A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 262: Li Clan Civilization, Leaving and Returning

At the same time, just when the battleship of Li Shan and others scanned the Pinnacle No. 6 mecha.

The Pinnacle No. 6 mecha also noticed the other party's existence.

In an instant, the main power engine that had just been extinguished was reloaded, and the Pinnacle No. 6 mecha suddenly raised its head, looking at the approaching battleship with a red light in its eyes. At the same time, it moved the two escape hatches under its body and made a move. Battle preparation.

On the battleship, Li Shan and others came to their senses instantly when they saw the pinnacle-6 mecha's eyes emitting red light and aiming at the battleship.

Li Shan stared at the Pinnacle No. 6 mecha for a moment and couldn't help but say: "This mecha seems to be an autonomous power combat mecha. Judging from its design, it seems that it is not an ordinary mecha. It feels better than the most advanced Li-type mecha in our clan." A is more high-end."

"Ah? Is it more advanced than the Li-type mecha?" Li Mu was instantly shocked.

"Well, although I can't tell what level of mecha it is, my feeling should be right."

Li Shan nodded, and then glanced at Li Mu: "You just said that no one else would discover this place, and now other existences have appeared. Do you know that you are wrong?"

Li Mu blushed instantly and muttered: "I know I was wrong, Uncle Li Shan."

"If you know you made a mistake, you should correct it. I just said that you should fear the universe. I hope you can remember the lesson I learned this time for the rest of your life."

Li Shan nodded slightly, then looked at the Peak No. 6 mecha again.

Li Mu nodded sharply and asked, "Uncle Li Shan, what should we do now?"

"Let's try communicating first. It seems to be guarding the two escape cabins. There should be someone in the escape cabin."

As Li Shan spoke, he stopped the battleship temporarily and shouted to the Pinnacle 6 mecha through special equipment: "Hello, smart mecha, we are a Li clan civilization under the Tianji Federation Empire. It seems that the spaceship where you are and the The crew member suffered an accident, do you need help?"

However, there was no response from the Pinnacle Six mecha.

This made Li Shan ponder for a moment, and then said: "Intelligent mecha, this is a resource planet discovered by our clan. Our clan has reported it to the Tianji Federation Empire. This is our clan's territory. Where you are, there is our clan." Important minerals, our clan needs to land to mine, if you don’t need help and are not hostile, please move, thank you for your cooperation."

As he spoke, one of the battleships began to approach and land tentatively.

There was still no response from the Pinnacle Six mecha.

This made Li Shan frown: "Smart mecha, if you don't get out of the way, our clan will regard it as an infringement of our territory, and our clan will have the right to expel you!"

The pinnacle No. 6 mecha was still motionless.

Upon seeing this, Li Shan did not attack immediately. Instead, he scanned the escape cabin again and said again:

"Intelligent mecha, we have detected that there are people alive in the escape capsule you are carrying, but the environment of this planet is not suitable for survival. If your spacecraft has crashed and no other rescue can come, they will wait until the oxygen in the escape capsule is exhausted. Death is certain, but we can provide rescue to the people in the escape cabin."

Peak No. 6 mecha is still indifferent

Li Shan frowned and tried to get the smart mecha to respond by offering words of rescue, but unexpectedly there was still no response.

Seeing this, Li Mu on the side said: "Uncle Li Shan, this mecha should have been ordered to protect the escape capsule before the spacecraft crashed."

"Normally, the escape pods will automatically open after they eject and land safely, but these two escape pods obviously encountered an accident after ejecting and did not open on their own. And this mecha will definitely open before receiving new instructions. The escape pod will not be handed over."

Li Shan frowned and nodded: "It looks like this."

"It's a pity that the people in the escape cabin probably didn't expect that there would be an accident in the escape cabin. As a result, they are now in a coma and cannot give new instructions to the mecha. They will be suffocated to death in the escape cabin." Li Mu sighed.

"This is going to be difficult."

Li Shan also sighed:

"The intelligent system of this mecha obviously knows that the external environment is not suitable for survival, so it does not dare to open the escape hatch actively."

"But there is no way to rescue them without opening the escape cabin. Without rescue, these two people will not wake up. If they don't wake up, they can't give new release instructions to the mecha. We can only let the mecha guard the escape cabin and wait for the oxygen to run out. Died, trapped in an endless cycle.”

"Uncle Lishan, what should we do now? Do you want to try attacking the mecha and rescue people?" Li Mu asked.

"Not very good." Li Shan shook his head, "This mecha is more powerful than our high-end Li type mecha. Once a war breaks out, it will be difficult for us to withstand its firepower. Even if we can barely withstand it, we will still be damaged. It's hard to say. We have to lose several spaceships. The price is too high and we cannot afford it."

"Okay, now we can only hope that the people in the escape cabin wake up before the oxygen runs out." Li Mu said no more.

Li Shan nodded: "Either I hope that the mecha's energy will be exhausted before the oxygen is exhausted, otherwise there is really nothing we can do."

Even if they wanted to save people, it would be difficult for them to do so now.

After all, we are still strangers.

There was no way they could forcefully rescue people from the mecha at the cost of losing several spaceships.

"Let's go elsewhere to mine resources first. This mecha doesn't look like it will take the initiative to attack. It should be in some kind of guard mode and will only fight back against attackers. Let's wait and see. If the mecha has more energy than the escape cabin If the oxygen is used up first, we will rescue them; otherwise, we can only say that they are both out of luck."

Afterwards, Li Shan observed again and asked other mining spacecraft to avoid the mecha and continue working.

"Uncle Lishan, since this mecha is very high-end, when it runs out of energy, can we take it back and study it?" Li Mu stared at the Pinnacle No. 6 mecha and kept looking at it.

"Well, a rare high-end mecha." Li Shan nodded and said immediately:

"By the way, send two teams to search nearby to see if they can find the crashed spaceship. Since the other party has such a high-end mecha, maybe the civilization level is higher than ours. If we can find the crashed spacecraft, it will be a great help to us. The improvement of spacecraft technology is also very beneficial.”

"Okay, uncle." Li Mu responded immediately.

Li Shan stared at the Pinnacle Six Mecha and tried to communicate several times, expressing his willingness to rescue for free, but he could not get a response from the Pinnacle Six Mecha.

Time passed little by little, and three hours passed unknowingly.

The light of the power engine of the Pinnacle No. 6 mecha also began to dim.

Seeing this, Li Shan's face showed a bit of joy: "It seems that the energy of this mecha will be exhausted first."

"The people in the escape cabin are lucky. If they meet us, they will be saved." Li Mu laughed.

"Well, go get ready and save people later," Li Shan said.

"Okay, uncle, I was ready just now." Li Mu chuckled.

"You kid..." Li Shan laughed and was about to speak.

But the next moment, the alarm sounded again in the spacecraft.

"An unknown creature has been detected approaching at a high speed, please pay attention!"

This alarm instantly changed the expressions of Li Shan and Li Mu.

"Are there other unknown creatures?"

The two couldn't help but look at each other.

Then, before they could react, they saw a figure appearing in front of the spacecraft, standing next to the Pinnacle Six Mecha, staring at their spaceship.

It is the forest trees that come back again.

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