In the cold and silent universe, the broken Apocalypse spacecraft floats slowly.

"Warning, warning! More than 50% of the spacecraft's hull is damaged, multiple power engines are damaged, and the energy is about to be exhausted. It cannot enter the preset cruise and cannot continue sailing. Please ask the spacecraft staff to perform maintenance quickly!"

"Warning, warning! No maintenance personnel have been detected inside the spacecraft. The spacecraft has run out of energy and is about to make an emergency landing on the nearest planet."

Inside the Apocalypse spacecraft, the spacecraft's intelligent system emits a cold mechanical synthesized sound.

After several times in a row, the Apocalypse spacecraft rushed into the nearest planet one second before it ran out of energy.

"Warning, warning! The spacecraft has entered the interior of the planet. Due to exhaustion of energy, the spacecraft cannot land normally. To ensure the safety of the crew, the escape capsule will be ejected in advance!"



Following the mechanical sound of the intelligent system of the Apocalypse spacecraft, two escape capsules popped up one after another.

The Apocalypse spacecraft lost control completely after ejecting the escape capsule and crashed into a canyon at an extremely fast speed.

As the Apocalypse spacecraft hit the ground, a figure wearing a mecha suddenly appeared after the escape capsule ejected, gathering together two escape capsules that had ejected in different directions, and landed in the opposite direction to the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Finally, the mecha figure landed at the foot of a mountain with two escape capsules.


After landing, the mecha's face opened, revealing a yellow-skinned oriental face.

It's the forest trees.

Lin Mu dragged an escape cabin with one hand, found a relatively open and flat place, and put down the two escape cabins.

Then he completely broke away from the mecha and reached out to open the escape hatch.

But at the moment when he was about to press the button, Lin Mu's outstretched fingers paused again, and his head tilted slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

A moment later, a blue light suddenly appeared in Lin Mu's eyes that looked normal. He first scanned the escape cabin, then found a nearby water source and scanned it again. Then he seemed to be recording something, and there was a voice coming from his mouth. out:

"At 2:30 pm on Blue Star Time, the spacecraft made an emergency landing on an unknown planet. Ninety-five percent of the oxygen in the escape cabin remained. It is estimated that it can last for two and a half days. The water source of the unknown planet contains a large number of microorganisms and cannot be drank directly. The air contains The oxygen content is extremely low and is not suitable for human survival. Oxygen supply equipment is required. The overall environment is not suitable for opening the escape cabin immediately."

After recording, Lin Mu glanced at the direction in which the Apocalypse spacecraft fell, and then looked at the two escape cabins, his eyes flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

In the escape cabin, naturally, there were Lin Yang and Cang Miao.

Both of them were in a deep sleep at this time.

But even in a deep sleep state, every breath consumes oxygen in the escape cabin.

The oxygen indicator light is also flashing continuously, showing the real-time consumption changes of oxygen.

Lin Mu watched for a few minutes, then suddenly spread out his arm, and a scanning device emerged from it and scanned the surrounding area. Then a clear beep sounded on the scanning device: "After scanning, no threatening creatures were found nearby."

Upon hearing this prompt, Lin Yang turned to the mecha intelligent system standing beside him and said:

"Mecha No. 6, the escape cabin's oxygen consumption is faster than I originally expected. I must return to the spacecraft and find protective equipment to supply oxygen to Mr. Commander."

"But this place is far away from where the spacecraft crashed. It is estimated that high-speed movement will increase the oxygen consumption of the escape cabin, and may also encounter threatening creatures. In order to avoid accidents, I will now hand over the escape cabin to your protection. I will as soon as possible return!"

The mecha's intelligent system responded immediately: "Okay, Pinnacle Six will defend Mr. Commander's escape cabin to the death, but my energy reserves are insufficient. Please be sure to return in time. I will lose my autonomy in three hours and thirty-six minutes." power."

"Three and a half hours?" Lin Mu estimated the time and said slowly: "I will return within three hours."

