A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 259 Please collect Cang Miao’s blood! (Third update)

"The third option is..."

Lin Yang faced the cold gaze of the man with the mark and said:

"If I don't make slaves, I won't die!"

"If you don't make slaves, you won't die?"

Hearing this, the imprinted man sneered as if he had heard some joke: "Little guy, my captain's patience is limited, you'd better not try to provoke!"

After saying that, he stretched out a finger and said coldly: "Okay, I have heard your joke, the leader. Now, you still have one second!"

"One second is enough to say goodbye." Lin Yang smiled slightly, waved at the imprinted man's furious eyes, and then cut off the call.

"Host, the extreme escape mode of the Apocalypse spacecraft has been activated!"

The next second, with a reminder from the system, the Apocalypse spacecraft suddenly shook. The hull was instantly wrapped in a light blue energy shield, and then it exploded at an unprecedented speed and rushed into the depths of the universe.

"Humph, you want to escape? How naive!"

However, when the imprinted man looked at the sudden explosion of the Apocalypse spacecraft, he did not show too much surprise. He just sneered and said: "Interrupt the ultimate escape mode of the Apocalypse spacecraft for my captain!"

"Yes, leader!"

The deputy immediately took command.

Immediately afterwards, the three spacecraft also accelerated instantly and chased towards the Apocalypse spacecraft.

At the same time, a special energy wave erupted from one of the battleships, which was directly pulled on the Apocalypse spacecraft. Then, the entire Apocalypse spacecraft shook again, and its speed suddenly slowed down.

"System, what's going on?"

Inside the Apocalypse spacecraft, Lin Yang was immediately shocked.

"Host, the opponent used an advanced energy traction pulse to forcibly interrupt the ultimate escape mode of the Apocalypse spacecraft."

"What? Can the extreme escape mode be interrupted?" Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

Then, before the system could explain, I heard the cold voice of the imprinted man coming from a distance again:

"Haha, you are such a naive guy. The unique extreme escape mode of the Apocalypse spacecraft is indeed extraordinary, but do you think this captain will be unprepared?"

Following the words, the Apocalypse spacecraft was once again locked by the opponent's battleship weapon system.

Lin Yang's heart sank.

The technological means mastered by this imprinted man are too advanced.

Even the ultimate escape mode of the Apocalypse can be interrupted abruptly.

This is a bit unexpected.

Seeing this, Cang Miao gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Commander, please hand me over. They are here for me. It will be safe if you hand me over."

Lin Yang shook his head directly: "In order to keep your information secret, they destroyed Guiyunxing. Even if they hand you over, they will not let it go."

"Then, then..." Cang Miao stood there, a little unsure of what to do.

"Don't worry, I'll think of a solution." Lin Yang comforted Cang Miao.

Cang Miao fell silent. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said: "Mr. Commander, the effect will be best if I take the blood alive. Please put me down. I can buy you a little time."

"Don't say stupid things. If I hand you over to them now, you will definitely die." Lin Yang shook his head again.

There was no way the other party would let him go just because he handed over Cang Miao.

Handing Cang Miao over now would only mean that Cang Miao would die in vain.

He stopped talking to Cang Miao and started communicating with the system.

At present, we can almost only rely on the system to figure out a solution.

Cang Miao wanted to say something more, but the imprinted man's voice came again:

"Little thing, my captain will give you one last chance to hand over your slaves. I can let your civilization go. Otherwise, my captain will find your civilization, find your relatives and friends, and kill them one by one. Die from all the torture!"

He stared coldly at the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Although the slaves of the Wucang tribe are most effective in extracting blood while they are still alive, corpses are not unusable.

As long as you don't die for too long, the effect won't be much different.

He was losing his patience.

The next moment, the imprinted man directly projected a ten-second countdown number outside the spacecraft and said coldly:

"My captain counts down the number of tens. If you still refuse to hand over the slave within ten breaths, then my captain doesn't mind taking a corpse back."





The man with the mark counted down coldly.

Seeing that the countdown was about to end, Lin Yang couldn't help but ask the system: "System, how is it? Do you think of a way to escape?"

"Host, the current power gap between you and the opponent is too huge. Once the opponent opens fire, you will have no room to resist. This system is speeding up the analysis of escape opportunities. Please wait."

"We're almost running out of time." Lin Yang glanced at the huge countdown projection.

Only the last few seconds remain.

He had no doubt that once the countdown ended, the man with this mark would definitely give the order to fire instantly.

The reason why they didn't attack as soon as they met was just because the other party wanted to get Cang Miao alive as much as possible.

But now, with no chance to capture Cang Miao alive, the opponent definitely has no extra patience to continue to waste it.

The man with the mark himself said that he wouldn't mind taking Cang Miao's body back.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

Cang Miao glanced at the final countdown and said with a guilty look on his face: "Mr. Commander, it's all Cang Miao who has caused you trouble. Thank you for taking care of Cang Miao during this period. Cang Miao can't repay you."

As he spoke, he suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed himself in the heart, while saying:

"Mr. Commander, thank you for never treating Cang Miao as a slave and for teaching Cang Miao training. Cang Miao has no other way to repay you. Cang Miao's blood is the most valuable thing for Cang Miao now. Please command Mr. Guan collects Cang Miao’s blood.”

"Cang Miao! Are you crazy? What are you doing? Stop!!"

Lin Yang was startled for a moment and shouted quickly: "Lin Mu, stop him!"

Lin Mu received the order, but he didn't know how he took action. He just heard a "ding" and the dagger in Cang Miao's hand was shot down to the ground of the ship's cabin with a crisp sound.

Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the wound that Cang Miao only had time to penetrate half an inch into the skin. He glared at Cang Miao and said angrily: "Are you crazy? Okay, why did you commit suicide?"

"Mr. Commander, Cang Miao did not commit suicide. Cang Miao did not want to take advantage of the enemies outside. Although you do not have the conditions to make genetic potions now, you can take Cang Miao's blood. Although it is not as good as genetic potions, it can still be used. Users increase body energy."

Cang Miao explained with a blushing face.

"My heart's blood is the most precious blood in our clan's blood. Without my heart's blood, it will be difficult to refine genetic medicine with the highest efficacy. Cang Miao dedicates my heart's blood to you, and then negotiate terms with those enemies and give You buy some time to escape."

Lin Yang couldn't help but be stunned. Looking at Cang Miao's serious look, the words he originally wanted to scold were put back on his lips and turned into a sigh:

"You don't have to be like this. I'll figure out a way to escape."

Cang Miao opened her mouth slightly and wanted to say something else.

Chapter 3 is here! Please support and vote!

Thanks to the beautiful sister of Zhoujin Road for the reward, I wish her eternal youth and prosperity! I bow to you!

This is the third update of four consecutive updates today. We will resume early morning updates in the future. Brothers and sisters, please read more!

If you don’t have time to watch it, please turn to the latest chapter and stay for a while to read the latest chapter. This is very important to Xiaohu, please!

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