Lin Yang frowned.

"It is not absolutely safe. Energy fluctuations will also occur during the process of abandoning the ship. If the other party is careful enough, they will also find clues."

"What else can you say..." Lin Yang was speechless.

"However, host, there is currently no other better way. This system has not detected the existence of a fourth-level civilization planet nearby, so we can only abandon the ship and try our best."

After hearing this, Lin Yang pondered for a moment and asked: "Does the Apocalypse spacecraft also have an escape mode? If you turn on the extreme escape mode in front of the opponent, what is the probability of escaping?"

"Answering the host, it is currently impossible to calculate the escape probability because the tracker's strength level cannot be retrieved. However, usually if the extreme escape mode is turned on, as long as the opponent is not a level four peak civilization, there is a certain probability of escaping, but it cannot be ruled out that the opponent will continue to be tracked. possible."

"Oh? So, there is still a chance?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, host, there is enough energy inside the Apocalypse spacecraft now. If the energy is exhausted and the extreme escape mode is activated, unless the opponent can destroy the spacecraft instantly, it is almost possible to escape. However, the possibility of being caught up by the opponent cannot be ruled out." The system emphasized it again.

"I know, then, be ready to turn on the extreme escape mode." Lin Yang said.

"Host, it is safer to abandon the ship now." The system immediately reminded.

"I know." Lin Yang nodded, and then said: "Anyway, abandoning ship and extreme escape mode are not absolutely safe, so just face the other party directly and find out what the purpose of the other party's tracking is. You can't stay confused all the time, otherwise we will meet again in the future. Once you arrive, you can’t avoid being tracked, so you have to figure out the other party’s purpose and solve the trouble at the root!”

"Understood, host, then please authorize this system to completely take over the Apocalypse spacecraft and start the extreme escape mode pre-activation."

"Okay." Lin Yang responded and directly authorized the complete control of the Apocalypse spacecraft to the system.

"Host, please let the robot transport all the available energy on the spacecraft to the energy storage room of the Apocalypse spacecraft for energy charging, and at the same time leave the robot to replace and replenish the energy modules of the Apocalypse spacecraft at any time."

"I have authorized all the authority of the robot to you, you can make your own arrangements." Upon hearing this, Lin Yang simply authorized the highest control authority of the robot to the system.

"Okay, host, thank you for your trust. This system is very honored."

"..." Lin Yang's mouth twitched slightly.

It's really rare for the system to be so polite all of a sudden.

Soon, all the robots carried on the spacecraft began to transport energy under the dispatch of the system.

At the same time, except for the lights in the main ship room, all other places on the Apocalypse spacecraft were plunged into darkness.

More than 90% of the area on the spacecraft was shut down by the system.

"Mr. Commander, are you in any trouble?"

Cang Miao was originally training in the training room, but the training room was also closed by the system. He walked out with a puzzled look on his face, and then saw the robot transporting energy. He immediately realized that there might be a problem and asked nervously.

"We encountered something, and you don't need to train for the time being." Lin Yang nodded, briefly talked about being tracked, and then warned: "Put on your protective clothing and prepare to enter escape mode."

Cang Miao's eyes flashed: "Being tracked by a fourth-level civilization?"

"Well, counting the time, we should catch up soon." Lin Yang looked at the time and waited silently.

Why is the unknown fourth-level civilization tracking itself?

Two hours passed unconsciously.

Suddenly, the Apocalypse spacecraft shook, as if it was hit by some powerful force, and it retreated from the star patrol mode.

At the same time, the serious voice of the system also sounded:

"Host, please be aware that the opponent is already chasing us and is using ultra-long-range energy cannon to knock the Apocalypse spacecraft back from the star patrol mode. It is expected that the opponent will completely catch up within five minutes."

Lin Yang suddenly felt awe-inspiring.

The other party is here!

This is the first of four consecutive updates today. We will resume early morning updates in the future. Brothers and sisters, please read more!

If you don’t have time to watch it, please turn to the latest chapter and stay for a while to read the latest chapter. This is very important to Xiaohu, please!

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