The next day.

Lin Yang and the others followed Lizu's mining spacecraft and returned to the planet where the Apocalypse spacecraft crashed, and successfully arrived at the crash point of the Apocalypse spacecraft.

"The damage was so serious..."

The extent of damage to the Apocalypse spacecraft was a bit beyond Lin Yang's imagination.

There were many damaged areas in the hull, and there were two large holes penetrated in the main ship room.

"Did it get hit? Are you sure it wasn't bombarded by the fleet of that Level 4 civilization guy during the jump?"

Looking at the two big holes, it was hard for Lin Yang to imagine what he had hit to make him look like this.

With the protective power of the Apocalypse spacecraft, even if it is hit by a destroyer cannon a few times, it will be difficult to blow out such a big hole.

Lin Mu replied: "Mr. Commander, the jump was initiated instantly. The fleet of the fourth-level civilization had no time to react. They were all hit after the jump."

"That's really strange. Even if there is an accident in the space jump, it will only deviate from the destination point, or be squeezed out by the wormhole, ending the jump early. I have never heard of something being hit during the jump."

Lin Yang was very puzzled as to why he hit something during the jump.

It was just this question that Lin Mu obviously couldn't answer.

Lin Yang had no choice but to suppress his doubts and walked inside the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Although the situation inside is slightly better, it is still messy, but fortunately, several warehouses are still intact.

"Spaceship Apocalypse, open the cargo bay."

Lin Yang spoke directly.

Lin Mu had no authority to enter before, but he was different.

He has the highest authority in the entire Apocalypse spacecraft.

"Detected Mr. Commander's command, start verification..."

"Verification passed."

"Dear Mr. Commander, welcome back to the Apocalypse spacecraft. The Apocalypse spacecraft is currently seriously damaged and its energy has been exhausted. Please send someone to repair it as soon as possible, Mr. Commander."

The intelligent system of the Apocalypse spacecraft issued a reminder.

Lin Yang first checked the situation in the warehouse and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing inside was damaged.

As long as the peak technology weapons do not suffer too much loss, safety will be adequately guaranteed.

In this strange place, although the entire Li clan behaved extremely friendly, Lin Yang always felt uneasy and needed to have weapons close by to feel at ease.

As for repairs…

"The degree of damage exceeds 50%, and two power engines are also damaged. The difficulty of repairing this is probably only a little less than rebuilding a ship." Lin Yang sighed.

"Mr. Commander, the people from the Li clan said they can help repair some of them, but the engine materials and other key parts are not available in their clan. They may need to go to the Tianji Federation Empire to buy them," Lin Mu said.

When they were rescued and returned to the Li clan, the people from the Li clan also tested the situation of the Apocalypse spacecraft.

After all, the Lizu civilization is just an ordinary civilization, and the Apocalypse spacecraft is a high-end spacecraft. The materials for the more important parts are not available in the Lizu.

In fact, Li Mu also told Lin Yang about this when he came here.

Said that they can try their best to repair it, first restore the Apocalypse spacecraft to a certain navigation ability, and then drive the spacecraft to the Tianji Federal Empire to let the people of the Tianji Federal Empire conduct a comprehensive repair.

In response, Lin Yang said: "They don't seem to recognize the Apocalypse spacecraft, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Commander." Lin Mu nodded.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Lin Yang suddenly asked.

"Strange?" Lin Mu looked confused.

"Although the Li tribe is an ordinary civilization, it is about to become a third-level civilization. Moreover, the Tianji Federation Empire is at least a third-level peak civilization. The Li tribe civilization often maintains friendly ties with the Tianji Federal Empire. So what do they say? It’s not like they can’t recognize that the Pinnacle-6 mecha is a technological product of Pinnacle Technology Civilization, and it’s also unlikely that they can’t recognize the Apocalypse spacecraft.”

Lin Yang's eyes flashed: "But judging from their performance, they just think that the Pinnacle Six mecha is a high-end mecha, and the Apocalypse spaceship is just a high-end spaceship. Isn't this strange?"

"You mean..." Lin Mu began to think quickly.

"Mr. Commander, do you mean to say that even though this is a remote place in the universe, since the Tianji Federation Empire is at least the third level of peak civilization, they must have their own peak technological weapons, so how far away The people of the tribe must have seen the pinnacle technological weapons in the Tianji Federation Empire, so they shouldn’t be unable to recognize the pinnacle-6 mecha, right?" Cang Miao suddenly said on the side.