"Okay, the Intelligent Guardian Mode of Pinnacle Six Mecha is on. I will not actively attack those who come close to save energy, but I will fight back when attacked."

As the Pinnacle No. 6 Mecha spoke, he stretched out his arms to protect the two escape pods in his arms like a baby.

Lin Mu checked the time with the Pinnacle Six mecha, then turned and rushed towards the canyon where the Apocalypse spacecraft fell.

The Pinnacle No. 6 mecha turned off its main power engine to reduce energy consumption, found a relatively hidden position, and waited there guarding the two escape cabins.

At the same time, shortly after Lin Mu left, not far from where the Pinnacle Six mecha was, several spaceships suddenly appeared and were approaching the location of the Pinnacle Six mecha.

In the main ship of these spaceships, an old man who looked to be about sixty years old was sitting in the main position. Looking at the latest scanning report of the planet, a few rays of surprise appeared in his eyes, and then he turned his head to the side. A man in his twenties or thirties said:

"Li Mu, you did a good job. This newly discovered mineral planet is very rich in resources. If it can be fully exploited and used, our Li clan will not have to worry about it for a hundred years. I will remember you for your great contribution later."

The young man named Li Mu immediately touched Guang's forehead, which had no hair at all, and said with a smile: "Uncle Li Shan, I was lucky enough to find him by chance. You happened to be nearby, so I called you to come over. Check it out.”

Li Shan smiled slightly and said: "It's very good. It can be rated as an S-class mineral planet. Now we just need to confirm that there are no other threats on this planet, and we can start mining."

As he spoke, he looked at a mountain range not far below the spacecraft and said, "The largest rare material mine you mentioned is down here, right?"

"Yes, Uncle Lishan."

"Then let's land and go down to confirm. If there are no problems, contact the tribe and go to the federation to apply for ownership rights to avoid being preempted by others." The old man Lishan said slowly.

When the young man Li Mu heard this, he showed a bit of pain and said: "Uncle Lishan, is it necessary? This planet is so remote that if it weren't for luck, it wouldn't be discovered at all. If you want to go to the Federation to confirm ownership, you have to go to the Federation to confirm ownership. Why don’t we just pay 30% of the entire planet’s mineral resources as certification fees and speed up the mining process?”

Hearing this, Li Shan's eyes instantly became extremely serious: "Li Mu! There is one thing we must keep in mind! The reason why we can develop safely now is all because of the protection of the federation. As a price, we must pay fees to the federation. , is also very necessary, this money cannot be saved under any circumstances!"


Li Mu scratched his bald head again and wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by Li Shan: "This is the principle and the bottom line! If you want to mine the minerals of this planet safely, you must obtain federal certification! It cannot exist There’s no chance!”

"But, Uncle Lishan, there is no one else here at all. I think there is really no need to waste a lot of resources..." Li Mu said weakly.

"Li Mu!"

Li Shan stared into Li Mu's eyes for a moment and said very seriously:

"You think this place is too remote. You were lucky enough to find it by chance. But since you can find it by chance, there is no guarantee that others will not find it by chance. You must remember that in the infinite universe, anything with a small probability can happen. If it happens, there must be no trickery!"

"We must fear the universe!"

"Yes, uncle, I remember..."

After being scolded, Li Mu didn't dare to reply, and was about to say that he had remembered.

But before he could finish his words, a piercing siren suddenly sounded on the spacecraft.

"Alert! An unknown mecha and two suspected escape cabin devices have been detected in the target landing area!"

Along with the sound of sirens, images are also transmitted.

The mecha affected was none other than the Peak No. 6 mecha.


Looking at the Pinnacle No. 6 mecha that appeared in the scanned image, Li Shan's expression suddenly changed.

Li Mu's eyes widened instantly, looking at the image transmitted in disbelief.

He had just vowed that there could be no other people here, but in the blink of an eye, he was slapped in the face!

Looking at the sharp-looking mecha in the image, the entire cabin became silent.

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