"Mr. Commander, God..." Lin Mu opened his mouth, ready to tell Lin Yang about the situation.

Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand and interrupted him: "I'm a little bored. Let's go out and take a breath."

Of course he is not really bored, but there must be surveillance and listening equipment in the room.

Although this Li clan civilization saved him, it is necessary to maintain basic vigilance.

After waiting outside, Lin Yang asked Lin Mu to explain the situation again.

At the same time, he called the system twice more, but there was no response from the system.

This is why he asked Lin Mu to tell the story.

When he woke up, he called the system immediately, but unfortunately the system did not respond.

Lin Yang guessed that the forced space jump may have had a certain impact on the system.

I just don’t know how long this effect will last.

Lin Mu said slowly: "Mr. Commander, after the Apocalypse spacecraft made the jump, something went wrong. It collided with something unknown, and there was a violent impact. You fell into a coma under the impact. In the past, Cang Miao protected you and passed out after entering the escape cabin."

"Not long after I put him in the escape capsule, the spacecraft had a second collision. The entire Apocalypse spacecraft was seriously damaged. Then I don't know whether it reached the preset jump location or was forced to exit the jump midway. etc. It appeared in this star field after the collision."

"The Apocalypse spacecraft crashed into a resource mineral planet of the Li civilization before it ran out of energy. Then it was discovered by Li Mu and they provided rescue. Now we are in their city."

Lin Mu told Lin Yang about what he knew after the Apocalypse spacecraft began to jump, and told Lin Yang one by one about Li Mu and others' discovery of the escape capsule and his return to the Apocalypse spacecraft in an unsuccessful attempt to find protective clothing.

After hearing what Lin Mu said, Lin Yang frowned: "There was a collision after the jump? More than once?"

"Yes, there were two collisions in total. The first one lasted for about fifteen seconds, and the second one lasted for nearly half a minute. The interval between the two collisions was less than a minute." Lin Mu replied.

"Don't you know what the collision was?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Sorry, Mr. Commander, I tried to detect it at that time, but it couldn't be scanned at all." Lin Mu said apologetically.

"It's not your fault."

Lin Yang sighed, it was incredible that space jumps would actually collide.

Then, he lowered his voice and asked, "Then what's going on with this Li Clan?"

He was a little confused.

Although he has only been to the universe twice, it has made him see the cruelty in the universe.

Normally, this person from a separate civilization found himself in an escape cabin with Cang Miao, and there was only a mecha guarding him whose energy was about to run out. Even though their strength at the time was not enough to deal with the firepower of the Pinnacle Six mecha, in the end The approach that complies with the laws of survival in the universe should be to wait for the mecha to run out of energy, then capture the mecha as a trophy, destroy his and Cang Miao's escape cabins, and capture the forest.

But not only did this person from the Li clan civilization not do that, he actually said what he just said about how we should help each other to make a living in the universe.

This is shocking.

Yes, shocking.

For those who have seen the cruel laws of survival in the universe, this statement is really shocking.

In this regard, Lin Mu also showed doubts and said: "Sorry, Mr. Commander, I haven't figured this out yet."

"What is their technological level?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Probably between the peak of level two and the beginning of level three." Lin Mu replied.

"That's not a big threat to us." Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

He didn't want to judge a gentleman with a villain's heart, but this was really abnormal and he had to be cautious.

"Yes, Mr. Commander, although the Apocalypse was severely damaged, there are still a large number of peak technological weapons left over from the last battle. If the weapons can be taken out, the entire Li clan civilization should be unable to resist." Lin Mu replied.

Lin Yang nodded slightly: "Is the Apocalypse spacecraft still at the crash point?"

"Yes, we have just returned to their city not long ago, and we haven't had time to salvage and repair the Apocalypse spacecraft," Lin Mu said.

Hearing this, Lin Yang asked the most important question: "So, what about Cang Miao? When they treated Cang Miao, they should have discovered that Cang Miao's hematopoietic speed was abnormal, right? Did they show any abnormalities?"

Maybe this Li clan civilization person doesn't know about the Wucang clan, but the fact that hematopoiesis speed is five times faster than normal people, once some news is spread, someone with care may be able to judge.

"Mr. Commander, they did not express any surprise at Cang Miao's abnormal hematopoietic speed." Lin Mu replied.

