A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 258 Sorry, I think there is a third option (second update)

The deep space of the universe is dark and cold.

The Apocalypse spacecraft shuttled through space with a faint blue light.

But a few sudden dazzling rays of light illuminated the dark and deep sky near the Apocalypse spacecraft extremely brightly.

At the same time, three very large battleships appeared like ghosts not far behind the Apocalypse spacecraft. The powerful weapon system instantly locked onto the Apocalypse spacecraft, and a cold voice came out through the deep space:

"Spaceship Apocalypse, please stop sailing immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Inside the Apocalypse spacecraft.

When Lin Yang heard the system reminder, he had already slowed down the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Through the weapon system on the spacecraft, he could see that the entire Apocalypse spacecraft was now locked by the opponent's weapon system.

The screen was filled with blood-red warnings.

Obviously, the weapon system of the opponent's spacecraft far exceeds that of the Apocalypse spacecraft!

"Is it really a fourth-level civilization?"

Lin Yang took a look at the monitoring report and responded: "I wonder why you intercepted my spacecraft?"

The other party did not attack directly as soon as they came up, which showed that the other party had an agenda.

If it was just a simple pursuit, given the opponent's strength, they would definitely not just stop them first.

This made Lin Yang even more curious. Since the other party was not chasing him, it meant that he had not provoked this fourth-level civilization fleet.

So what does he have that this fourth-level civilization fleet can plot?

Looking at the monitoring screen of the opponent's fleet, Lin Yang thought secretly.

The Apocalypse spacecraft itself is definitely not worth such a big fight.

Although the Apocalypse spacecraft is relatively precious, for an advanced level four civilization, an ordinary Apocalypse spacecraft should be nothing.

Apart from the Apocalypse spacecraft, the most valuable thing about him is the remaining star crystals.

But he has never seen anyone from this fourth-level civilization fleet, so they probably don't know how many star crystals they have.

"Is it possible that when I was shopping at Guiyun Star last time, someone from this fourth-level civilization fleet noticed it and wanted to rob the star crystal?"

Lin Yang muttered.

But he soon overturned this idea.

If it was really noticed last time, then he should have been robbed when he left Guiyun Star last time, and he would not have waited until now.

Apart from the Apocalypse spacecraft and star crystals, he really couldn't think of anything else that this fourth-level civilization fleet would care about.

"Mr. Commander, everything is ready as you asked me to prepare." Cang Miao came over and he had already put on his escape protective suit.

"Well, okay..." Lin Yang responded subconsciously, and then as if he suddenly thought of something, he turned to look at Cang Miao, and an unpleasant thought arose in his mind.

Could it be...

Just when Lin Yang's thoughts were rising, the cold voice just now came again:

"Spaceship Apocalypse, open the hatch and hand over the slaves purchased last time on Guiyun Star, and I will let you go."

Lin Yang was shocked!


It’s for Cang Miao!

When Cang Miao heard this, her face changed instantly, and she became a little frightened, and murmured: "Mr. Commander, they...are coming for me, they..."

Before Cang Miao could finish speaking, Lin Yang raised his hand to interrupt him and said in a solemn voice: "Don't be afraid, I won't hand you over!"

"I...I..." Cang Miao wanted to say something.

Lin Yang's eyes flashed, and he instantly understood the reason why this fourth-level civilization fleet member was following him.

Obviously, when he was at the slave market of Guiyun Star last time, this person from the fourth-level civilization fleet should have obtained Cang Miao's information and knew Cang Miao's true identity. He also wanted to buy Cang Miao, but he was He bought Cang Miao first.

Therefore, when this group of people arrived at Guiyun Star, they found that Cang Miao had been bought by him, so they offered a reward for his information and have been trying to track him!

Although they don't know how they found themselves here today, it can all be explained.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang couldn't help but say: "Guiyun Star, were you the ones who destroyed it?"

Gui Yunxing was suddenly destroyed. Either these guys became angry after finding out that Cang Miao had been bought in advance and slaughtered Gui Yunxing in anger to discourage them, or they were trying to keep the news of Cang Miao's appearance completely secret.

In order to completely block the news of the appearance of the Wucang tribe, these guys did not hesitate to silence the entire Guiyun Star!

Whether it is the former or the latter, it is enough to prove that these fourth-level civilization guys will do anything crazy for Cang Miao.

Then, what they just said, letting themselves go after handing over Cang Miao, is pure fart.

He just wanted to give up Cang Miao's excuse.

He estimated that if he handed Cang Miao over one second, he would be killed the next.

"Haha, it seems that you also know the identity of that slave."

The cold voice came again, without admitting or denying, but Lin Yang was instantly sure that Gui Yunxing was the one they massacred.

At the same time, a call request was also directly linked to the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Lin Yang chose to connect.

He wants to see who these guys are!

The next second, the call was connected, and Lin Yang immediately saw the man standing in the front with a golden shield mark between his eyebrows.

At this time, the man who spoke to him was the man with the mark between his eyebrows.

Lin Yang stared at the golden shield mark, a little surprised.

Because the shield mark didn't look like a tattoo or sticker, nor did it look like a birthmark. It looked very three-dimensional and had an indescribable weird feeling.

The man with the mark noticed Lin Yang's gaze and saw Lin Yang staring at the mark between his eyebrows. Not only did he not have any dissatisfaction, but he showed a look of pride, as if he was proud to have this mark, and then stared at Lin Yang and said coldly :

"Since you also know the true identity of that slave, then you should know that neither you nor the civilization behind you have the qualifications and strength to possess it. Hand it over obediently and you can still survive!"

"Haha, really?" Lin Yang looked away and said calmly: "Don't talk nonsense like this. Do you think I am a three-year-old child? For the sake of the Wucang tribe, you did not hesitate to destroy the entire Guiyun Star. Now you will Let me go?"

The imprinted man's eyes changed and became much colder: "Since you also know this, then hand over the slave, and the leader of the group can give you a pleasure, and as long as you do not leak the information to the outside world, the leader of the group can also guarantee that, No attack on your civilization.”

"What if I refuse?" Lin Yang's eyes were dark.

"Haha, little guy, you have no right to refuse!"

The imprinted man smiled disdainfully:

"Of course, if you really refuse, then not only will you die, but this leader will also destroy your entire civilization!"

Speaking of this, the imprinted man paused slightly, stared at Lin Yang, and said calmly:

"You don't need to question the strength of our group. Even if you are alone at the moment, our group can find out where your civilization is!"

As he spoke, he stretched out three fingers and said indifferently: "The leader will give you three seconds to think about it. Either take the initiative to hand it over and you will die, or refuse to hand it over and you die and your civilization will be slaughtered!"

"You only have these two choices!"

"Are these the only two options?"

Lin Yang chuckled lightly, then looked at the man with the mark, showing an inexplicable smile, and said leisurely:

"I'm sorry, but I think I have a third choice!"

"Huh? Third option? What do you mean?" The imprinted man frowned.

This is the second update of four consecutive updates today. We will resume early morning updates in the future. Brothers and sisters, please read more!

If you don’t have time to watch it, please turn to the latest chapter and stay for a while to read the latest chapter. This is very important to Xiaohu, please!

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