Lin Yang looked at him and nodded slightly: "Yes, since they often communicate with the Tianji Federation Empire, rather than a single civilization that has never been in contact with other advanced civilizations, it is impossible not to recognize the Pinnacle 6 mecha and the Apocalypse spacecraft Yes, but he looks like he doesn’t recognize him, which is really weird.”

Cang Miao replied instantly: "Mr. Commander, do you suspect that they are faking it?"

"No, that's not the case." Lin Yang shook his head, "Li Mu's reaction doesn't seem to be fake, especially when I agreed to let them study the Peak 6 Mecha, those Li Clan technicians The surprise on the face and the subconscious reaction should not be faked."

He was certain of this.

The reactions of Li Mu and others really didn't look like they could be faked.

First of all, there is no need for them to pretend.

Secondly, it is impossible for the whole family to pretend from top to bottom.

"What do you mean?" Cang Miao was also a little confused.

"I can't tell, it feels weird anyway." Lin Yang shook his head again.

Although he felt that there must be something wrong here, the information he knew now was too little, and he couldn't tell what was strange about it.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Cang Miao asked.

"First try to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft, and then we go to the Tianji Federation Empire to see if we can find some more useful information." Lin Yang said.

Since the Li Clan is full of weirdness, let’s go and have a look at the larger Tianji Federation Empire.

"Are you going to repair the Apocalypse spaceship?" Cang Miao asked again.

"No! Let's use another spaceship to go." Lin Yang shook his head directly.

The Lizu is weird here, and they can't recognize the Apocalypse spaceship, but it's unlikely that the Tianji Federation Empire won't recognize it, right?

It would be too risky to fly the Apocalypse ship.

He was going to buy an ordinary spaceship from Lizu.

"Buying a spaceship with the Li clan?" Cang Miao was startled.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

There are still many star crystals in the warehouse.

He planned to take out the star crystal to buy it and see the reaction of the Li clan members.

Lin Yang then made arrangements:

"Cang Miao, since the Li clan is now willing to help repair part of the Apocalypse spacecraft, then you can stay in the Apocalypse spacecraft. There are a large number of peak technological weapons here, and safety is guaranteed. If something unexpected happens, you can leave in the Apocalypse spacecraft. Lin Mu and I went to the Tianji Federation Empire to check out the situation."

Cang Miao also understood that when he went to the Tianji Federation Empire, someone might recognize his identity, and immediately said: "Cang Miao understands, so please be careful."

"Yeah." Lin Yang responded and directly gave some permissions to the Cangmiao Apocalypse spaceship. Then he and Lin Mu returned to the Li clan and found Li Mu who expressed his intention to buy a spaceship.

Hearing that Lin Yang wanted to buy a spaceship to go to the Tianji Federation Empire, Li Mu couldn't help but said:

"Your Excellency Lin Yang, you are too polite. If you want to go to the Tianji Federation Empire, we can take you on the way. There is no need to buy extra. If you just buy a spaceship just to go to the Tianji Federation Empire, it would be too wasteful. ”

"And your spaceship is so badly damaged that it will cost a lot of money to buy materials from the Tianji Federation Empire to repair it. There is no need to waste money on buying a spaceship."

Lin Yang understood what Li Mu meant and was worried that they didn't have enough money to spend. He immediately took out some star crystals and said, "Sir Li Mu, although I don't have your local currency, this should be okay, right?"

"This is……"

Seeing the star crystal, Li Mu was startled for a moment, then his eyes widened slightly, and he blurted out a new term: "Is this... a star diamond?"

The word "Star Diamond" came out of Li Mu's mouth, instantly making Lin Yang freeze on the spot.

What is this thing called Li Mu Guan?

Star Diamond?

Sorry, Xiaohu has been really not in good health these past two days. The chapters he owes will be made up within a week!

ps: Thank you to Brother Traveler on Meteor, Brother 20231208135825971, Brother 20240309952934, Brother 20240309952934, for the rewards. The three brothers have spent a lot of money. I wish you all a fortune and I bow to you!

Thank you brothers and sisters for your support, please take care of yourself!

Shamelessly asking for votes...

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