"Didn't you show any surprise?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Yes, after the treatment, they just expressed emotion at Cang Miao's strong body, saying that if a normal person suffered the same impact, all the internal organs in the body might rupture, but Cang Miao did not suffer too serious internal injuries."

Lin Mu relayed to Lin Yang the situation of Cang Miao's treatment by the people who left the clan.

"This is still strange." Lin Yang couldn't help but muttered, and then asked: "How far is it from the Milky Way?"

"Sorry, Mr. Commander, I did not find any relevant information about the Milky Way in their system. The entire Li clan civilization seems to be in another extremely remote area in the universe. There is no information about the Milky Way in their known star fields. exist."

"Oh..." Lin Yang was not too surprised when he heard this.

After all, this Li clan civilization is only a third-level primary civilization at most. Such strength is not strong in the universe, or it is very weak. It does not have the qualifications and technology to completely detect the entire universe.

If it is at the other end of the Milky Way in the opposite direction, it is normal that the Milky Way cannot be explored.

"It seems that we need to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft as soon as possible and go to other technological civilizations to find the direction home." Lin Yang said.

"Mr. Commander, I think you can go to the Tianji Federal Empire. The entire Li clan civilization is attached to the Tianji Federal Empire. According to my analysis, the Tianji Federal Empire is at least a third-level peak technological civilization. They may have something to do with it. Information about the Milky Way.”

Lin Mu told another piece of news.

Although he had just arrived at the planet of the Li clan civilization from the resource planet, Lin Mu had already gathered a lot of information.

For example, the Tianji Federal Empire has at least a dozen weaker civilizations attached to it, but different civilizations attached to the Tianji Federal Empire are not allowed to plunder each other.

Moreover, if you find an unowned resource planet, you can also report it to the Tianji Federation Empire. After reporting, you can become the lord of the new resource planet by handing over 30% of the total resources of the resource planet, and the planet information will be recorded in the Tianji Federation Within the system, it is protected by the imperial laws of the Tianji Federation. If it is invaded, the Tianji Federation Empire will also provide force protection.

It can be said that this place is very different from the other cosmic civilizations Lin Yang came into contact with twice before.

The dark laws of the universe don't seem to be very effective here.

So when Li Shan and Li Mu saw Lin Yang's escape cabin, their first thought was rescue, not killing and seizing the mecha.

Lin Yang was greatly surprised by this information.

Because, it sounds like a utopia here.

Compared to other cruel places, the beauty here is a bit unreal.

"Tianji Federation..."

Lin Yang was suddenly curious about what the Tianji Federation was like.

"By the way, Mr. Commander, there is one more thing I need to report to you." Lin Mu suddenly said again.

"whats the matter?"

"Mr. Commander, after we arrived here, they replenished energy for the Pinnacle Six Mecha. They said that the Pinnacle Six Mecha was the most powerful mecha they had ever seen. They hoped to let them study it, but I don't have the authority to agree. , your authorization is needed." Lin Yang said.

"Want to study the Peak Six Mecha?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, "And you specifically replenished the energy for the Peak Six Mecha?"

"Yes." Lin Mu nodded.

"Since they can see how powerful the Pinnacle Six Mecha is, they should also know that with sufficient energy, the Firepower of the Pinnacle Six Mecha is enough to destroy their planet, but they actually gave it back to the Pinnacle Six Mecha Full of energy?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

This person who lives away from civilization is too courageous.

If they are not good people and let the Pinnacle Six mecha fire at them and rob them of their supplies, what should they do?

"Mr. Commander, according to my analysis, the reason why they charge the Pinnacle Six Mecha and are not worried about being attacked by the Pinnacle Six Mecha is probably because they belong to the Tianji Empire Federation, and they may not be the opponents of the Pinnacle Six Mecha. , but Tianji Federation will reinforce them, so they have no worries in this regard." Lin Mu said.

Lin Yang's eyes flashed: "It seems that they really have full trust in the Tianji Federation Empire."

"Yes, Mr. Commander, this model is a bit like the relationship between the countries and provinces of your home planet. Everyone has full trust in the Tianji Federation Empire." Lin Mu added.

"It's really unique." Lin Yang breathed out and stopped asking about the Li clan civilization. Instead, he asked: "Is the planet where the Apocalypse spacecraft crashed far from here?"

Although it sounds wonderful here, you still have to be prepared to take precautions in an unfamiliar star field.

According to Lin Mu, although the Apocalypse spacecraft crashed and more than half of its hull was damaged during the collision, there are still many peak weapons left.

