Lin Mu stared at the warships, with a series of data that only he could see flashing rapidly in his eyes to analyze the situation between the enemy and ourselves.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the forest trees, Li Shan and Li Mu were stunned for a moment.

Neither of them expected that there were other living people here!

But the next moment, Li Shan stared at the forest for a moment, as if he had discovered something, and suddenly said:

"No, he shouldn't be a human. He doesn't even wear protective clothing, but he can move freely outside. This should be an advanced intelligent mechanical creature!"

Hearing this, Li Mu next to him was instantly startled: "Uncle, what did you say? He is a mechanical creature? How is this possible?"

He looked at Lin Mu in disbelief. He looked clearly like a living person. How could he be a robot?

Li Shan ignored him and said to Lin Mu: "Your Majesty the Intelligent Mechanical Creature, we do not mean any harm. This is our clan's resource territory. I think your companions may need rescue, and we can provide help."

Lin Mu's eyes flickered, as if he was analyzing the credibility of Li Shan's words.

Seeing this, Li Shan immediately followed up and said, "Your Majesty the Intelligent Mechanical Creature, you must have just returned to the crash site of the spacecraft to find protective equipment for your companions, right?"

Lin Mu didn't answer.

Li Shan continued: "But obviously, you don't seem to have found any available protective equipment, and this planet is extremely remote. Even if there is protective equipment, it is difficult to leave here without a spaceship. Why don't you follow us back to our clan first?" Save your comrades."

Hearing this, Lin Mu started to think.

Li Shan was right. He had indeed failed to obtain protective equipment on the Apocalypse spacecraft just now.

Although most of the Apocalypse spacecraft was damaged, the most critical rooms were locked, and he could not enter without permission.

So, he came back empty-handed.

If they did not accept Li Shan's assistance, Lin Yang and Cang Miao would have no choice but to die when the oxygen in the escape cabin ran out.

Among all his instructions, Lin Yang is the most important, and everything must be calculated with the priority of protecting Lin Yang.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Lin Mu decided to accept Lishan's rescue.

Seeing Lin Mu accept the rescue, he left the mountain and landed the spacecraft, allowing Lin Mu to enter the main ship with two escape capsules, and the mecha that lost energy entered the cargo warehouse.

"Your Excellency Intelligent Robot, your companion seems to have been injured and needs treatment."

After entering the spacecraft, Lin Mu opened the escape capsule, but Lin Yang and Cang Miao still did not wake up.

Li Shan could tell at a glance that the two of them might have suffered some internal injuries, and immediately offered to send them to the infirmary for treatment.


Lin Mu secretly scanned the physical conditions of Lin Yang and Cang Miao, and immediately sent them to the ship's infirmary for treatment.

Lin Yang felt like he was wrapped in a dark space and couldn't find an exit at all.

After an unknown amount of time, a ray of light suddenly shined through the dark space.

This ray of light quickly became dazzling from weak to strong, from far to near, and the entire dark space was torn apart.

When the extremely dazzling light enveloped him, Lin Yang felt a stinging pain in his eyes and subconsciously closed his eyes to avoid it. When he opened his eyes again to check the situation, he found that he was lying in a bright room.

The fluorescent lamp in the room is above my head.

"here it is……"

Lin Yang was in a daze for a moment and couldn't help but look at the situation in the room.

He vaguely remembered that he was on the Apocalypse spacecraft before, but this didn't look like the room on the Apocalypse spacecraft.

But when he tried to remember, his head stung, causing him to scream in pain.

But just after the sting passed, memories of the past came flooding back.

He intercepted and killed Soman's expeditionary fleet, and then the Apocalypse spacecraft was intercepted by the strong men of the fourth-level civilization, who asked him to hand over Cang Miao, and finally spent all the national treasures to make a space jump. The various scenes were in his mind. As soon as it emerges.

Just when Lin Yang was sorting out the memory information despite his headache, the door to the room was pushed open and two people walked in.

Lin Yang saw a familiar figure at a glance.


Lin Yang was a little surprised when he saw Lin Mu appearing.

"Mr. Commander, you're awake!" Lin Mu stepped forward and saw that Lin Yang had recovered, and his expression became relaxed.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded, intending to ask what happened after the Apocalypse spacecraft made the jump, but saw another person with a bare forehead in the room and refrained from asking.

As if aware of his gaze, the bald-headed young man took the initiative and said: "Hello, my name is Li Mu, this is my clan's medical room. My uncle and I discovered the escape of you and your companions on our resource and mineral planet. The cabin, with the permission of your intelligent robot companion, rescued you."

Lin Yang heard this and looked at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and quickly explained what happened.

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Li Mu, for your help." Lin Yang solemnly thanked him.

"You're welcome. We will all encounter accidents and difficulties while living in the universe. We should help each other." Li Mu chuckled, appearing extremely sincere.

These words made Lin Yang a little confused.

In the universe, help each other?


Something doesn't seem right?

In the universe, cruelty is the truth.

The words of helping each other...

No matter how you listen to it, it feels a bit weird.

This is different from the laws of survival of the universe that he knows.

He wanted to ask what the situation was, but he suppressed it and asked instead: "Where is my other companion?"

He was naturally referring to Cang Miao.

"Don't worry, your companion is next door to you. He was hit much more seriously than you. It is estimated that it will take two hours to wake up." Li Mu replied.

"Impact?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Yes, your spaceship probably suffered an impact when it crashed and fell, but don't worry, you have already been treated. There is no other serious problem." Li Mu said again.

"Thank you." Lin Yang thanked him again, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

Have you treated Cang Miao?

Wouldn't it be necessary to discover that Cang Miao's blood recovery speed is five times that of normal people?

If word gets out...

He was a little worried, but just looking at Li Mu's expression, he found that the other party didn't seem to notice this incident.

Lin Yang was confused, but he couldn't ask directly.

Seeing this, Li Mu suddenly took the initiative and said: "Just wake up, Your Excellency. You must have just woken up and you should have something to say to your companions. Then I won't disturb your rest for now. If necessary, you can call I."

After saying that, he took the initiative to exit the room, showing his interest.

This made Lin Yang a little stunned.

Not only did what the other party said go against the laws of survival of the universe that he knew, but he was still so polite now.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Mu.

At this time, he urgently needed to know what happened after the Apocalypse spacecraft made the jump?

First of all, I would like to thank the beautiful sister from Zhoujin Road for the 500-coin reward. I wish you eternal youth and prosperity. I bow to you!

Secondly, I'm sorry, Xiaohu has something wrong with his health. He was delayed in going to the hospital for a check-up today. I will make up for it in the third update tomorrow!

I’d like to apologize to everyone!

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