Lin Yang wanted to go to the crash site of the Apocalypse spacecraft and get some pinnacle technological weapons with him.

No matter at any time and anywhere, powerful firepower is the real guarantee of safety.

"Mr. Commander, Li Mu said before that if you want to go to the resource planet to repair the spacecraft, they can also provide help." Lin Mu reminded.

"Oh...are they still willing to provide resources to help repair the Apocalypse spacecraft?" Lin Yang blinked.

"Yes, that's what Li Mu said before." Lin Mu nodded.

"This is really friendly and a bit dreamy." Lin Yang muttered.

Suddenly, a clear voice came: "Your Excellency Lin Yang, Your Excellency Lin Mu, your companion is awake. My brother asked me to tell you."

Lin Yang couldn't help but turn around and saw a little girl who looked about five or six years old, with double ponytails and a light blue princess dress, trotting and shouting at them.

"Who is your brother..." Lin Yang asked subconsciously.

"My name is Li Li, and my brother is Li Mu, the one with the big bald head." The little girl answered simply, and smiled at them, revealing two small tiger teeth and two shallow dimples.

A pair of big watery eyes stared at him and Lin Mu, seeming to be very curious about them, not afraid of anything at all.

Lin Yang suddenly felt that this little girl was very cute and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Lili, thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome, please go back quickly." Xiao Lili smiled again, then turned around and ran away.

"Okay, here we come." Lin Yang responded without talking to Lin Mu anymore and walked back quickly.

Cang Miao woke up, which was undoubtedly good news.

When he and Lin Mu returned to the medical room, Cang Miao was sitting for examination.

When Li Mu saw them coming back, he couldn't help but sigh: "Your Excellencies, this companion of yours is really strong. He originally estimated that it would take two hours to wake up, but he didn't expect that it would only be ten minutes later. He has already woken up, and now we will give him a final check. If there is no problem, you can rest assured."

"Thank you, I really caused trouble for you." Lin Yang thanked him and then looked at Cang Miao.

This kid really doesn't look like there's anything wrong with him.

When Cang Miao saw that he was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Commander, you're fine."

When the Apocalypse spacecraft had just entered the jump and suffered the first impact, Lin Yang was unconscious. He was also frightened.

Lin Yang shook his head and said he was fine, allowing him to undergo the examination with peace of mind.

Soon, Cang Miao's inspection ended.

everything is normal!

"Wow, this is incredible. After suffering such an impact, he recovered so quickly. His physique is simply amazing."

Li Mu couldn't help but marvel again.

"Thanks to your timely rescue, if it had been delayed for two days, maybe it wouldn't have been like this." Lin Yang took the initiative to see that Cang Miao didn't know how to answer the question.

"Haha, Your Excellency, you are so polite. The main reason is that this Excellency is physically strong." Li Mu emphasized again.

Later, Li Mu once again offered to let them communicate first and prepare to leave first, but this time Lin Yang said: "Your Excellency Li Mu, I just heard Lin Mu say that you want to study our mechas, right?"

Hearing this, Li Mu paused, nodded and said, "Yes, but Mr. Lin Mu said that he does not have the authority and needs to wait for your authorization. It's just that you have just woken up. This matter can be discussed a few days later. There is no rush."

Seeing Li Mu being so polite, Lin Yang immediately smiled and said, "The nobles have been kind to us. If you want to research mechas, I can authorize you."

"Really? Thank you so much, Your Excellency!" Li Mu was pleasantly surprised.

"You're welcome, we are the ones who should say thank you." Lin Yang waved his hand and followed: "Sir Li Mu, I want to return to the crash site of our spaceship. I don't know when is the convenient time?"

"You want to go back to repair the spaceship, right? There is no problem with that. Tomorrow we will have a new mining spacecraft to go to the resource planet for mining. Then you can go together." Li Mu replied immediately.

"Tomorrow? Then please make arrangements for us." Lin Yang nodded and said.

"You're welcome, then you guys have a rest first. I'm going to tell my uncle and the others the good news, and arrange the spaceship for you tomorrow. If my uncle and the others know that you are willing to let us study that mecha, they will definitely thank you very much. "Li Mu said impatiently.

Looking at Li Mu's hurried away figure, Lin Yang's eyes moved slightly.

This kind of friendliness is really a bit unreal.

Two chapters in one, no less updates

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